
5. You again

After watching television the hole day Zarkil had dinner, and went to his room and was about to go to sleep when he saw a lump on the top bunk. Thinking about what happened in the morning Zarkil reach out his hand but stopped himself and just took off his clothes and just laid on the bed until he fell asleep.

Zarkil closed his eyes and then opened them again only to find that he was in the king-sized bed again and before he could look around he saw the eyes again. Zarkil wanted to say something but he was to captivated by the eyes.

"You do know it's rude to stare." the voice said but this time Zarkil was not scared, instead he was curious so he kept on staring.

"You do know I don't mind you staring but you can at least say something." the voice said in an annoyed tone

"Please."the voice said but in it's eyes you could only see pity and longing.

"Wait, are you just try to ignore me." the voice said in an annoyed tone and it started to exclude a weird pressure on to him. Zarkil tried to say something but he couldn't say anything because he was paralysed form the pressure, seeing this the voice stop excluding pressure and said in a concerned manner while a pile skinned arm reach out to Zarkil but before it could touch him it suddenly stopped

" So you don't remember anything... I see." the voice said as it was disappointed. Zarkil didn't know what this meant but he didn't try speak because he feared he might anger he again.

"Well if that's the case will just you just tell my name is @#*#R#@ and I am #R#@ R@@R but that's matter what does matter is that I can finally talk to you." the voice said in a cheerful manner.

"Wait am sorry but who are?" Zarkil asked

" #R#RR#, like I said am #R@@&#R and I am &R#@ @#R@." the voice said as it giggled.

" Ya am sorry I don't understand what you just said." Zarkil said lifting his hands up like the I don't know emoji.

" Wait #R#RRR can you see my face?" the voice asked

Zarkil just shake his head in response but before he could say anything he felt that pressure again but this time it was more powerful but it wasn't aim at him or else Zarkil would have had a mental breakdown.

" THAT SON OF A B#@#*, EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU DO THIS, WHY, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US, YOU PICEC OF S#R#, WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU, HUH HUH!" The voice shouted, Zarkil felt like he was going to pass out but before he could the pressure stopped.

"Sorry R##R&#, I couldn't control myself... I guess I should call you Zarkil for now... So what can you see and what can't you see."

Zarkil's was still a bit distorted but he tried to pull himself togther and said, "Well,...I can only see your eyes, the bed am sleeping on and I saw your arm."

"Oh I see well that mean... Wait did you see my arm?" the voice asked in a panicked tone and hearing the question Zarkil nodded.

"SR#@, that means you already encounter them...OK Zarkil, listen to me whatever you do stay form them!, I will see what I can do form my side."


" Zarkil just stay away, I can't explain right now but I am serious stay away!" the voice commended.

Zarkil knew that the voice was about to go, so he asked, "Will I see you again, what should I call you?"

" The answer to your first question is yes and you can call me Celine."

" Wait one last thing what was that pressure?"

" Well that... I can't give you an answer yet but what I can tell is that it's call Fear. "the voice said and as it was saying the word 'fear' an anonymous amount of pressure fell onto Zarkil.

" It kinda feels good doing it to you for once." the voice giggled

Before Zarkil could say anything he woke up and he done his usual routine but this time he actually sat done and had breakfast, well until his brother woke, so Zarkil stood and walk to the door because he was still avoiding him.

When Zarkil was going out the gate he heard a familiar voice.

" Ya laaitie, where you vying so early in the morning man" Zarkil didn't want anything to do with the voice, he just ignored it

" Hey man am talking you, you mustn't come act like you can't hear me."

Zarkil didn't want to turn and look but he wasn't looking for a fight early in the morning, so he just turned and asked, " What you want Charlie?"

"Nee man I just wanted to say ne... that that meddie ne is mines and I don't want you even breathing her air." Charlie said with a smile on his face while his index finger pointed at Zarkil.

" Humph Charlie first thing first me I don't sabah you ne, so you better not point your finger at me cause me am gonna f#@& you up, 'tick', and another thing ne I don't even want that meddie she came to me 'tick' yasis."

" Ah check die laaitie nou he thinks he is big cause he knows how to fight,mxm, me I will steek you me ne."( I know it's weird to read but when I talk to some of my friends we talk like this.) Charlie said as he took out his switch knife and started dragging it on the ground like he was sharpening it,and got closer to Zarkil.

" Hey man what you doing with the laaitie!"

Once Charlie heard that voice he stood in place and turned his head to the direction of the voice which was on the 3rd floor.

" Nothing oupa, I was just talking to him."

" So that's how you talk, huh."


" You can't talk now, huh, you go to school and you stay or else..." the voice which sounded like an someone in his 30s instead of his 50s.


"You talking back, this laaitie."

"No oupa, I..."

"Then shut your bleedy mouth."

Charlie didn't say anything and just glared at Zarkil with murderous eyes.

Like guys I kinda need your opinion cause no lie am a rookie writer, this is my first novel so must I use this (b#tch) or (b@R##) cause in the starting of this novel there is gonna be alot of swearing

Oh another thing does anyone care about the definitions?

Leosinkcreators' thoughts