
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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The Redwood Trees

Though it may be hard to believe now, in the far past, Redwood Trees were the smallest trees on the Land. Dwarfed by every other tree, the redwoods were restricted of sunlight, the life-giving rays snatched away from them. Despite their best efforts, the redwoods were unable to grow to be tall enough to take in the vast rays of light. After many years of them struggling, the bigger trees began to take notice. Realizing that the redwoods were prima targets, the other trees began to invade the redwoods. Their roots twisted around the trunks of the redwoods, stabbing into them and draining their water. After a desperate struggle, with the redwoods fighting for their homes, many redwoods were pushed back into a forest. While there, waiting for death to steal them into the night, the redwoods did one desperate deed to save themselves. Twisting their trunks together, the redwoods poured their spirits into one another, their life flourishing in each other. As they struggled to survive by each other's support, a miracle happened. From the dejected redwoods, a large trunk began to sprout. And then another. And another and another, until the group of redwoods had combined themselves into larger, stronger trees. But it was not without a price. For each strong, powerful tree that was made, four redwoods fell. The desperate act, though coming with a heavy toll, did what it was meant to do. The larger, more powerful trees, sprouting from the death of its ancestors, penetrated the tree line and stood tall over the very trees that had oppressed them before. Eventually, many other powerful and mighty redwoods began to sprout. When fires raged, the trees stood tall. In storms and quiet, they stood as quiet guardians. But the redwoods didn't learn. Just like the very trees that had oppressed them before, the redwoods grew greedy and began to take land from the trees that they stood over. Today, redwoods stand taller than any other; but somewhere deep in the forests, there may be a cluster of desperate, dying trees, ready to begin the vicious cycle anew.