
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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50 Chs


For many years, Winter and Snow have walked hand in hand through the winding path of time. When the year was originally split between the Winter and the Summer, Winter had no companion. Though ever since the beginning Summer has been accompanied by flowers, sunshine, and plants, Winter awoke every year to be greeted by a desolate landscape, filled with bare trees and withered plants. Though animals wandered the land, many were sad and dejected during the bleak time of year. For many years, Winter dealt with loneliness as best as they could. But one fateful year, Winter could not bear being alone for a moment longer. Traveling across the vast Earth, Winter began to seek out the Ocean. After many days of wandering the frozen wastes, Winter finally came across the Ocean. Upon hearing Winter's tragedy, the Ocean agreed to help the poor soul, and gave Winter a flask of water. Upon receiving the flask, Winter was bewildered and asked the Ocean what it was for. But the Ocean had already disappeared. Wandering back to where they had awoken, Winter toyed with the flask to try and figure out its purpose. Winter shook it, tilted it, and finally, opened it. Not to Winter's surprise, water was inside of the flask. Frustrated and confused about what the flask was for, and why Ocean had not given him any information, a storm began to brew in Winter's soul. In anger, Winter smashed the flask against the ground. The water flowed out and danced among the ground before freezing. Winter was struck with an idea. Picking up the now-broken flask, Winter found what is was looking for; a few, precious drops. Winter tossed the drops in the air and intricately wove a needle of cold through the drops, creating snowflakes. As the snowflakes settled, Snow was created. However, there was a repercussion. When Winter had smashed the jar, many harmful spirits flew out of them. Among them were Frostbite, Hypothermia, and many others. Though Winter had created a companion for itself, in its rash ways, it had ended the lives of all animals who would be exposed to the cold ever again. Today, Snow always comes with Winter and leaves with it as well, leaving a chilling imprint on the world once a year.