
The start to end it all

Our Main character Dave has found himself in a underground ruin of some sort in a casket shaped device with the label S-CSC-#01290. Follow John as he explores the ruin and out of it to discover what has happened to our beautiful earth and how he will rebuild it. The bunker of sorts is dark with few lights running several other caskets are open for a long time. (Hello I am back with a new novel this time that I probably will not drop unexpectedly without warning again) PS. R18 content will not happen in the first 80 chapters I can 100% guarantee further well you just gotta wait and find out Oh yeah plan to post 3 chapters a week

TheHighElite · Sci-fi
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Exploration and explaining

When Dave just finished getting everything he needed to safely open a casket because just because he is inside doesn't mean it might not be dangerous. So after getting ready he heads over to the nearest casket after asking the system if he could be able to open the casket externally [ Dave a emergency release is hidden under a panel. ] The HUD shows what panel the system meant by highlighting it. Dave then opened up the panel as before asking now what to the system? [ Dave please press that red button with that clear plastic cover over it. ] Dave did what was told and the casket let out a hiss while very cold air rushed out for a minute causing him to shiver slightly. About a minute passed when the opening process ended he was hit with a very horrible smell that could cause one to faint just by being near it. When he recovered enough to go and see why it smelt so bad he saw a dead rotting body that was half frozen while half decaying he let out a slight scream before stumbling a bit, then yelled at the system why the guy was dead [ Dave I have ran a diagnostic on the casket and it appears in the last 20 years the chamber malfunctioned and defrosted him but it restarts a year later at half capacity due to the chambers own weak AI. ] Dave was mortified at the implications that a device designed to freeze a person until it would be time for then to exit was scary to say the least because while the odds low they are not ever zero and increase each year inside due to probability alone and because he spent 100 years inside one!

Dave after digesting this new information and regaining his bearings finally decided to open the other 5 caskets, but first he had to close the open chamber because of the smell. When he got to the next closed chamber he repeated the process for the first and after decompression and defrosting it revealed another horrifying sight a fresh dead body that died of hypothermia and dehydration, the body was less than a day old probably [ Dave before you even had to ask I figured out the cause of him not being able to escape a part of the chamber was rusted shut that was responsible for opening the cryptosleep casket the odds of this happening are less than 10% a 1% increased every 10 years. ] Dave felt even more fear than the last time but also relief he had survived while sadly 2 people so far had not.

He was onto the third chamber now hoping someone was still alive just very groggy when he had finished waking up he realized what's going on around him as his AI or system probably told him.

(so I dropped this however I had this chapter just half done and unposted so I will just release it and if I decide to pick it back up I will finish it and stuff yah know)