
The Story Of Evil x MC

This Story is a lot Different from the original "The Story of Evil". This is a love story about you and Kagamine Len... The story revolves around Fantasy and historical setting Featuring: Kagamine Len & Rin, KAITO, Meiko, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kamui Gakupo, Fukase, VY2 Yuma, Hiyama Kyoteru, Yowane Haku, Utatane Piko, Oliver, Yuezheng Longya, Lou Tianyi,Zhiyu Moke, GUMI,Akita Neru, Leon, Arsloid, Ryuto Gachapoid, 96Neko,Kohaku Merry,IA,Valshe,Yokune Ruko,Yami Ryone, Yami no Oto,Yoshi Kazune, VFlower, Mafumafu,Soraru,Amatsuki,Lily,Yohioloid *This characters shall not appear right away.Each plays a role.Can you guess what their role is?* Special Characters: Maika, Kasane Teto *The following Vocaloids, Utauloids, and Utaite still have the same physical design as what they originally have. Except for Rin and Len having green eyes *And i don't own them

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102 Chs

Chapter 91

Flower continued to follow the voice that had been calling out to her and found herself in the middle of a forest surrounded by thick mist.

Behind her, she saw Piko and the others standing as though they are like asleep even though their eyes are widely opened.

She tried shaking them up so that they would wake up but, there were no reaction at all.

"This is bad... We had finally arrived but, this might be the magic of the clouds... If I don't do anything soon, all of their memories will be eaten away!" Flowers says

(Back to Piko and the others)

Miku and everyone stares at Piko, full of confusement as they act as if they don't know who Flower is.

"Why are you guys acting as if you don't know her?" Piko says as he tries to brush it off as he thinks that everyone is just upset at Flower over something mischievious she might have done.

Piko is now feeling a bit sobber as he looks at them seriously and asks them again the same question.

"Piko, What the hell are you talking about? We don't know who that person is." Len says

Piko senses that something is not right and tries to talk it with Fukase and explains that this person called Flower is even part of their band. Fukase looked at gim confusedly and irritated as he denies that such a person called Flower is someone that is part of their band.

Piko now tries to think hard as he tries to explain further who Flower is. But as he tries to describe and remember her, everything about her seems blurry and unclear.

Piko was so sure that Flower was there! He certainly could here a voice that must be Flower's voice.

Piko had a strong headache and the pain was so strong. He started crying and screaming but, the tears was definitely not because of the pain...

"Who is Flower?..." Piko asks