
"A friend or a foe"

The next day , I woke up very early interested in the tour Nathalie talked about, little did I know that it would turn out disastrous for me..and me alone, so I dressed up in a high waist skirt ,a crop top to match and a pair of black canvass, Nathalie really wanted me to take her clothes because she complained of dress being churchy. I laughed it off and told her it was just a tour besides I knew there was no way my hips would let me wear her dress, me and her are of the same body size but unlike her my curves where delicately shown of so I usually wore clothes that covered them all up, I picked up my school bag and we where on our way to catch up with the tour bus, when we got in I saw ivy and waved at her then my head on it's own accord drifted to Eric and there he was with a brand new blonde I then knew he was addicted, I laughed it off as me and Nathalie found a sit at the back and sat down, she started of by telling me the origination of the school and how it came to be, I listened with keen interest we were still on that when an old man with an oversized stomach and thick glasses joined us in the car, oh my goodness he indeed was fat, everyone was laughing at him but when he turned sharply to face us everyone went silent..then he stood up and started approaching my sit, I became cold immediately because I knew what he had in mind, but I was not at fault, well he ensured I stood up through the whole ride, my knees buckled cause I was tired I glanced at Nathalie and she was apologising with her eyes,ivy felt so bad she eyed the teacher despite him looking at her but Eric was there chatting up with the young blonde, who was smiling like she just won a lottery, he glanced up saw me and smiled then he continued talking with the girl, I don't know why but I felt so hot inside me, maybe it was because the girl was slim like so slim her legs where long thanned like that of a model, I guess he likes the slim shaped ladies, unlike me that was slim but had huge curves, on a norm it is something to be proud of but seeing him with her, I hated my shape, soon the car came to a stop and I got down my legs where shaking, but ivy and Nathalie assisted me around

We where still going around when I witnessed Eric and his friends discussing, I wanted to leave unnoticed but he caught me . "Hey Jennie?", "Oh hi Eric", he smiled and said "where' you guys up to?"

Nathalie said"nunya business pussy"!!, He smirked and said, while walking towards us "oh I think it is, ain't I right Jennie?", I swallowed hard cause he was talking his gaze never leaving mine,,but I didn't want to feel weak so I told the girls "I think we should get going girls" they smiled and ongoing he grabbed my wrist and turned me around and said," I might love blonde's but it won't be bad to try a black haired girl cause it's constantly giving me a hard on,then he released me and said " get going Jennie before I loose it completely, I gulped and walked away with my friends.