

Chu Long, who had been practicing suddenly stopped his entire body went into a state of defense, but what he saw was the boy who always hid behind a tree and watched him.

It is said that curiosity killed the cat and Chu Kong seemed to be possessed by a cat spirit completely forgetting about his training.

His body rushed out following the nearly invisible trail of white, which surprised him that the boy who seemed shy had such a terrifying speed.

Jiu Zi who had no time to pay attention to him ignored him, his body was wrapped in a boundless murderous intent faintly forming an innate domain.

He soon reached his house which was rather secluded and far away from the village meaning a perfect place for him to get rid of the threat.

He is no longer able to contain his killing intent!?, Chu Long thought distancing himself from Jiu Zi.

As expected in a matter of moments figures gliding across the mountains came dressed in black.

Yet everyone of them who came in a proximity of thirty metres, were directly sliced by the bottomless killing intent that condensed into thin invisible threads with incredible sharpness.

In the house, Jiu Qing who was naturally sensitive to everything even after loosing her memory came calling, "Zi'er-"

Yet what she saw was the appearance of a man, who wore a mask appearing directly behind her son to kill him.

She must save her son!?, but how to save her son I am only a common woman, No!?

The graceful and cold demeanor around her body faded, as she felt something break from within.

Her long black hair was dyed pure white like snow, her height grew about twice the original, her graceful body became seductive as her true body shape came about.

She took a step, unhindered by the ground beneath her feet she appeared across the space instantly.

A chain sword black in colour appeared in her hand wrapping the beck of the masked man in black.

Her aura terrifying as though this side of the word could only be destroyed once she took a move, a roar of a dragon filled the sky and the earth.

As a pure black dragon with black destructive aura all around opened his gaze this part of heaven and earth was silenced.


Her voice indifferent by nature, majestic by blood and murderous by mood directly caused the man to be obliterated without leaving anything behind.

"Mom, are you okay?", at some point Jiu Zi had tugged onto the sleeve of his mother who had broken the seal and awoken her evolved bloodline, Evil Dragon God.