
The Stongest Saint Knight

In the world of Gea there is a special unique magical energy source known as Mana exist and people utilizing them, many different types of species like Elfs, Demi-Human, Demons, and Humans. There are four kingdoms, with one kingdom being the strongest of them all, Liberua. The reason as to why there crowned as the strongest is solely because of the Knight Saint, Arios Von Vorinnu: The strongest person in the entire world, the very pinnacle of strength, someone who can be considered to be a god. Though with the rise of the Demon threat and the four Kingdoms ever growing tension between themselves. Liberua had summoned a group of heroes from another world to help defend the kingdom along side the Saint Knight. These group of heroes came in the form of a class room of students coming from earth.

Rupert_2819 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Above me the moon light shine brightly in the night sky, making it bright enough to see the forest I'm in.

I walk through the quite heavily dense forest, careful not to trip on any tree roots or rock. I felt the cool nice breeze brushing up against my skin; in the far distance I could hear several people laughing and cheering. Looks like I'm close to completing my mission. One of the Noble's from the Royal Court had task me into finding a precious art, it had been stolen by a ban of bandit. Though I'm quite ashamed to think this but, I'm quite confused at to why I'm needed for this job? Even though I could do other more important things like protecting villages on the outskirts of the kingdoms territory from the recent Demons attacks or train the new knight recruits...I shouldn't have this line of thinking. I'm Arios Von Vorinnu, one of the Legion of Royal Knights. I've sworn an oath to serve the kingdom with loyalty.

Soon enough I see a bright light ahead of me, looks like the bandit camp is nearby. Walking forward to the light led me to a cliffside, where at the bottom was the bandit camp. Nice looks like I can complete my mission faster. There are several worn-out looking tents surrounding a big campfire with bandits themselves drinking and celebrating about something? My guess is their celebrating about a successful raid. But I saw something that made my blood boil.

Nearby to the campfire were large cages, and inside of every cages were groups of people - mostly humans, but I could see some Elfs and Demi-Human mix in there. All of them were strip naked and dirty, these victim were huddled together in fear, while also shivering from the night wind.

Seeing those people trapped in those cages and likely sold off as slaves made my blood vile, how could these vile people sell of other people like objects was something I'll never understand, it was cruel! I hatefully stared at the dancing bandits - blissful to the Righteous punishment they'll soon get. I slowly grip the golden handle of my sword, the holy dragon slayer sword Arondight. Pulling the Holy sword from its sheath.

The holy dragon slayer sword Arondight, it was tall broad sword with a gold hilt and cross-guard having patterns on them - in the middle of the cross-guard was a ruby gem embedded on to it. The blade was unique as it's colored blue. Arodight might be if not one of the most powerful weapon in Gea, it's a legendary sword crafted long before I was even born.

Though I have never like to kill people, that doesn't mean I'll ignore injustice and let cruel people get away scot-free. Even though it hurts my heart to harm people, I'll still do it to be a hero of justice.

I jump from the cliff and down to the bandit camp, conveniently landing unto the fireplace, thankfully my Royal Knight clothes are enchanted to be durable, so normal fire can't burn by clothes.

"By Gea! What was that?"

"Was that a beast?"

"I think it was a person."

All around me the bandits are shock and suprise by the fact, a person just suddenly falls into the fireplace. I slowly walk out from the fire place - the fire not really bothering me, thanks to my _Authority of Fire_ Skill. I pointed Arondight to one of the bandits, then I shouted to them. "Bandits! Give your selves up and be imprison for life, so blood wouldn't be spill today." I gave them a warning. A small part of me hoping the bandits would be smart enough to just give themselves up, so I wouldn't have to harm them, or potentially kill them.

I see all their eyes widens in fear, profusely sweating because of my reputation. Their faces having gone pale as the moon itself, shivering from fear - heck I could even see some of the bandits pants crotch area going darker. Probably peeing themselves.

"I-I-It's him..." One of the bandits wisper in fear.

"Crap! The Saint Knight!"

"What should we do!?"

Some of the bandits slowly step away from me, while other quickly gets their weapons to defend themselves. I really don't want o harm them so I still gave one last chance to them. "For your safety Please surrender!" But no other bandits heed my warning.

The one of them runs towards me with a ragged looking dagger in hand, it looks like he was aiming at my face. Before the bandit could even blink I was immediately close the distance to him, in his perspective It would probably looked like I would have teleported to him; but in all reality It was my superior speed doing.

Bandit's eyes widens in fear. "C-crap!" The bandit swings his blade at my face - with quick precision my black gloved hand grabs the blade tip before it could reach my face. "Surrender." I calmly said to the man. But it seems like he wasn't really listening. Instead he is focusing on pulling the blade out of my grasp though with little success as he is really struggling to dislodge the blade from my hand. His eyes kept widening in fear slowly realizing my power, I saw some sweat running down his face as he desperately tried to pry the blade from my hand.

I sigh at the sight of the man. "At the very least I can give you some props for trying to harm me." The man harshly replied to me. "W-what are you? You freak of nature!" I use my other arm to slap the bandit's head - also I made sure it wasn't with fullforce to not accidently kill him. The man instantly fell to the ground knock-out cold.

The other bandits rushes to me, one throws a spear at me looking like aiming at my head again. But one of my Passive Skills _Air Arcana: Heavenly Shield_ automatically activates; the spear before hitting me begins to slow down and just suddenly stop midway falls to the ground.

One bandit swings his mace at me, my Passive Skill automatically activates again the mace begins to slow down and just stop. "What on Gea is going on!" The man shouted in confusion he tried to hit me but couldn't like there was a invinsible wall blocking the way.

_Air Arcana: Heavenly shield_ has an effect where any and all physical attacks, even magical in nature that are aiming at me are infinitely slowed down to the point where all the attacks can't move anymore to hit me. The Skill is classified as a rank 8 Skill. Meaning any Skill rank 1-8 can't bypass _Air Arcana: Heavenly shield._ The only exceptions are Skills rank 9 to 10.

Using some of my strenght I punch the bandit's gut, the man spits out saliva - it didn't reach me and just falls to the ground thanks to _Air Arcana: Heavenly shield._ he was sent flying to a tent from the force of my punch.

I runs to anothet bandit, grabbing his arm and easily lifted him up. "AAAA!" The man screams. I smash him to the ground, suddenly. An arrow was going towards me but it was infinitely slows down and fall to the ground. I turn my head to see who'd fired.

Near a tent was bandit holding a bow, next to him was another bandit but he was wearing a dark blue cloak. The cloak bandit aims his arm to me and loudly shouted. "_Water Arcana: Flowing Reach!_" Water fired from his palm.

Suddenly seeing that Skill _Water Arcana: Flowing Reach._ All the information regarding that Skill seamlessly flows to to my brain like water.

I was able to do this was thanks to my second Passive Skill. _Air Arcana: All-Knowing Sight_ whenever I see a Skill being cast, all infomation regarding that Skill is now in my mimd.

The water was infinitely slowed and stops. I run up to them at high speeds. Practically appearing right next to them, the bandit holding the bow tried to fire more arrows at me but I didn't let him do that by grabbing his hand - then punches him in the stomach. The bow-wielding bandit fall to the ground. I turn my attention to the magic-wielding bandit. "_Water Arcana: Flowing Reach!_" He fired his Skill again but unsuprisingly it didn't work. _Air Arcana: Heavenly shield_ infinitely slowing it down.

"G-get away from me!" He shouted at me. I runs to him and punches him in the face instantly knocking him out. I turn around to see if there were more bandits, good looks like I had taken care all of them. I turn to the cages. Walking to them I saw a bunch of people from different species all huddled together in the corner. Afraid.

"Hey~ Hey~ it'll be alright. You're all safe." I calmly said to give them some assurance they're safe.

"W-were safe! It's the Saint Knight!" One of them nervously said. I nodded my head. "Yeah you guys are safe. Hold on a sec, let me get you out of here." Grabbing the metal bars - I easily bend the bars wide enough for them to escape. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" One of them said to me. It warms by heart seeing them free and safe. "It's no problem at all, just doing my job. Oh! Do you know where these guys keep their stuff?" I ask one of the free slave. They pointed at one of the tents closes to the campfire. "That's were they keep most of their stolen goods."

"Thanks! And stay here for a sec I'm going to escort you after getting something" I jog over to the tent, going inside the dark green tent I saw small moutian stacks of stolen goods: like gold or other expensive stuff.

"So this is all the stuff they stole huh?" Maybe after getting the Item and escorting those people, I should call the guards to collect the stolen goods and return it. After a bit of searching I found it. The item was a self-portrait of the owner.

Grabbing it I went outside the tent, going over to the group. "Hey is anybody here hurt or wounded?" All them shakes their head. Good looks like the bandits didn't injure them. "Come on follow me. There's a town nearby."


After handing the group to the towns Guards and telling them about the stolen goods. I'm going to the town's local train station to go to the Royal Capital.

In my hand was the self-portrait wrap tightly in a cloth to not get it dirty. Looking around I saw croweds people stopping whatever they were doing and just stared at me in complete awe. Seeing them having this kind of reverence towards me made my gut skin, I hated it. I don't deserve their admiration to me, it feels so wrong to me I was someone who was born extremely lucky to be gifted with these powers, sure I do train to honed my ski but I didn't to earn these miracles, in essence I'm just a spoiled kid.

"I-I-It's him?! The Saint Knight..."

"Why's the Saint Knight in this town?!"

"I can't wait to tell my dad I saw the Saint Knight"

One of them slowly approaches me, it looks a middle age man with a rough beard. The man was heavily sweating from nervousness; likely because of seeing me. Poor guy...

I gave him a friendly smile to reassure him and not be afraid of me. "What Can I do for you kind Sir?"

I see him widening his eyes in shock and quitely muttered. "Oh Gea! He called me Sir!"

"Umm...Sir?" This seems to snap from his shock. He nervously gulps before asking me. "Saint Knight my dearest daughter has come of age to be wed. It would be my greatest honor for you to marry my daughter. She's very beautiful, well mannered, and knows all skills a woman would need." The father bowed to me.

I was in shock and honored at the same time. In the kingdom of Liberua it was a custom for a father to offer his first daughter to a man whom the father approves of. Usually the man should feel honored that a father shall gift him the right to wed their daughter. Through I'm extremely honored there was one problem...I have a fiancē. The first royal born princess of Liberua Stella Fu Abriel.

"I-I'm sorry sir. But I must reject your offer." I felt bad for having rejected the proposal, I'm sure she's a nice lady but I have a fiancē already. I can't betray that trust even if the relaitionship is forged and arrange my our families. Plus I didn't do anything to earn this fathers approval all the stuff I do is solely thanks to my gifts and not through my own merits, in fact she's could probably find a better person than me...

"T-t-then is s-shall gift you all three of my Daughters! Please you don't have to break up with the princess. They can be your own personal mistresess!" The man began to sob. All around me I could hear some of the people talking.

"Does he have no shame?!"

"Is he really that desperate?"

"He should be excuted for that blaspamy!"

Crap! if this continues, this whole situation could reach to the capitals and in the royal family's ear this dad and his daughters lives could be ruin!

"Sir why are you doing this?" I ask him.

"It's because in these times things have gotten hard, things are more expensive! Even basic necasity like food and water have tripled in price! At this right I won't be even able to properly feed my own family!" Right! Since the demon attacks had started, alot of frontier villages that provide the Kingdom and the nearby towns like this resources and other stuff have been destroyed. Because of this alot of things had gotten really expensive, and people don't want to get jobs that require them outside the kingdom because of the frequent Demon attacks. Not to mention alot places don't want to hire more people because of everything being more expensive.

"Well I know this isn't wise but..." Going through my pocket, I pulled out my wallet. I wispered to him. "Here you go all my gold coins, don't let other see it or else they'll probably steal it..." I wisper to his ear, I gave him all my money.

Seeing how much money he got, he begins to cry. "O-O-Oh Gea! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I-I'm truly in your debt!." The Father cried in joy. Seeing him in joy made my heart melt seeing him be so happy.

"It's just the right thing to do is helping someone." Giving him away all the money from my wallet wasn't really that big of a deal. Being a Royal Knight and having the title Saint Knight make's it so I won't have to worry about money. Something I'm not worthy of.

"Don't worry Sir, soon I'll deal with the Demon threat and you can return to normal." With that I begin to walk to the Train Station.


Inside inside of a giant grand cadrithel, two people were walking through a empty hallway.

One of the person is Father Mikiel. The Prime Archbishop of the kingdom of Liberua. He is wearing a large fancy majestic white robe with entricate designs woven into the clothes. He also wear golden jewelry. In his hand is a golden staff with the tip being a mini statue of the king himself.

Next to Father Mikiel was his apprentice. Paris Val Borou. While Father Mikiel is a elderly man, Paris is a young adult: he's wearing a black robe and on the back of the robe was a golden color cross symbol. He is wearing a pair of thick glasses.

Paris look at Father Mikiel in worry, as he remembers the horrible news they both heard. Agents of the church reported to them the other kingdoms maybe working with the demons to conquer Liberua. "Father I suggest we should gather an army and have the Saint Knight Arios Von Vorinnu lead it against the Demon Stronghold?"

Paris finds it strange Father Mikiel wasn't nearly as worried as he should be. He turn to Paris simply raising an eyebrow at him. "An army? You doubt the Saint Knight's capability?"

"Absolutely not! It's just having an army would defeat the Demon threat faster."

Father Mikiel shakes his head in disapprovel. "No, we won't send the Saint Knight to the Demon Stronghold. We need him here to defend the Royal Capital from any sudden Demon invasion. And another thing you didn't consider, if the Saint Knight is far from the Royal Capital, surely the other Kingdoms would attack us."

"Oh, Forgive for being foolish." Paris bowed his head to the Prime Pope. How much of an idiot was he to not consider those factors.

"Indeed you are foolish." Father Mikiel scolded Paris.

Seeking guidance, Paris inquired "If we aren't sending the Saint Knight to deal the Demon threat, what should we do?"

"There's an ancient Skill that allows the user to summon heroes from another world." This made Paris eyes widened in suprise. Summoning heroes from another world? Is that kind of Magic even possible?.

"Father there are other worlds? And we can summon heroes from these worlds to help us?" Paris was in complete awe, his mind thinking of the endless possibilities theses worlds have to offer.

"Paris are you an idiot? Have you not listen to our conversation!" Father Mikiel shook his head. Was his apprentice this much of an idiot? It clearly seems so.

"I'm sorry fath-" But Paris is interrupted by Father Mikiel. "Silence we have arrive."

There was a giant golden door with strange symbols even Paris didn't understand the meaning carved into it. The door was glowing this holy aura around. "Stay here I'm going to meet with the Goddess so we can summon these heroes." In the four major kingdoms they have one reincarnated god or goddess to help them thrive, while they're allowed to join in the kingdoms afair they can't use their full power or else they'll be sent back to Heaven. In Liberua they of the Goddess of fertility Alme.

Father Mikiel entered the goddess room. Her room resembled more of a royal bath chamber than an actual room it has a large bathtub but it's large enough it can be considered as a pool, the room was covered in thick steam from the baths hot water, a fact that Father Mikiel hated.

"Oh Father Mikiel! It's good to see you!" Coming of the steam was Alme, in Father Mikiel opinion the most alluring woman in all of Gea, a woman he Desperately wants on her knees begging him for his cock. Not this wasn't a saint-like thinking to have but he doens't honestly care.

Alme was a very beautiful and alluring pale skin woman, she has curves in the right areas like the thigh and breasts. She have golden like hair, elf ears and pretty blue sapphire eyes. She was also barely wearing anything that can be considered as decent clothing it was just a set of white garments covering her private parts and certain body parts. All these things furthering her beauty making Father Mikiel want her even more. That will come in the future when his plans succeed...for now he has to play the part of a saint. "I have grave news your holiness..." he bowed to her even though he hated it he has to bow to her.

Seeing Father Mikiel bowing to her made Alme a bit nervous, she nervously chuckled at it. "Ah-hah! You don't need to bow to me Mikiel were friends!" She smiled at him. Seeing her do that to him made his blood boil, it was like she'd pitied him! He can't wait to break this whore and make her his play thing.

"So what did the agents find?" Alme said as she sits on a chair.

"Our agents have found that the other kimgdoms are potentially working with the Demons to conquer us."

"Oh no. I fear what might the other kingdoms have done in order to cooperate with the Demons." Demons are notorious for their hunger for human flesh in particular. So if the other kingdoms had really team up with the demons, they likely had use their human citizens as a sick bargaining chip.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you know why we can't send the Saint Knight to take down the Demon stronghold?"

The goddess nodded.

"So what's why I'm planning on using an ancient Skill to summon heroes from another world and I need your help to provide me with enough mana to perform the Skill."

"I'll do it to protect the kingdom from the demon attacks!"