
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

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Everything Was Part Of Lucas' Plans, The Third Horcrux Is Destroyed!

"We meet at last, Tom Riddle."

Looking at Voldemort in the Slytherin robes in front of him, Lucas had to admit that Voldemort was a little handsome with a nose, he was just a bit worse than him.

Riddle looked puzzled, the blond boy in front seemed to be very familiar with him, but he is quite sure that he has never been in contact with him.

"Who are you?."

"Well, since you don't seem to know me, let me tell you that I am Lucas Grindelwald."

"Grindelwald?" Riddle frowned.

When he saw Ginny Weasley lying on the ground, he suddenly realized.

"So you are the object of this little girl's crush!"

Lucas was very helpless, why didn't he realize that Tom was so gossipy.

Seeing that the young Voldemort still can't recognize him, he had no choice but to continue to remind him: "Tom, can you help me with my homework?"

"It's you?!" Tom said in surprise.

He will never forget this annoying guy.

At the beginning, he didn't know how much homework he had done for him. But in the end, there was no benefit at all.

Not only that, this guy also lost his diary!.

'Wait! lost?'

He seemed to have sensed the problem and looked at Lucas solemnly: "You gave my diary to this little girl?"

Harry's eyes were full of shock as he lay paralyzed in the back. Although he can't move, it doesn't mean he can't hear.

Unexpectedly, the culprit of all this turned out to be Lucas.

Harry moved his eyes slowly, looking at the pile of ashes not far away.

He had seen Fawkes' ability to be reborn from the ashes in the principal's office so he knew that the killing curse cannot kill the phoenix.

And just like he thought, the little pile of ashes suddenly moved and a small bird slightly bigger than a chick got out of it.

Before Harry could be happy though, another green light hit Fawkes.

It had just been reborn when it turned into flames again, and the ashes on the ground piled up even higher.

"Harry, don't have unrealistic ideas, this phoenix won't be able to leave today."

"And I'm also curious about one thing, how many times can the phoenix be reborn from the ashes?"

"If I continue to kill it like this, will it really turn into a pile of ashes in the end? I'm so curious, why don't we try it?"

Harry watched the smile on Lucas' face and his whole body felt cold.

Ignoring Harry again, Lucas looked back at the young Dark Lord in front of him.

"What were we just talking about? Oh yes, speaking of abandoning you, actually you misunderstood, I just returned you to Ginny Weasley."

"Hehehe~" Riddle suddenly laughed softly.

The laughter grew louder and then into a big mocking laugh.

"I never thought that Dumbledore would tolerate someone like you in Hogwarts. He is really too old."

Lucas shrugged, seeming to agree with what Tom just said.

"Then why doesn't the basilisk attack you, it wasn't like that fifty years ago."

Riddle's question, Harry was also very curious about it. He even wondered why Lucas was alright standing opposite the basilisk.

Lucas noticed the curious eyes of the two and glanced at Medusa with a chuckle.

The basilisk understood, and twisted her body to come behind him.

"Because we are friends!"

While speaking, Lucas opened the Eye of Medusa, but as a horcrux, Tom was not petrified.

Watching two pairs of snake pupils, one big and one small, appear in front of him, he understood immediately.

Compared to his identity as the heir of Slytherin. Obviously, it is easier for the same kind to win the favor of the basilisk.

Although he knew that Riddle might have misunderstood something, Lucas didn't intend to explain himself to clear the misunderstanding.

Rubbing his chin, he took a few steps around Riddle.

"Your state is really troublesome!"

Hearing these words, Riddle looked a little smug.

"That's right, I'm connected to Ginny Weasley, what can you do?"


As soon as he finished speaking, a group of red flames appeared in front of him.

Feeling the threat from the flames, Riddle's face instantly became ugly.

But what surprised him was that Lucas actually put the Fiendfyre back.

It wasn't that hard to save Ginny Weasley.

A bit of Fiendfyre or letting Medusa bite the diary with her fangs could solve this problem.

It's just that Lucas is greedy for the other party's soul power.

But if he absorbs Riddle's soul power, Ginny's vitality might dissipate instead of returning to her body, and that's why Lucas felt it was a little troublesome.

Under the puzzled gazes of Riddle and Harry, Lucas crouched down and held Ginny in his arms.

Then he looked coldly at Riddle who was standing not far away.

"Life steal, void devouring!"

Without waiting for Riddle to react, the ground under his feet became a void and a group of purple black arms stretched out, dragging him into the void.

At the same time Lucas passed all the absorbed vitality to Ginny.

The other hand was not idle either, Soul Devouring hit Tom at the same time.

Feeling the power of his soul getting weaker and weaker, Tom finally showed a panicked expression.

Once the void closed again, Ginny in Lucas' arms was no longer as cold as ice and her body temperature had basically returned to normal levels.

Swallowing the Purple soul crystal in his hand, Lucas went to the black diary and said, "Harry, do you know why I want this Gryffindor sword?"

Harry couldn't speak at the moment, he found it hard to even blink.

Looking at the other person's current appearance, Lucas smiled slightly.

The sword of Gryffindor appeared in his hand at some unknown time.

"This sword is the most successful alchemy weapon created by the goblins. Its most special feature is that it can absorb any substance that is beneficial to itself."

As Lucas spoke, he raised the sword, and the basilisk Medusa opened her mouth wide, letting a drop of transparent venom fall from her fang.

The Gryffindor sword slowly absorbed the venom that fell on its blade, in this way it has the properties of the basilisk venom.

It also has the ability to destroy Horcruxes.

Having explained this to Harry, Lucas suddenly raised the Gryffindor sword and pinned it to the diary with his backhand.

A puff of Black smoke rose from the diary and Tom Riddle's distorted expression appeared in the thick smoke.

This is where Horcruxes are special, if the Horcrux is not destroyed or disassembled like Lucas does, the soul fragments inside can never be destroyed.

Lucas just absorbed part of Riddle's soul power when he defeated the shade.

[Ding, congratulations to the progress of the host series of achievements: Destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes (3/7), reward: 500 achievement points.]

Finishing dealing with Voldemort's Horcrux, Lucas needs to take care of the following aftermath.

Don't think his nonchalant act just now is just for a show, because while it seems that he has exposed his true colors in front of the two of them, it won't really affect him.

In fact, he knew it in his heart.

The shard of Tom Riddle's soul was destined to be annihilated.

And Harry?

He will not remember all this, he will only remember his brave battle against the Basilisk and destroying Voldemort's plot once again.

And finally, together with Lucas, they successfully rescued Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets.

Seeing Lucas walking towards him step by step, Harry suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Harry, when did you get jealous of me?"

Hearing what Lucas said, Harry's eyes were filled with shock.

Lucas smiled and continued, "I think it was around Halloween? Or earlier?"

"Let me guess, maybe it's the news that I've become the Slytherin Chief? Or maybe it's because Draco used my broom and snatched the Golden Snitch from you?"

Looking at Harry's increasingly surprised eyes, Lucas sighed: "Harry, I regard you as a friend, you shouldn't be jealous of me."

"Did you know? My father gave me a very precious present for my birthday during the summer vacation."

"It's called the Curse of Desire. It's a very ancient black magic. Do you know the Mirror of Erised? That magic was cast on that mirror."

"It's just that the person who cast the spell doesn't seem to want to arouse people's deepest desires, so the effect of the magic is weakened, so that the mirror can only arouse people's desires while they are in front of it."

Seeing Harry's terrified eyes, Lucas smiled and said, "That's right, I used it on you on the night of the Deathday Party, and it seems to have worked quite well."

"This kind of you is beneficial to what I have to do later, I'm sorry my friend, but I can guarantee that no one can hurt you during the seven years of school."

"Okay, the chat is over, you shouldn't know, I need to delete it, sorry friend."

"Goodbye, friend!"

He didn't give time for Harry to digest his words.

The last thing Harry saw was Lucas raising his wand and pointing it at his forehead. Immediately afterwards, a gentle voice came from next to his ear: "obliviate"

The Memory Charm can delete the target's memory, and can also add false memories to the target.

Lucas would never have done this before.

After all, his Memory Charm would have easily been spotted by Dumbledore.

But thanks to a bonus obtained after the awakening of the charms talent, his Memory Charm barely reached the full level effect.

Lucas slightly modified Harry's memory according to the plot of the original book.

Certainly, he deleted the scene of Harry being poisoned and finally using the basilisk fangs to destroy the diary.

In Harry's memory, he ended up heroically killing the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor and destroying the journal.

After finishing all this, Lucas came to Ginny Weasley again and also modified her memory slightly.

With everything finally settled, he knocked Harry unconscious.

Looking at the basilisk beside him, he said, "Okay, let's prepare for the aftermath."

"We can't really let the savior get a reputation that doesn't belong to him."

(Vote with power stones for tomorrow's extra chapters, up to 5 chapters at 200 stones each)

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