
The Story Of Evil x MC

This Story is a lot Different from the original "The Story of Evil". This is a love story about you and Kagamine Len... The story revolves around Fantasy and historical setting Featuring: Kagamine Len & Rin, KAITO, Meiko, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Kamui Gakupo, Fukase, VY2 Yuma, Hiyama Kyoteru, Yowane Haku, Utatane Piko, Oliver, Yuezheng Longya, Lou Tianyi,Zhiyu Moke, GUMI,Akita Neru, Leon, Arsloid, Ryuto Gachapoid, 96Neko,Kohaku Merry,IA,Valshe,Yokune Ruko,Yami Ryone, Yami no Oto,Yoshi Kazune, VFlower, Mafumafu,Soraru,Amatsuki,Lily,Yohioloid *This characters shall not appear right away.Each plays a role.Can you guess what their role is?* Special Characters: Maika, Kasane Teto *The following Vocaloids, Utauloids, and Utaite still have the same physical design as what they originally have. Except for Rin and Len having green eyes *And i don't own them

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102 Chs

Chapter 75

(At The Blue Kingdom)

Leon would visit his aunt and cousin from time to time and would play all day long together with his cousin and Moke...

Leon would be in his normal age which no one knows except for a few selective persons only...

Leon, The Princess, and Moke are now at the royal garden where they always hold their picnics...

Everything was wonderfully prepared and a comfy mat was placed under a big tree to serve as a shelter from the sun. Delicious sandwiches, pastries, and orange juice is placed in a basket to be their snacks. Beside the basket was a stack of novels and other kinds of books that they chose themselves to be read and share to each other.

"Cousin, You're turning 7 soon right?So...Do you have an idea of what name you'll get yourself with?" Leon asks as he look his cousin with a face showing curiosity.

The princess' birthday is getting near soon and it is indeed a big occasion. The princess will have her debut and a name to be known to all the land...

The princess looked at her cousin and smiled happily.

"I'm going to name myself as 'Lily'." She said excitedly

Moke who was reading at some book in those moment, saw the said name in one of the paragraphs and reads the meaning of it...

"Well...would you look at that. The name 'Lily' have a wonderful meaning written over here..." Moke said

The two rushed towards Moke and excitedly looks for it...

"-Lily: the meaning of the name would always be known a flower which means 'purity or pure' or 'passion'. A few only knows that it could also mean 'rebirth'- Wow! the meaning is so beautiful... how did you think of this thing???" Leon read then asked his cousin with excited eyes...

"Well...it was actually a big big brother with blue hair and eyes in my dream that actually told me to choose this-"

Both Moke and Leon was surprised to what they heard... the two stayed still and just continued to listen tho, they are in a shock...