
The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse

What makes a demon lord a demon lord? Does power make one a Demon Lord? Fame? The power to lead others? What is it? Being the Demon King means being myself. And if my subordinates are threatened, I shall retaliate with destruction. It doesn't matter if I'm up against fate or providence, that is what it means to be the Demon King. Follow my story, as I go from Zero to being an All Powerful God. Just a warning, I might kill a few of your favorite characters.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


"There is a chance that a human known as Daniel is the reincarnation of the demon lord." At a round table, the wizard King Academy elders sat, looking at the head of the table.

"What Ainz didn't have such a power." Hannah's master said with a frown, she was the fire dragon, Veronica. the best fire mage of the academy.

"Indeed, but how else do we explain what happened? we were drawn away, they rubbed us clean of everything... then again, Daniel might not be the reincarnation of Ainz, and one of the students Amon took is him. Amon was always different from other demons, he took after his father, so I can see his thinking capability changing." the Wizard king, the strongest mage of this world spoke. he was the student of Merlin, Merlin being one of the heroes who took down Ainz.

"i'm going to save Blitz," Veronica said hating the fact no one was talking about the person who was taken away. who knew what hell and suffering she was going through right now.

"You know the sword of Oblivion is there. out of all regions of the demon realm, that is the most dangerous spot. thats not add the fact Daniel might be Ainz so he can draw upon the full power of that sword." the Wizard King said with a sigh. over 10 tier 10 demon lord had made their move, being a tier 10 mage, the wizard King had to move to join others to fight them.

it was a chaotic battle, that was even more so when the demon realized the humans were going back on their words. the battle only came to a stop when the army of angels came down, along with many other races. this forced the demons to fall back, but not after killing many humans. Blitz the was only one on their side who could have turned back, she was the fastest, easily able to travel beyond the speed of light. so she went back to buy them time, while they tried to return in time... but it was too late

"Then what do we do?" Veronica yelled angrily, Blitz was a baby bird she had taken in and watched as she grew into the thunderbird she was today. She was pretty much her daughter.

"The same thing you tell your student." The Wizard King said causing the room to burn hot to the extreme, reflecting Veronica's boiling rage at the moment...

Back in the demon realm, I currently sat down with my legs crossed, taking in deep breaths and releasing them. I had used up a lot of my magical energy to affect Blitz to ensure Amon's attack would land 100% of the time.

The greater the target, the more magical energy I would need to use. Blitz was a tier 9 Mage, I had to use up a lot of magical energy to do what I did. I found I used less magical energy when x0 worked on its own, compared to me using it. the difference was too huge.

So, when x0 worked on its own to turn Blitz's attack into nothing, x0 worked on its own leading to the energy usage being far lower than if I had personally tried to use it. but when I used it to affect someone as powerful as her, I didn't have enough magical energy to do such a thing. Amon had to give me the magical energy, which ended up damaging me, but x0 worked on its own to save me. but after Amon's energy left my body, I was left with little energy, which I was busy recovering now.

"No reincarnation has ever been able to use magic, we are limited to the piece of power we are born with," Ainz said while appearing next to me while I stood up.

"Is that so? do you think our power nullifies magic?" I asked, to which Ainz shrugged as he didn't know. I picked up a book on fire magic, I flipped to the page that held the fireball. To cast spells, one didn't need to do chants, but chants do help one better perform the spell. beginners or those using extremely powerful spells would do chants.

I took a deep breath before I pictured a ball of fire. The fire Ball was a first-tier spell, one of the easier ones to do. With x0 which has been used on my mind, I nullified pretty much any distracting thoughts, so my attention was 100% on this task before me.

Ainz stood at the side, in shock while looking at my magical energy which was gathered at my palm, turning into a small weak flame that was almost the size of a Kindle. His eyes widened as this was a shocker to him... but he wasn't alone as all of the past reincarnation eyes were locked on this scene.

Within that darkness, the furthest reincarnation and the first reincarnation slowly turned to look at the weak human. He looked for some time, before speaking to himself, but no words came out, as he was too far to be heard by the current reincarnation...

"Amazing, you can use magic. for as far as I know, you're the only one." Ainz said while the two red flames that took the place of eyeballs grew, reflecting his joy.

"Thats a good thing?" I asked calmly, to which Ainz nodded his head quickly

"I was limited to only using Oblivion, yes it was powerful, but Oblivion wasn't the answer to everything. And unlike you, I couldn't use Oblivion to turn the chances of something happening into Oblivion until I gained a few pieces from my past lives, which gained me their power while also making me grow." Ainz said while looking deeply at me.

"Because you were a weak human, you gained a bigger piece. x0 is stronger than my Oblivion, now adding the fact you can use magic, you can expend the arsenal, healing magic, space-time magic, and the list goes on." Ainz said to which I nodded in understanding.

"I believe you should put all of your attention into learning dream magic. if you learn it, you can train within your dreams. within there, you can recreate enemies to perfect your combat skills, you can train to perfect your spells, and so on, all while having complete control over how long a dream is. it can be years, yet only a few hours in the real world." Ainz said to which I nodded in agreement as that would be extremely useful right now.

I closed the book and went on to head out. All of the books Amon got along with other treasures were waiting for me to go through. but that was for later as I had someone I wanted to see.

I went to a prison, where I saw Blitz. I had used the sword of Oblivion to turn her injuries into Oblivion. She was currently sealed, nothing more than a normal person without the power to even kill herself.

"Lisa has told me a lot about you, you're a good person." She said seeing me walk up to her prison cell, and enter it. I sighed while allowing my emotions and stuff to return.

"You..." Blitz didn't know what to say as she saw my emotionless eyes suddenly be filled with all types of emotions. 

"I removed my emotions as they would get in the way of my leading skill... allow me to introduce myself. I'm Daniel, the new demon lord of this demon realm." I said with a deep sigh, making Blitz's head go blank.

"You betrayed your people? your family? you were going to have them be taken?" Blitz said in shock, to which I sighed 

"I betrayed no one... why do you think the demons fight?" I asked to which Blitz glared at me while answering the question.

"They want to take over the world. Hell isn't the most beautiful of places to stay, so they want to take over our world." She said, trying to get me to realize what the demons were after.

"No wonder there has been so much war between the two sides. of course, the demon wants to leave hell, would you want to stay in a place that brings pain to you every day? Have you ever heard the saying, there is no winner in war?" I asked, but I didn't wait for her to answer.

"That saying is something everyone has ignored here. the demons want to leave hell, so why not give them a world that has been abandoned to call home? You rather fight, than look for a more peaceful way to deal with things. why is that?" I asked leaving Blitz speechless

"they have brainwashed you. no demon is a good demon, they are all pure evil." She said to which I shook my head

"Don't you sound like a brainwashed person right now? Have you ever taken in a newborn demon to see for yourself if thats true or do you see a race fighting for a brighter future and stamping them as evil?" I asked leaving Blitz unable to say anything, she was about to make her argument but I cut her off.

"Have you ever questioned anything, or have you just accepted what people taught you to be the absolute fact without realizing that there are more sides to a story? You who rather answer this problem with more war, are you not the evil one here?" I asked to which she truly could not say anything

"Follow me," I said while getting up, she was hesitant, but she still got up and followed me to the farm. there she was shocked to see just how many demons stood there, looking at the plants grown as if they were treasures.

"I have tried to find a more peaceful answer to all of this, so I'm trying to transform hell. just look at how happy they are seeing hope for a brighter future. all they knew was war growing up, and thats what they knew upon death. no one ever stepped forward to try and lead them towards transforming hell, and this might be the start of a brighter future for them." I said while Blitz just looked at the demons she normally saw smiling while slaughtering others, now smiling at a plant.

"Why are you showing me this." She said feeling complex. she grew up seeing demons as the villains, they wanted to take over the world. that was a fact in her eyes, but now she didn't think so.

"Because I want allies... if hell can't be transformed, I want a dead universe or something for us to take over. We will transform it. if I don't have support on this, then the demons from now on will have me leading them. I will capture more people and try to get them to see this new path, I will unite the demon realm, and bring an end to everything. do I have your support?" I asked while holding out my hand, to which she hesitated for a good long second before she took my hand.

"So long as you do everything the most peaceful way, you have my support." She said to which I nodded with a smile.

"I will try, but I can't say I promise... oh, mind teaching me magic?" I asked to which she looked at me with slight hesitation, before speaking.

"Let first do a Symfonla," She said leaving me confused, so she explained how Symfonla was like a spell that was cast by two parties. It has the effect of ensuring a promise can't be broken.

"Pretty much, we make a promise, and once we agree, we can set a punishment for the other parties if they break their side of the promise. if you break it, I can have it so that you lose all your powers and return to a normal human. Don't think your gift can help, since you cast the spell, it will also act to empower the spell." She said to which I nodded in understanding.

So, she got to teach me how to do this spell. sadly, demons couldn't cast spells like this, but humans could. I got to learn it and the promise I made was simple.

I promised to not lie to her, and honestly try to help the demons and avoid a war with the other worlds to the best of my abilities. but if I find that war is the only way, I shall use it. I will try and avoid having the war affect the innocent.

She promised to support me to the best of her ability. If war is the only way for the demons, she even promised to join the side of demons unless the other side has a good reason to not allow demons to leave hell.

After, she became my teacher and helped me learn to use dream magic. As for the people we kidnapped? I left them to Blitz, who tried to talk to them and have them see things through before anything...