
4.I knew it

Zarkil was still a bit angry form what just happened but he soon calmed himself down because he knew that Buckie was just looking out for him, although he still felt betrayed Zarkil could only be more vigilant next time so it did not happen again.

Zarkil walked to classrooms next the quad and went to the stairs between this classrooms to take a seat where he could eat and meditate in peace.

There were alot of people on the stairs mostly girls but when they saw Zarkil they immediately moved slightly away trying not to make any contact with him. Zarkil was not surprised by this because he knew some of the girls here and some were in his class so it made sense but Zarkil did not care about this because he did not trust these girls at all, so the further away they were form him the better.

Zarkil sat on the steps but instead of eating he was thinking about that figure he saw in his dream-state, with eyes that were so alluring they could seduce a man without even trying but that was not what was currently on his mind, what was on his mind was more a question, "Who was she?" but before Zarkil could think any further the bell rang.


The rest of the day was pretty much normal, well if you don't count the two gorgeous beauties seating next to a average looking boy. These two girls would sit next to him even when the teachers tried to serperrate them they would still insist on sitting next to him but the weird is that after they insisted the teachers would stop asking as if they were scared.

The bell finally rang, the school gates opened and children flooded the street while the parents tried they best not to bump the children while driving through, yes accidents may happen but they are still only minor, but as a driver you don't want to bump a child, with that in mind the parents were still not angry as if they used to it.

Zarkil was on the sidewalk looking for Jacob so they could wait for Jacob's father to come and pick him up. Suddenly Zarkil heard his name but instead of hearing a boy's voice he heard a cute girl's voice.

" Zarkil how are we going home?" Corli asked

" Am not walking with you because I walk alone." Zarkil said in a calm tone

"Oh so you are a lone wolf, me like." Corli said in a flirtatious voice.

"Leave me alone." Zarkil said with a frown on his face and just walk away not caring about Jacob because the further away form her the better, but as he was walking he saw Corli chasing him as if he stole something but this truly annoyed enough so that he wanted bet her but he remembered what his mother told him.

' Don't bet women, Don't bet women, don't bet women, even if she is a b@#$@ !, don't bet women. "

Corli on the other hand was too thick-skinned to get the message and just kept chased Zarkil, and when she got next to him she tightly held on his arms as if she was claiming her piece of meat like a lioness. Zarkil tensed up but quickly calm himself down.

" What you think you are doing?" Zarkil said in a cold tone.

Corli ignored the question and just came closer to Zarkil's ear, and said flirtatiously, " You have never been around a girl, right"

" Of course I have." Zarkil said trying to speak up for himself.

" Alright, cutie pie." Corli giggled while leaning on his shoulder

"Corli if you wanna walk with me, better just keep quiet because I promise you,

you will walk alone... And who the heck is your cutie pie?" Zarkil asked with a frown on his face


Corli nodded and didn't say anything because she knew that she would be pushing her luck.


They kept on walk until they reached a tall flat, where there were children who seemed as if they were playing with mud the whole day, running around with smiles on their faces, and people on the sidewalk smoking pipe and playing dice, which distracted you form the graffiti on the walls. To some people this would be a horrible place to live in but for Zarkil this was home.

" So this is were you live?" Corli said while scanning the flat.

"What, you have a problem?"

"No, of course not if I did why would I go in with you?"

"Who said you are coming in with me." Zarkil got free from her grasp and walked away while shaking his head.

"Hi atleast take me home." Coril reach out her hand trying to grab Zarkil while she pleaded, but Zarkil ignored her and kept on walking.

"Humph you don't have to be so cold... but that makes it soooo much fun." Corli face the ground and murmured while her eyes were feeled with lust.

While Corli was in her state of bliss she heard noise, so she looked in the distraction of the noise and she saw a figure gesturing to her as if it was introducing itself

" Sorry I didn't hear what you were saying."Corli said in a casual manner

There figure understood and started to introduce itself, not forgetting to look at Coril's breast," My name is Charlie and if you need anything around here you can tell... and I am warning you ne.(1) you must stay away form that laaitie.(2) because his crazy."

Coril smiled and asked flirtatiously, "Too bad I like crazy people... are you crazy?"

"of course." Charlie said with a grin big enough that you could see his gold tooth.


"OK so where we gonna..." Charlie said trying to lean forward but Corli stepped back and said " Not now, maybe next when I am hungry."

"OK, there's no rush." Charlie said taking a step back.

About two minutes after Charlie and Coril's conversation a black Rolls-Royce parked right in front of Coril as if it was waiting for the right moment to arrive and the passenger door opened.

" Oh that's my ride see later, b-y-e." Corli said as she got into the car.

" Wait didn't you want that laaitie to khapha you because I could khapha.(3) you?" Charlie asked while looking at the car.

" I did but wanted him not you." Coril said as she drove off.

While these was happening there was a figure with cold face on the second floor watching the whole the thing form start to finish, this was none then Zarkil.

"Humph I knew she was t@#." he said as he kept on walking home.

Zarkil got home and open the door not to find an angry mother but a sad and worried one. Zarkil knew why she was acting this way and suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

" Don't worry about me ma, I understand and I sorry for the way I treat you." Zarkil said as he embraced his mother, but if Coril, Buckie, heck even the whole school was here they would be surprised because they had never seen Zarkil act like this

"I know Zizi, but you have to apologize to your brother."She said while she had tears in her eyes.

" Ma i love you with all my heart but can't apologize to him or else his gonna get a big heard. "

" I know what you mean." she said as she laughed with Zarkil.


1 ne - you now what I mean,

2 laaitie - some from the younger generation, usually a younger boy

3 khapha- comes form Zulu word Khaphi, which means guide

Guys keep in mind that when ever I post a chapter that I still need to let my editor see it coz well you'll mistakes?, the reason I am posting it is so that I can copy it without worry about 'mistakes' and send it to my editor

Leosinkcreators' thoughts