
The Start of a Legacy

Asteria Halliwell grew up in an orphanage run by a horrid Headmistress. She thought she'd never amount to anything in life. That was until a kind stranger paid Asteria a visit.

Peachteaboba · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A Trip to Mistfield

I arrived at the entrance to the school and waited for Fabian. The castle truly was amazing in broad daylight. I had arrived at night, making it hard to see it's architecture. Now, I could take in every curved surface. From the gate I watched the students, some were chatting, others were playing catch. I even saw a couple weaving in and out of the castles spires on their broomsticks. I watched in awe and barely noticed Fabian approached.

"Oh, hello Fabian," I said.

"Ah my new charge. I'm told you're in dire need of school supplies from the village," he said.

I giggled.

"Is this your first foray to the village?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Right then, let's go", he said and started walking.

"Thank you for escorting me by the way," I said.

"Hey, you got me out of detention," he elbowed me and winked.

"What does one have to do to get detention on their first day?" I asked.

"Sneak into the library at night."

"I didn't take you for that much of a nerd. We've been here one night. It couldn't wait?"

"I was looking for something," he shrugged.

I raised an eyebrow, "for wha…."

I caught my tongue, I realised shouldn't be prying into people personal lives this early in a friendship.

"I have a twin sister, who was cursed and I'm just trying to find something, or anything that can help. Nothing has so far."

"I'm so sorry", I said.

"It's not your fault," he said.

We came across a fork in the road. Fabian directed us to the right path. It curved as we walked along the path. My eyes drifted to the scenery.

"Oh my! That's incredible," I said, excitedly. We could see the ocean from there.

"The lands around the school are breathtaking. I live in a village to the west of here. Not far, maybe 30 minutes by broom."

"It must have been great growing up around here. Do you visit home a lot?" I asked.

He shook his head, "not since our parents died. Our horrid godfather took us in, so I'd rather not see him. I still write to my sister Ophelia though."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's not you fault."

I remained silent. I felt awful for him. I grew up without parents, so I was all too familar with the feeling that came with their abscence. Part of me wanted to say something, but I was afraid what questions would arise if I did.

"Hey cheer up, there's Mistfield", Fabian must've noticed the sadness on my face.

My jaw dropped. It looked as if it was straight out of a storybook. A lively but quaint town. Smoke rose from the chimmies and small glowing lights flew above the cottages, I assumed them to be fireflies. As we approached the town, I could hear the bustle of the residents.

"It truely is remarkable", I said.

"It is. I need to pick up something for Ophelia. I'll meet you back at the town square when you've brought everything you need", Fabian said.

I nodded and he left. I pulled out my handbook to see if there was a map for the town. Low and behold, it was right there.

"Okay, well I think I'll get my wand first," I murmured to myself.

That was the most exciting part after all. The past week I had used a second hand wand. I wanted something that felt like mine.


I entered the wand shop. The bell on the door made a ding. The shop was dark and bookish. Wooden shelves lined the walls. Instead of books, wand boxes filled the spaces.

"Ah Miss Halliwell I presume. I was sent word that you were coming. I am Tobias Finch", his head perked up.

"Good afternoon," I said.

"Now, are you familiar with the wand choosing process?"

I shook my head.

"I'm afraid it's the same process as the mage sorting ceremony," he said sympathetically.

I groaned, "if I must."

He motioned me over to the small cauldren on the counter. Then, Tobias removed a small dagger from the drawer.

"This will be but a prick," he said.

I gave him my hand.

"Ah, you did this recently I see."

I nodded, "I do have a question, shouldn't wizards know what type of mage they are before their first day of school?"

"Well yes, but truthfully, it's more for tradition." He poked my finger and explained as the blood dripped down.

"There of course are signs, however this is the only way to get a definitive answ…- oh my!"

I looked down as the liquid glowed bright blue. It lingered for a few moments and then turned red.

"It did that at the school too! What does it mean?"

"Typically it means a mage can draw their power from the four known sources. It's an incredibly rare gift. However, still we have never seen it do what it just did."

"Must mean I'm just your ordinary blood mage I guess."

"Possibly, but I'd like to look into that for you. If you don't mind of course."

I shrugged, "thats okay."

"Now for the wand," He rose his wand to the cauldron and tapped it 2 times, while muttering some sort of incantation. The liquid bubbled, and began to glow red. A stream of light rose from the cauldron and danced it's way to one of the wands on the shelf.

Tobias walked over and removed the box from the shelf. "Perfect! Cherry blossom wood, with a strong bloodstone core. I took the wand in my hand and examined it. The dark wood was beautiful. I traced it's twisted etchings. This wand felt like mine. It was perfect. I thanked him and crossed one item off my list.

The rest of my shopping trip was more or less potion recipes, ingredients and seeds. Each shop had a distinct look to it. From smokey and stuffy, to green and earthy. I had only been here an hour and I already loved this place.


After I ticked the last item off my list, I teleported my way to the town centre. It felt bizarre. One moment I was at the glyp next to the potions shop, the next, my body was in the town centre. I became dizzy incredibly dizzy. Fabian watched on as I oriented myself.

"Figure it out did you?" He asked.

I nodded gleefully.

"I officially have all my supplies", I added.


"Did you get what you needed for your sister?" I asked politely.

"I did. Well the world is our oyster now. Why don't we see what else we can get up to…-" Before Fabian could finish, a large crash came from our left.

"A giant!" Someone yelled.

"Shit!" I said. It was indeed a giant. The individual towered a few metres over the houses.

Me and Fabian exchanged a glance before I sent a basic cast in its direction. It turned and bolted straight towards us. A few mages sent spells it's way, eventually leading it off in a different direction. When Fabian and I realised were safe, we let out a laugh. It certainly was exciting, especially for my first trip to Mistfield.

"How about we stop at the local pub?" Fabian asked.


As we were about to leave, another giant crashed through one of the houses. It was a male, at least 6 metres tall, with incredibly dark hair and eyes.. My eyes darted around. Not a single mage was in the square with us.

"Again? Really?" I spoke.

It made eye contact with me and shot in my direction. Just as the giant was about to swing it's bat at me, I dodged, rolling to my left. I cast and cast, wearing it down as much as I could. Fabian and I had a few close swings. Very soon, I found out any blocking spells were useless with incredibly large weapons and excessive force. However, after a few more swings, I managed to get the upper hand. I felt energy surge within me. Without a second thought, I shot spell in my direction. Rather than the brilliant red colour it usually was, a blue stream of light was emitted from my wand. It pushed the giant down, with a loud thud. They didn't move, I had knocked them out.

Fabian and I gasped for air as the giant laid still on the cobblestones in front of us.

"Did you students take down that troll?" A witch said. She was dressed in black robes. It appeared to be a uniform.

We nodded.

"My, you have talent. You might want to consider a career in law enforcement," she congratulated us.

"Thank you!" I said.

She nodded and walked off.

"Asteria, what was that?" Fabian asked.


"That spell you cast without an incantation. I've never seen anything like it, and it's glow was blue."

"I honestly have no clue."

I couldn't tell him what Tobias said, I'd sound ridiculous. Fabian stared at me, with confusion on his face.


Fabian and I made our way down the laneway towards the pub. From the outside, it seemed incredibly cozy. Smoke rose from the chimney, indicating there was a fire inside. As we approached the entrance, I noticed two people arguing down the alleyway to the side of the tavern. My throat closed up as I realised who it was; the same goblin who attacked our carriage in the countryside, Grimbald. I stopped and hid just out of sight, behind pillar and conviently placed pot plant.

"You said you could get to the child when they arrived at Mistfield. That all you needed was a distraction. Which I gave you!" Grimbald spat.

The goblin stared through him with his piercing red eyes.

My brain began moving in circles. It wasn't simply a random attack, they were after me specifically.

"I just watched a student take down your "distraction". What aren't you telling me? We can't work together if I don't know the whole story," a wizard said. He was rather handsome, if he weren't trying to kidnap me.

"All you need to know is that if you cannot get to the child, you're of no use to me," Grimbald said.

I gave a low gasp, the goblin's gaze drifted from the man to me.

I turned to Fabian, he stared at me, mouth agape.

"Let's go," I said, pushing him towards the pub.

We pushed through the door and attempted to blend with the customers.

"Did they see us?" He asked.

I couldn't speak. My mind was racing. Grimbald had just sent two giants after me, and I had no idea why.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Fabian asked, tugging my sleeve.

"Who was that man with the goblin?" I finally let out.

"Percival Livingston," he replied. "Is that the Goblin I saw in the daily prophet?"

I nodded.

"I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Aubury, the owner of the Dancing Lutes," she said.

"Asteria Halliwell," I said quietly.

Before we could speak anymore, Livingston burst through the wooden doors, with who I assumed to be his goons.

"Now, what do we have here?" Livingston asked.

Aubury stepped out from the behind the bar. She knew there was trouble.

The goon with Livingston moved towards Aubury.

"Come now. No need for theatrics. I'm only here for this one," Livingston said pointing to me. My heart dropped.

Fabian stood in front of me and gestured for me to stay back. Part of me wanted to cower behind him.

"My friend is about to enjoy a well earned creams soda," Aubury said.

"I only want a quick word", he began towards me.

Fabian tensed his body.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said my friend is busy", Aubury said.

As she did, every mage in the tavern stood up from their seats and withdrew their wands. Fabian and I followed suit.

Livingston examined the crowd.

"Come Elias. The Dancing Lutes isn't what it used to be. Let's take our Galleons elsewhere," he said.

The crew slowly backed out, "you can't drink cream soda forever", he laughed.

Then finally, he left. My pulse began to slow. Fabian turned to face me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded. Of course, I wasn't okay, but I didn't want anyone else to see that.

"Seems you made an unfortunate enemy," Aubury said, the concern growing on her face.

"Watch your back. Livingston's lot are worse than any giant you may encounter," she added.

"Giants, Grimbald, Livingston, what aren't you telling me?" Fabian questioned.

I analysed his face. Surely I could trust him. We had just faced a giant together and stared death in the face. I turned to the bar.

"Aubury, could we please have two cream sodas?" I asked.

She nodded and poured us some.

Cream soda in hand, I found the most secluded table in the tavern. It happened to be in the corner, right next to the fireplace.

I signed, as Fabian waited for an explanation.

"On the way to the castle, we were attacked, you know that part, don't you? " I whispered.

Fabian nodded.

"Well, what you don't know is that we had some kind of ancient relic. When I touched it, it teleported us to another location - a ruin near the school. Strangely, it was veiled somehow, and completely invisible from the outside. Grimbald was after the relic, thats how I knew to touch it. I am assuming he wanted what we found."

Fabian watched me, invested, "what did you find?"

"Well, after dueling with some of the ruins guardians, we came across a large room. Somehow it was well maintained, despite its age. It was incredibly dark, however, the moment we stepped foot in it, the room came to life. A scene played around us, some type of projection. It showed the two men who built the ruin, and the place they hid their prize. In the middle of the room was a small round tile. I pressed it down to reveal a small cyclinder. Professor hermes and I have yet to figure it out how to open it. All we know is that it has a single symbol on it."

Fabian looked dumbfounded.

"I almost don't believe you. But if it weren't for what I just witnessed, then I wouldn't," he said.

"Please don't share this with anyone. Professor Hermes was adamant," I said.

"My lips are sealed," he nodded.

"That really is something though. How are you coping with it all?" Fabian asked

I thought for a moment. It was so nice to finally discuss it with someone. Until now, I hadn't spoken about it at all.

"My head is spinning honestly. Between this, starting at the school, learning I am a blood mage, it's all a bit much. I barely…." I stopped.

I barely just found out I was a witch. But I couldn't tell him that. How would he react?

"Barely what?" He pressed.

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter."

"Hold on." Fabian crossed his arms. "You're not happy about being a blood mage?"

"I just don't know how I fit in with everyone. Most students have an air of superiority to them, as if they knew who they were meant to be from the moment they were born," I confessed. It was true, blood mages were completely different to the other types.

"Well you're right about that. Although Atticus was born into a complete pure blood, blood mage family, and he still despises people who think they're better for being blood mages," he said, pausing to think for a moment.

"And me. My family has had quite a few blood mages but Ophelia and I never definitively thought that we'd be one. Although thinking about it, that could be why me, Ophelia and Atticus all got along so well. We never cared about our mage status."

Fabian smiled. I knew deep down he was right. None of it mattered all that much. Fabian and Atticus were still kind to me. They didn't know my family history and they tried not to make judgments. As long as I kept it hidden, there would be no issues.

"You're right," I said, slowly.

"Perk up, it's you're first day and you've already made two new friends. You are where you're meant to be."

For some reason, hearing those words leave his mouth made my heart flutter.

"It's getting late. We should head back to the castle," he said.

"Good idea. What if Grimbalds lot is hiding out there?"

"There's a teleport gly relatively close. But Mistfield is quite busy at night, so there will be a crowd around. Unless he's got two more giants waiting for us, we should be good," he said.

I nodded. Fabian and I left the tavern. As soon as we arrived to the common area, we said good night and I collapsed into my bed. Every muscle in my body was sore. Mentally, my brain was foggy. That night I didn't sleep well. My dreams were filled with Grimbald, Livingston and giants. The only highlight was that Fabian was there, helping me fight them to the end.