
The Start of a Legacy

Asteria Halliwell grew up in an orphanage run by a horrid Headmistress. She thought she'd never amount to anything in life. That was until a kind stranger paid Asteria a visit.

Peachteaboba · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Duelling Class

The next morning, I woke up exhausted. The excitement and anxiety of the previous night wouldn't allow me to drift into a deep sleep. I stumbled out of bed and put on my school uniform. It was a white dress shirt, a plaid red vest and grey slacks, with boots. I held my robe in hand, staring at it. Whether I would thrive or survive in this school was unknown, but at least I looked great in red. I put on the cloak, making sure it fit nicely in the mirror. My eyes caught sight of my messy blond bob, which I promptly flattened to remove any stray hairs. Looking what I deemed acceptable, I wandered out of my room and into the common room.

The common area was full of chatter, a little too much for my liking at 8am. There were occasional glances in my direction but no one approached me. I walked around taking in my surroundings. The first thing that caught my eye was the magnificent view. The window which at first peered into the darkness outside, looked upon the ocean. I watched in a trance as the waves crashed into the window. Soon I realised that the common area was built into the cliff face itself.

"I heard that sometimes you can see mermaids smashing into window," a small student said. They must've just started as well.

I continued to look around, until I caught sight of a boy examining a book. I couldn't clearly see his face because he had chosen the darkest corner to read it. He was slightly lit by a fireplace next to him. I approached, thinking I could befriend the loner.

The boy looked up immediately.

"Can I help you?" He raised one eyebrow.

It was the brown haired boy from the great hall. In an instant, I felt my cheeks go red.

Before I could utter a word, he spoke, "oh you're the new student".

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fabian Read".

"Asteria Halliwell", I smiled. "You seemed rather interested in that book".

"Oh just some light reading. Nothing too interesting. You seemed to have quite a journey though, not everyone requires an escort from the congregation of magic to the school", he said. Professor Hermes had introduced me to a man name Elijah Simmons from the congregation. He was to accompany us on our journey to the school. Unfortunately, our means of transport was hijacked by a band of goblins and a dragon. He didn't make it out alive.

"He was just joining us for the ride. But word seems to travel fast here", I said.

"Well you both did end up in the midsts of a dragon. Poor fellow, that's a dreadful way to go. I'm glad you and Hermes are alright though".

My heart gave a little flutter at what he had said. We rarely interacted with boys at the orphanage.

"Thank you. It was dreadful but still an experience nonetheless", I said.

"Interesting perspective. By the way, how did you and the Professor manage to escape?" He asked.

After what Professor Hermes had said, I couldn't say a word, no matter how charming he was. It happened so fast, I'm not entirely sure if I got the story straight either. I could recall riding along in our carriage, the dragon appeared, demolished our carriage and Mr Simmons with it - then something strange happened. A relic he had handed Professor Hermes began to glow and it teleported us elsewhere.

I laughed awkwardly, "honestly, it was all a blur. I can't remember too much."

"Sorry I didn't mean to press. Have you introduced yourself to anyone else?" He asked.

"Yes, the prefect Isaiah and a girl named Esmeralda" I said.

"Ah yes. She's a delight isn't she? I bet the first words she uttered were about being the top of the class".

I nodded.

"Not surprised", he laughed.

"Fabian", came a voice from behind me.

I turned around. There stood the blond boy with the piercing blue eyes.

"I'm guessing by all the chatter around us, that you're the new student. I'm Atticus Pagonis", he said.

"Hi", I smiled.

"Let me know if I can be of any help as you navigate your first days here", he said formally.

"Thank you! Are there really mermaids in the sea?"

Fabian glanced at Atticus and laughed.

"Yes certainly, however I've never heard of anyone sighting one through that window, have you Fabian?"

"No", Fabian shook his head. "That would be rather amazing though".

"Excuse me Asteria, Professor Griffiths is waiting for you at the entrance", Isaiah interrupted.

"Day 1 and you're already in trouble", Fabian laughed.

"She must've heard me sneaking around the castle last night," I said sarcastically. "I'll catch you guys later".

"See you in detention", Fabian winked.

"Bye Aura", Atticus added.

I slowly climbed the stairs to the entrance of the common area.

'How am I ever going to get used to this?' I muttered to myself. There were simply too many steps.

"Good morning, Professor Griffiths", I said puffed out.

"Good morning," she said cheerily.

"Now the congregation and I have discussed the best way to catch you up to all your peers. We have agreed that giving you a handbook would be best. It's a space where you can collect notes on anything to do with magic. To summon it, you merely have to think of it and it will appear in your hands. It is bound to you so no one else should be able to steal it", she said.

I turned the book in my hand. It was an old leather bound book. I flipped through the blank pages. It was completely empty.

"Thank you", I said.

"Now to add an entry, you just have to think about it. It's quite tedious to write out an handbook, so it's pages are filled by psychic connection", she added.

I nodded, deep in thought. The book was extraordinary. It looked as if it was heavy to hold but it was still relatively light and I could feel the magic emanating off it. Suddenly, a bell tolled in the distance.

"That's the bell for your first class, which is dueling. Off you go", she said.

Professor Griffiths turned on her heel and left before I could ask her anything.

"I wish I had a map", I groaned. With that, a page appeared in my handbook, showing me exactly where to go.


Slowly, I navigated the corridors, attempting to find the classroom.

The castle was huge. I'd never find my way through it.

"What are you doing?" I heard a laugh behind me.

I froze, holding my map upside down. There Fabian stood, an eyebrow raised.

"I'm looking for the dueling classroom", I said.

"Looks like we have our first class together. Follow me."

Fabian and I snaked our way through the halls.

"So, what's that book you had out anyways?" He asked.

"Oh Professor Griffiths gave me a handbook to help catch me up to other students", I said.

"Interesting. Well at least they didn't throw you in the deep end", he said.

I nodded. He was right, up until I recieved the book, I was anxious about how I was going to pass all my classes. There was no possible way I could catch up to all the other year 10's by myself.

After five minutes, we arrived at the classroom.

"You both took your time, class is about to start," a voice said.

I looked around, "what was that?"

"It's the stupid teleportion glyph, they are typically located on a sentient statue for navigational and troubleshooting purposes", Fabian said annoyed.

"Huh?" I examined the statue closest to us. She had the appearance of a Greek goddess, and was dress in a toga. For a moment it didn't move.

"Are you going to stand there all day gawking at me?" The statue put it's hands on it's hips.

I frowned, "so I could've essentially teleported here?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Well no, you have to go to the location first," he said.


I raised a brow, "wait, if you could do that, why did you find me walking to class?"

Fabian shrugged, "I was up to no good."

Before I could press further, he entered the classroom.


I entered the classroom. It had stone walls and floors, different to your typical classroom. There were four rows of desk which were split into two columns. On the ceiling hung a magnificent skeleton of a mysterious creature.

I sat down beside Fabian and took out my books. An old lady appeared from her office at the back of the classroom.

"Ah, we have a new student in year 10. We don't see that often. I'm Professor Hazel", the Professor said.

I smiled, I knew I was going to hear that at every class.

"Okay class. Today we will be learning combination magic and what better way to practice than with a duel. First we will learn the wand movements. Like this", the Professor began to draw using her wand, she uttered the 'levitare'. "This here will leviate the opponent, then with a flick of the wand, you can cast a basic spell to wound the individual."

The class copied her. All sorts of objects began levitating around the room.

"Great work class," Professor Hazel said.

"Fabian and Asteria, why don't you two start? Everyone out of your desks."

With a swift stroke of her wand she moved the tables to the side of the room.

"Now you two, one stand here and the other here", she said, pointing at two opposite ends of a rectangle on the classroom floor.

"Now this is a proper welcome", Fabian said as he walked past.

I stood across from him. Beneath our feet a stage rose from the floor.

"Now, I only want the use of levitare and basic cast. No funny business Mr Read", the Professor said.

"Why you telling me?" He asked impishly.

"You know exactly why. On your mark. Go."

I froze.

"Levitare", Fabian yelled.

In an instant, I was levitating. Fabian hit me with a basic cast and I fell to the floor.

"Come on Miss Halliwell," said the Professor.

I stood up.

"Levitare", Fabian said again.

I flicked my wand and deflected the blast.

"Levitare", I said as quickly as possible.

I had him where I wanted him. Flicking my wand repeatedly, I rapidly cast basic attacks.

Habian had no time to react before I blasted him off the stage.

"Miss Halliwell won. Good job", said the Professor.

I hopped off the stage and the next two students took their place.

"Not bad for a beginner", Fabian said. I could tell he was impressed.

"Thanks", I smiled.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Professor Hermes had taught me some basic magic, however the battles following the goblin attack on our carriage had really solidfied my training. The relic had transported us to ruins near the school. It had some kind of guardians protecting it and was hidden behind a transparent veil. We had no idea what it mean't, or why it was there, but by the end of it, we were just grateful to make it to the school in one piece.

After my last class of the day, I was stopped right outside the classroom by Professor Griffiths.

"How was your first day of classes?" She asked.

"Really intriguing", I answered.

"Good good, I heard you're quite adept at using a wand. Did you have much practice on your way here?"

"Sorry Professor, I wish I could say I did", I said shrugging.

"Interesting." She glanced passed me.

"Ah Professor Hermes, how was your trip to the ministry?" She asked.

I turned. The Professor stood there watching me. It was a good thing I didn't mention anything.

"Quite enjoyable, Miss Halliwell, please meet me after class tomorrow. I have an assignment for you", he said, and with that he made his exit.

"Ah yes, I forgot to add the teachers will be giving you extra assignments. Now, I'm afraid you will have to head to the town closest to the school. It's known as Mistfield. You need to pick up your school supplies that were lost on your way here. I'll give you a student to chaperone you. Any preference?" She asked.

"Fabian Read", I said a little too quickly.

"Alright. He should be in detention. Meet him at the front gate", she said.

Of course he was in detention. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my map. I was just getting the hand of using it.