
ok lets explain magic

there are 2 types of magic natural and unnatural. most magic belongs in the natural catagory and needs to be taught. however unnatural magic in other words holy magic is not taught. few can use holy magic and those who can are regarded as royalty but that part does not matter. the natural magics are fire, water, air, earth, and nature. they work by using the corresponding elements and manipulating them to do their bidding. allowing those who can control earth to at the minimum to be able to sense the resources around them and at their most powerful being able to create complex beings able to do work for them out of just the dirt on the ground.they often call them golem and are not to diffrent from the automatons you can buy. same with the elves but nature focused. so being able to what plants are beneficial or harmful and several times powerful elves have tried to take over the world by using mind controling plants and somehow raiseing an army of the dead. that may also be the case with merfolk but I don't actually know. Draconians can tell the weather with ease and kill you very very quickly if they choose to. they are also mostly solitary not wanting to be around non draconians which is good for us. anyways I am getting off topic. us demons don't really use fire but instead as someone I met once i think he was a priest or something. anyways he said "demons use the energy around them making them the greatest threat compared to the other two races...". which might explain why we can use elements not directly connected to fire like lightning.

never get on the bad side of a draconian's air magic it can kill a village in seconds leaving no life remaining. not even the plants were spared.

B_Mcreators' thoughts