
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Diamond in the Rough

Once in a far-off land, there lived two brothers. Growing up, the two brothers were happy, with untainted lives painted by the wonders of naivety. But as they grew older, they learned of their family's poverty, something that had been hidden from them by the glasses of youth. So the two brothers set out on a journey to bring their family fortune. Setting off from home, the brothers traveled across the land, wonder in their pocket and aspiration in their souls. But the brothers found themselves barely able to sustain themselves working odd jobs throughout the world. One day, the brothers stumbled upon a rough field, filled with boulders and coarse dirt. Thinking nothing of it, the brothers continued on to the next location, where they learned that the field had been the location of an old diamond mine. Sensing the opportunity for riches, the brothers each bought a part of the land with what little money they had and set to work mining the land. But as the years began to pass, and little turned up in the field, their hearts and their money began to sink like a stone in water. One of the brothers decided to cut his losses and sold the field, trekking back to the family with little to support them. But the other brother decided to stay and work even harder. Another year went by, and finally, the brother came across something spectacular. A diamond, glittering in the rough field, presented itself to him. Taking the diamond, the brother sold the field and returned to the family in triumph. After selling the diamond, the family escaped from the grip of poverty, all thanks to the diamond in the rough.