

Sheena, the pampered heiress of the Panache Group, was, as usual, in bed till 9 in the morning. It was weekend after all. And isn't it an achievement to have majored in business administration and finance itself? Completing her education was indeed worth celebrating, after all the years of hard work accompanied by sleepless nights and almost zero social life. Today, after 3 entire months Sheena will meet her best friends, wondering about it all night. She was so excited that even now she's in bed. Oh, by that... isn't someone going to wake her up? She's being introduced here after all. Get up.. Get up.

Sheena was still in bed when Aunt May entered her room.

"Sheena, aren't you going to wake up?? The Sun is on the horizon. Are you waiting for it to set for you to bless us with your presence?"

Sheena rolled from one side to another, and muttered before pulling over the pillow on the side to cover her head. Let me sleep a bit more, Aunt May.

"Alright, sleep all you want. I'll tell young miss Annie that you're so busy sleeping that you can't come down to meet her. And yes, the donuts I just ordered, I'll serve them to miss Annie. What else can I do with them, anyway."

Just when she was about to turn and leave. Sheena hurled out of the blanket, rubbing her eyes and with her messy hair all over her exquisite face. Even at that moment, she was like a gorgeous precious pearl, which one would want to protect and hide forever from the eyes of the world. Her big black eyes tinkling like tiny stars, persuading one to believe that there is a world inside on its own. Her long, dark brown wavy locks, as natural as ever, like feathers falling from heaven over her shoulders. Her pink cheeks as delicate as a newborn baby's skin. Her lips, as if all the pink in the world, were taken away to put it on them. Such exquisite features pairing up perfectly with her Creamy fair skin was a beauty to behold. And blessed with a persona was she, an aura that would make every being turn again and again to take a detailed look at her. Born in one of the top business families in whole China,the well knew Panache in the business world. For someone to have enchanting beauty, earth shattering brains and as well as unparalleled fame in just one lifetime, she must have saved the entire world in her past life.

Aunt May was in a trance looking at the girl she raised from the day she was born till today when she was 23. Sheena snapped her fingers in front of her and exclaimed,

"Aunt May, are you practicing sleeping with your eyes open or am I so beautiful that I took you breathe away? Let me tell you, I am straight, and even if I ignore it, look at the age difference, wouldn't that be a problem?"

That's when Aunt May realized she was in a trance and replied hurriedly,

"You naughty kid, you really are glib tongued. Go freshen up and come downstairs. I'll serve the breakfast."

Sheena nodded, making her way to the bathroom but just when she entered, as if realizing something, peaked her head out and said,

"tell Anne to wait for me, but don't give her any of my donuts okay."

Aunt May laughed and replied,

"Did you really believe that?"

With the face clearly displaying the look of being fooled, Sheena exclaimed,

"You're getting smarter living with me, aren't you? As she closed the door of the bathroom."

Laughing to herself, Aunt May went downstairs.


In the evening, as planned, Sheena went out to meet her best friends, Ashley and Annie.

Donning a white hoodie paired with blue denim jeans and sneakers. Her wavy hair was loose, sailing with the wind. It was a mesmerizing sight to the eye.The heiress of such a big household was as casual as ever. But no matter what, Sheena and white was a deadly combination. As she got out of her car, as usual, she attracted attention. Walking through the way she was like the princess walking down through her territory. She demanded the attention of every pair of eyes present, yet she was unapproachable, like a goddess living in the world of mortals.

Sheena entered the restaurant, as she spotted the duo sitting in their usual corner. Seeing each other after a long time, they all were really so ecstatic that they couldn't stop chattering. Sheena looked at them and realized how much she missed them.

Ashley exclaimed,

"So Sheena, now that we have completed our majors, aren't you invited back home to join the family business?"

"Yes, we have been summoned. Who knows what heirs they are already setting up for us to marry." Followed Anne.

And they all laughed together.

"Do you remember that nerd from the Future Group? He was so obsessed with you. Only we know what we did to get rid of him."

"The one we sent to cemetery alone at night? Don't even ask next day he had a fever so high, when people found him he was so pale, might have fainted out of fear."

"You guys are so bad," Sheena sighed.

"Just this and we are bad, don't you know we did all this for you. And not just this, the young master of sky-high, twins of Regalia, heir of Trivia and who don't have we offended in the circle."

"Exactly. If we combine all your pursuers, we can compose a bestseller."

Sheena, listening to all this, said,

"I love you, my knights, in shining armour, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for them."

"Then who told you to be the ultimate Aphrodite around, sweetie?" Ashley raised an eyebrow at her.

All the three girls went on and on until for them to part ways arrived. Ashley and Anne, being first cousins, stayed together. They'll had a flight to board the back home tomorrow.

Sheena, before leaving, waved them goodbye.

"Girls, have a safe journey. I'll follow you back home soon. Let's keep in touch okay, love you."

Three of them hugged each other and parted ways.

Hey People...!!

How ya’ll have been??

For long being a great fan of web novels being published by many of the talented writers, I finally tried writing as well. And as you can guess, this is supposed to be my first one.

Do let me know what you think about it...okay??

I’m looking forward to your support and coordination.

Stay tuned in for more chapters to come.

P.S. It’ll be interesting, I promise.

Starcy_Shadecreators' thoughts