

Upon reaching home Aunty may was waiting for Sheena. She hurried up to Sheena as soon as she entered the house. Just as she was about to say something, Aunty may stop and thought for a while, wondering if she should continue or not. However, observing the tension, Sheena cut her off in her thoughts.

She said,

"Aunt May, grandpa invited us to go back home, isn't it? You don't have to worry. Tell him he doesn't have to decide between me and his son. I shall not return."

It would be wrong to say her reaction might have surprised Aunty, hence she continued…

" Dear, how can you say that? Don't tell me you don't know how long your grandfather has awaited your return. It's been five years, don't you miss him. He is old and sick, the reason for him to continue is only for you. And you don't want to return?"

"It's final aunt May. His son can't tolerate me. Why should I bother their family? All I brought them is bad luck. It is better for me to stay away from them."

As Sheena said this, she ran upstairs. Looking at the girl in front of her, Aunt May's eyes were filled with glistening tears. She sighed to herself before picking up the phone and placing a call. After three rings, the call connected, it was obvious that the other person was waiting eagerly for the call.

"Senior Master, miss has refused to return. The reason you are already aware of."

On the other side of the phone, An old voice, seemingly exhausted yet still resounded with the charisma like nobody else's. He sighed,

" Yes, I'm aware. Anyway I have a way to get her back here. I need your help."

These two people discussed their plan over the phone for a while. However, on the other side, Sheena in her room broke down in tears as soon as she shut the door. She slipped on the floor and cried like there was no end. Her face resting in her hands, body curved into a ball. As she realized something, she got up and went out of the house. Aimlessly walking through the streets, with her face all stained. Her big tinkling eyes were glistening with tears. They had deep sadness in them. That look of being lost, no less than that of a ship without an anchor. She had no shoes on, reached near the local market without even realising it. While passing by, she saw a father and daughter duo. Father was a small-time seller, wrapping up his business as soon as possible to carry his little daughter, who was sleeping soundly. He was so careful, like even if he lifted his finger, she would wake up.

So that's what a father is like?

Sheena thought to herself while observing this touching scene from the other side of the road. She went up to him; she was looking carefully at them. As if she was moved by the scene in front of her, yet jealous of the girl.

'Why isn't I'm as lucky as her?'

'Am I bad enough to not deserve this kind of love?'

The shopkeeper looked up as he seemed to have realised someone's gaze. He was surprised as he took his eyes away from his little girl and stared at the strange lady in front of him. She seemed pitiful, like she wanted to say something but couldn't put it into words. Her face as charming as a fairy, yet she seemed to yearn for love. She seemed like she could have everything she wished for at her fingertips, yet nobody to share herself with.

Shopkeeper looking at her, he said,

" Miss, are you fine? Do you need help with something?"

Sheena, listening to his anxious voice, got out of her trance. She looked around, getting a better look at her surroundings, and wiped her face away with the back of her palms. Then she endearingly looked at the girl again. She kept her finger on her lips and pointed it towards the shopkeeper, signaling him to hush as if afraid that the little girl would wake up.

Shopkeeper, understanding her signal, calmed down.

While Sheena rummaged through her purse and took out a card as extended it towards the small-time shopkeeper. Surprised shopkeeper was startled , he exclaimed..

" Miss, wh... what are you doing?"

Sheena looked at him, her big red eyes filled to the brim. She had a deep look on her face. That lonely look was frightening. Finally, She spoke up..

"You don't have to be surprised. Please take it."

Just as she noticed the shopkeeper was going to refuse again, she continued...

"Please don't refuse me. I just want to help. You love your daughter deeply, don't you? I'm sure you would want her to have a wonderful future, and here this has enough money for her to study well."

Shopkeeper was still hesitant...

"I'm not doing this for you, you don't have to hesitate. Actually, I am doing this for myself, people like you keep my hope alive in love, even if not present in my life, you make me believe people can love each other unconditionally. Take good care of her."

She said before she reached his hand and placed the card carefully on them. As she turned and left, she heard the shopkeeper shouting thankyou behind her. She turned and smiled at him.

She couldn't stop her tears as she took a step to walk away.

After twenty steps she was stopped my hastening footsteps towards her. She turned around as she saw the same shopkeeper. He ran up to her and was panting. He bent on his knees to regain his breath. Got up. His hand was clutching a pair of moonstones. He straightened his hand in front of her.

Surprised Sheena asked


The shopkeeper nodded.

"For me...?"

The shopkeeper again nodded.

She looked at him and continued;

"You don't have to give me anything in return..."

"No please, take this..." he said

Sheena lifted her gaze from his hands to look at his face. He seemed sincere.

Noticing she was hesitating, he continued.

"You might not believe in the power of these stones. I understand, I didn't myself until I saw it for myself."

Curious, Sheena looked at him as he continued,

"Today I had a customer in the morning. A sage, he bought fruits but didn't have money to pay. Looking at the old man, I gave it to him for free, but in return, he gave me this. Not being able to refuse him, I kept it. He told me they're a powerful pair of stones. They'll help me until I find the rightful owner. I have to pass it on. Seems like I found the owner. Here, please take it. You did a lot for me and my daughter. At least let me be at peace that these will bring you luck."

Sheena, not being able to refuse his kind gesture, took them.

He smiled at her and left.

Finding a quiet bench to sit under the lamp. She inspected the stones. One sparkling white while the other deep black, both unique but charming in their own way. As she locked them in her fist, she looked up at the sky to find solace.