
The start to end it all

Our Main character Dave has found himself in a underground ruin of some sort in a casket shaped device with the label S-CSC-#01290. Follow John as he explores the ruin and out of it to discover what has happened to our beautiful earth and how he will rebuild it. The bunker of sorts is dark with few lights running several other caskets are open for a long time. (Hello I am back with a new novel this time that I probably will not drop unexpectedly without warning again) PS. R18 content will not happen in the first 80 chapters I can 100% guarantee further well you just gotta wait and find out Oh yeah plan to post 3 chapters a week

TheHighElite · Sci-fi
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A abrupt awakening

Awakening Dave S-CSC-#01290 Emergency, Power level critically low initiating protocol C-027. Opening S-CSC-#01290.

Where am I grabbing his head while rubbing his temples ughh I feel like BLARGH **he vomits over the side of the chamber**

I feel werid wait where am I?! As I look around for anything I notice I am in a futuristic looking room, yet it looks old or ancient is the proper term I guess [Hello Dave] AHH I shout w-who no where are you! [ Dave please calm down I am the AI or as you could call system implanted into the base of your skull via micro injection. ] Why don't I remember much then! I yelled! [ Dave you do not have to shout for you can communicate mentally just ask for system or what you would name me later, as for why you do not remember much Dave is because of the risk of partial amnesia after the operation and going into crytosleep for 100 years. ] Partial amnesia huh wait 100 YEARS! I HAVE BEEN ASLEEP FOR 100 YEARS?! [ Yes Dave you have. ] Okay dave deep breaths I think Haaa alright why have I been asleep for 100 years System [ Dave as due to the Pheonix Project to in case of war preserve humanity in case of extinction or near it. ] Wait Humanity is extinct! [Yes and no Dave its population number has went down from 15 Billion to by my estimates 100 million globally. ] Wait System that's not a very low number I mean sure 14Billion 900 Million died but 100 Million is still incredibly high! [ Dave this was the highest estimate the lowest was 10 million Remember I can't give solid data because of we both have been frozen for 100 years I haven't been able to contact the satellites in orbit because we are in hidden bunker number 53. ] So should I look around the bunker than System? [ Yes Dave I highly recommend this route as you would live much longer if you do as I can not guarantee favorable conditions when we exit the bunker. ] I stood up from the chamber and saw the marking S-CSC-#01290 System [ Yes Dave? ] What does those markings mean? [ Host that's the Serial number of the Searia company's Cryptosleep casket number 01290. ] Does that mean at least 1289 more humans like me exist out there? [ Yes. ] I can't tell if that would be good or not I think to myself as I start surveying around me and I find 5 more caskets in my room I don't rush over to open them yet I first ask the System if we have any easily accessible weapons nearby and a HUD pops up scaring the S.h.i.t out of me Ahh System warn me before you do something like that I mentally yell! [ Apologies Dave. ] It replies the HUD points me to a closed closet of sorts I press a button and it opens revealing a weapons rack inside with 12 guns inside 6 rifles and 6 pistols plus 6 gas masks hanging above it with also spare boxes and cans of ammo below. getting all geared up to open a casket.

( AN here hey what do you think about this so far also I apologize if I dont give any specific weapon models but I do not wish to do alot of research for sources and models I will just go off of logic that future no common brands and stuff. But besides that how do you like how I introduced the system in with a AI inserted at the base of the skull instead of magic bull gods or stuff. )