
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · Movies
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Harry Got Carried Away?

Hagrid was very nervous as a professor for the first time.

Standing in front of the students, he didn't even know where to put his hands.

Seeing him silent for a long time with a stiff look, Lucas kindly reminded: "Professor, you haven't taught us how to open this book yet."

Seeing the "Monster Book of Monsters" in his hand, Hagrid suddenly said: "That's right, we need to open the book first, everyone now turn the book over, with the spine facing up, and gently stroke it with your hands."

He was a little unsure when he spoke, but I saw that the students did what he said, the silly big man immediately smiled~.

"Okay, so now that everyone successfully opened it, let's take a look at what we need to learn today."

Speaking of magical creatures, Hagrid seemed to have a lot to say.

In some respects, this guy still has a very cute personality. If only he wasn't so fond of the most dangerous creatures.

"This is a hippogriff."

Hagrid walked into the range of the ranch, leading the chain.

Seeing that sharp beak on the half eagle half horse creature, the students collectively took a step back.

Trapping Buckbeak's chain on a stake, Hagrid slapped Buckbeak to introduce him to the crowd.

"The Hippogriff is a very proud magical creature, and one that is easily provoked."

"So when we usually see them, the first thing we do is to bow respectfully, and bow in return if we see them do it first."

"This means that you have been recognized by it. If you don't see it bowing, be careful. The sharp claws on its front legs are not there just for decoration."

Hearing Hagrid's introduction, the fear of the students not only did not decrease, but even increased.

Hermione gripped Lucas' arm tightly and huddled behind him.

"Honey, I agree with you now that I have enrolled in too many electives."

Seeing the fear on his girlfriend's face, Lucas had the urge to laugh.

"Don't worry, with me here, the hippogriff won't hurt you."

He had just finished speaking when Hagrid's loud voice came from ahead.

"Now, who wants to try meeting Buckbeak?"

"I want!"

Harry raised his hand without hesitation.

"Well done, Harry, what a brave boy!"

Hagrid's words made Harry's head stand high.

Seeing that Harry was really going to step forward, Lavender Brown tugged at his robes.

"Harry, come on, think of your teacup!"

Harry froze and Professor Trelawney's words came to his mind again.

Ron also came to his side at this time, and whispered in a low voice: "We have other ways of proving, there is no need to take such a risk."

Although he thought this sounded very reasonable, seeing Hagrid's expectant eyes and the gaze of everyone around. Harry knew that if he backed down now, he might just be confirming the rumor that he was a coward.

"Don't worry, I will be fine!"

With that said, he strode towards Hagrid and didn't stop until it was five or six meters away from the Hippogriff.

"Very well, Harry, relax now, and look into Buckbeak's eyes, and try to build trust with him."

Harry's eyes widened. In order to win the Hippogriff's trust, he didn't even dare to blink.

After a long time he felt his eyes starting to hurt a lot.

Just then, Hagrid's voice came from the side.

"Okay, now bow to it, Harry."

Harry was very reluctant to do this, but thinking of the group of people behind staring at him, he had no choice but to obey Hagrid's instructions, and slowly bend down.

A lot of magical creatures usually have the same ability in common, that is sensing human emotions.

So was Harry really bowing down to himself in respect?.

Buckbeak could detect it easily.

Harry lowered his head and waited for a long time and didn't hear Hagrid say anything all this time, so he couldn't help but raise his head to look at Buckbeak.

This action immediately aroused the hyppogriff's displeasure.

"Harry, stand back a little, don't be reckless, you have to bow to it from the bottom of your heart."

With Hagrid's reminder Harry tried again.

This time he abandoned his messy thoughts and slowly bowed to Buckbeak.

It didn't take long for Buckbeak to bow back to him.

A smile appeared on Hagrid's face: "It's great, that was great, I'll give Gryffindor ten points."

The lions of Gryffindor cheered while Harry's also flashed a smile.

"Harry, let's see if he will let you ride him."

Hagrid picked up Harry from the armpits as if he weighed nothing and placed him on Buckbeak's back, then he patted Buckbeak's behind hard.

After a run-up, Buckbeak spread its large wings that were several meters long.


Cheers came from the sky.

It could also be heard from the voice that Harry was very excited at the moment.

Most people in the ranch looked up at the sky.

Although everyone can fly on a broom, they were still longing for riding a Hippogriff like Harry.

That is a magical creature, riding an actual magical creature to fly into the sky, just how cool is that?

A group of thirteen and fourteen-year-old teens were chasing the figure in the sky with their eyes from the ground.

This greatly satisfied Harry's vanity.

"I'm not a coward!"

Hearing the faint shouts coming from the sky, Hermione asked her boyfriend beside her suspiciously, "What did he just say in the sky?"

"Who knows, he's probably too excited."

Lucas, who has a pair of pointed ears hidden with transfiguration, could clearly hear Harry's words.

Watching him unleash his unhappiness in mid-air, Lucas stroked his chin, thinking about whether to hit him again.

His gaze swept towards the direction of the Forbidden Forest, it looked like he had a plan ready.

At this time Hagrid whistled, and Buckbeak landed from the sky.

Unsure of what to say, Harry didn't speak yet.

He saw students coming from a distance giving him a warm applause.

Harry's gaze swept over everyone and seeing everyone's envious expressions, he was greatly comforted in his heart.

The haze in his heart was completely swept away and a smile finally reappeared on his face.

"Harry, you are amazing!"

Hagrid's voice came from beside him.

On the other side came another compliment from his friend Ron.

Harry became the focus of his classmates again, but such a good mood did not last long.

He didn't see the person he most wanted to see in the crowd, Lucas Grindelwald.

Looking around the ranch for a while, he finally saw the young couple in the corner.

The two seemed to be playing back and forth. The cunning Lucas can make Miss Hermione laugh every time.

Seeing that the two were not paying attention to his situation, Harry's smile lessened immediately.

"Harry, come and tell me how to ride this big guy."

Draco, who is obsessed with flying, walked out of the crowd.

Seeing how excited he was, he apparently forgot that there was a dangerous magical animal behind Harry.

And Harry, who got carried away, also forgot about this matter.

He was about to show off when he saw the frightened expressions of the crowd.

The hippogriff named Buckbeak suddenly opened its wings, raised its front legs, and showed its sharp claws in front of Draco.


Harry, being true to his title as the savior, stood in front of Draco and yelled at the hippogriff.

Probably in his opinion, the hippogriff in front of him should listen to him after letting him ride it.

But Buckbeak let him down. His blocking, on the contrary, angered the beast even more.

If before it was just a warning gesture, now it was clearly an attack as the sharp claws fell towards the heads of the two of them.

Harry, standing in the front, raised his arms to block and the sharp claws immediately made several deep cuts on his arm.

Had it not been for Draco who supported him from behind, Harry would have fallen to the ground long ago.

The exclamations of the other students disturbed the young couple who were playing games in the back.

Seeing the unexpected situation in the ranch, Lucas got up and was going to help.

"Honey, be careful!"

Although Hermione was worried, she also knew what Lucas was capable of.

Besides, the one who is about to be in danger is Draco Malfoy, her boyfriend's best friend.

"Buckbeak, go back, you can't do this."

Hagrid stood in front of the two just in time and his appearance made the Hippogriff restrain its claws.

Hagrid looked at the two behind him, concerned about their current state.

"Are you fine?"

Harry just shook his head, not in very high spirits to do anything else.

Probably because of the injury, or maybe he just feels too ashamed right now.

Draco let out a sigh of relief: "I was almost scratched on the face by this stupid beast."

The arrogant young master Malfoy did not expect to anger the Hippogriff because of this complaint.

Buckbeak, along with several hippogriffs tied to the fence deep in the pasture broke free from their chains.

Maybe they felt that the leader of their herd, Buckbeak, was being disrespected, so these dangerous magical creatures rushed towards the three of them together.

"Oh no!"

When he saw five or six Hippogriffs rushing from a distance, Hagrid swallowed.

Fortunately, he has not forgotten that he is a professor.

He turned around and hugged the boys tightly in his arms, intending to protect the two with his own body.

The students around had already hid.

Facing such a dangerous situation, everyone's faces turned pale with fright.

Right in the nick of time, Lucas' voice came from afar.

"Stop it all!"

Some students were amused, these magical creatures were not students of Slytherin, so how could it be possible to follow his orders.

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