
The story of shrouded nomad

Nomad who is sometimes imprisoned in the talismans of beauty, sometimes lost in the whispers of deserts, sometimes the draw of love feeds flowers and flowers in his heart, sometimes in the fire of hatred, he regrets even being consumed. It doesn't happen. Where the uncrowned kings of crime are happy to trample the helpless underfoot. Where there are beggars and players in this world of appearances. The story of kafna doosh born in the midst of these feelings and accidents.

NASEER_Khan · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"What's your name?" I replied.

"As if they don't want to tell their name."

"It's like that."

"Why did you come to me?"

"You were just getting worried, looking at the clock again and again, waiting for sleep; I thought you should be spared the trouble of waiting."

"And you say you are an astrologer."

"Say you are an astrologer, I don't care."

"Mr. Go crazy, get out of here immediately so that I don't beat you up."

"Well, once you beat your manager, the result was that. You must have suffered, I said and tried to get up from my place, he quickly put his hand on my hand and said, by God, how long you have known me?"

"Kumari ji, I can tell many things about you, like when you once fell from a horse and a Sadhu took you in his Katya and when you regained consciousness you she had taken a lot of things. You became a flower from a bud and after that you kept looking for this Sadhu for years.

"Then you were that Sadhu."

"So do it, Kumari Ji do I look so old to you."

"Hey so tell me who the hell are you?" She rolled her eyes and I started picking and then I said.

"Only the familiar Kumari Ji." Believe me, I can tell you the secrets that you have kept hidden even from yourself. For example, the document which you have given to yourself and due to which your father may face a big problem, I can return that document to your carefully, Yes I am skilled Kushal Kumari ji.

Kushal had gone to the back of the chair, now the signs of fear were visible on her face, she said, "You know things that no one should know."

"There is a pistol in your purse, if you want you can take it out and hold it on me." I said and a strange expression spread over Kushal Kumari face.

"Do you even know that?"

"Wonderful, you keep asking this question and you don't know whether you want to hurt me or to satisfy yourself." Well, what I meant to say was that Ghunod is enjoying himself with Ratna Kumari and you are waiting for him here. That's all that table in front of me is a reserve for me, but when I saw your anxiety and worry, I didn't believe it. Don't think that I have any agreed for you and I have any agreed for you, it was just a friendly move. You constantly looking at me with suspicious eyes, I don't want you to worry about me. I tried to slide the chair back, but she quickly put her hand on my hand and said, talking a friendly step. If so, you will leave so quickly.

No Kumari Ji, I did not say that I did not want to create doubts in your mind and I had no hidden greed in coming to you. Sit down, sit down, spend some more time with me.

As you wish I said and sat next to him, a tall woman should say this woman at that time. She was not less than thirty-two years of age, but very elegant and well dressed. She came to Kushal moaning and Kushal said, Hello Sonia, come sit with me, there are others. No there is none. You know, I come here often.

Yes, of course, please sit down.

"Who is this?"

Sonia said looking at me with strange eyes.

Kushal, a mysterious person, said with a slight smile and Sonia started looking at me carefully and then said. "They are not so mysterious. Who is this sir?"

"Magician." I replied.

"Oh, did you cast a spell on Kaushal Kumari too." By the way, they do not convince anyone to fall under the magic spell, but people themselves fall under this spell. Who are you? Are you a magician?

Sitting Sonia ji, the flight from which your husband was going has been cancelled. You have gone out to indulge. I had not finished my sentence when Sonia mobile phone rang and she apologized and called her. Turned on the mobile and then put it to his ear and spoke. Hello Shekhar where are you talking from, the flight was canceled from the airport, why? Ooh will be back, ok if you are going by same flight then inform me now I will be concerned, yes speaking from home and from where I will speak. Ok and after that Sonia switched off the mobile. Then she was shocked.

"How did you know the flight was cancelled?"

"In response, I started scratching my head and became a laughing Kushal Kumari."

I wonder if Sonia will depart from the same flight because of the technical problem it will be fixed in half an hour, don't worry. We'll let me give you another interesting information, your friend has come to your house, just understand that after some time he will reach your house.

"Who is Kaushal?"

"Magical." Said Kaushal and laughed is Kaushal.

I feel like you, like you, Sonia has become silent.

Bro this gentleman is very strange, he has also troubled me and now you have become a part of my trouble. Believe me I don't know anything about them but whatever they have told. It's amazing that you really like it can I tell you one thing?

I saw myself and Ratna going to the park together, Sonia said and Kaushal looked at her with silent eyes, then said, go to hell. I have no interest in it. Look, sir, tell me your name, what's the use, let's report this to the police. Sonia said jokingly. At the same time, his phone rang and he turned on the mobile once again and put it to his ear. Then he said yes, what happened to your flight, who is talking, what is the matter, Radhe Shaam, do you know that he is about to reach home, right now. Oh okay, good luck, no she fine I'm coming inside in ten minutes, ok, Sonia hung up the phone, then looked at me with wide eyes, then said Kaushal father home now. They are about to arrive, seeing that you don't let this man go you will talk to him in detail later. They have disturbed us.

Kuashal shook his neck, after that he said take something Sonia, no Kaushal has come, it is necessary to go, but please keep an eye on him, after that she left, Kaushal said humbly.

Now tell me your name. You are truly a perfect personality. I agreed.
