
"I'm far nicer than you think"

Oh,he said "you have a nice name you know,he said as he smiled at me, I blushed uncontrollably and I thanked him for the compliment,he smirked and said "your friend is nice,I love blonde's",I don't know why but a huge wave of jealousy swept through me but I smiled and said,"they really are beautiful ,well talking about friends the guy you punched is he your friend or was?"

"Well Julian is a pretty large jerk but in general he's a bully and I hate people that take advantage of weak people" "are you weak?" I asked and he gave that arrogant smirk and said "well I won't say so if I where you, cause alot of things I would've loved to show you on how strong I am, but don't worry I'll wait ", acting like I didn't understand what he said,and know what he meant I went on,"but he punched you last semester",he smiled knowing I was acting like I didn't know what he meant,he said," yeah I could say I was weak then, but not anymore,but I'm far nicer than you think Jennie he said as he left my side to the back of the class...

Ivy came back and asked me why Eric was leaving my sit,I summarized everything to her leaving out the part of him loving blonde's,so she warned me about him and i assured her nothing was going on between us,she shrugged and faced the board as Mrs Williams came into the class.

I have to admit first day in college was not as bad as I taught..I made a good friend and also I had a stupid crush,I came back to my dorm with a smile on my face, it was dark in but as soon as I closed the door behind me I witnessed my supposed dorm mate making out with some guy..yuck it was gross, as soon as they noticed my presence they disengaged from each other she quickly covered up and drove the ugly tall dude out..I sighed as they left and I jumped on my little but comfortable bed, I was about to doze off when she came in and started apologising I told her it's okay and she smiled, she introduced herself as Nathalie and I told her I'm Jennie, she told me allot about the school "Colorado States and she talked me on agreeing to follow her on some tour round the school the next dat, I just smiled and drifted off to sleep not even minding to take a shower or change into my pygamas.