
where should i start

i have had many adventures, some more recent than others. it would make sense to start at the beginning would it not. however my beginning is fairly tragic. you see according to the holy church you are baptized twice. once when you are born to protect yourself as you grow up and once more when you become of age to... purify your spirit of childish impulses as to prevent corruption. mind you i skipped the first baptism due to reasons and had a basic childhood but then i came of age... you know what this is not where i should start. lets start with the founding of this village. no i was not born here though i had a major hand in founding it. you see long ago this mountain path was a dangerous path that was one of few that connected the two sides of this mountain range. it was not dangerous due to the weather. in fact it was dangerous because it has great weather, plenty trees, tons of wildlife, and several caves making it the perfect place for bandits. now a caravan decided to use this path to help bring supplies for the war. you know food, weapons, armor, and more. now as the caravan ventured along the path the bandits decided to ambush the caravan. among the bandits were a few archers with poisoned arrows that quickly took care of the guards leaving only the workers and the caravan leader, tim. at the time i was doing a bit of exploring... for fun and noticed that an ambush was taking place. now a few bandits noticed me and brought me to the caravan people. the bandit leader asked who i was working for and if i worked for the crown. i said i did not work for anyone and he said that i was lying so i responded with cutting his head off. no i did not use a sword because they took my sword and dagger and bow and hammer and my coins and my special pouch. thankfully we were at the bandit camp so i had plenty of ash to use. also yes i can control ash due to my peculiar relationship with holy magic. anyways the bandit leader's head fell off and i proceeded to slaughter all of the bandits with ease due to all of there weapons failed to defend against my flying blade made of ash. mind you the reason they could not defeat it was because many things can't cut through ash under my control or defend against a blade as thick as powder itself. after the bandits were cleared i retrieved my items and set back to my task. it did not take long for another set of bandits to claim this area but by now my task was finished and i was heading back down the mountain with an empty pouch and a happy heart until i saw the filth had returned. they were even worse than before and were trying to burn down the forest on this beatiful mountain where she now rested... i killed them and vowed that i will protect her resting place. after all she protected me until i... until HE killed.....you know what. Thats it for today go play or something i have something to check on.

i honestly feel at my heart that it was my fault but i know HE did it. HE who refused to let me die and HE... HE ruined my life. i though i told you to go play. GO..

B_Mcreators' thoughts