

Although he has yet to even enter the door of practice, it is already very fast and he is definitely stronger than some dragons who are known to have the strongest bodies.

Anyways the real interesting thing are his parents, who are Chu Wei and Ling Yiyi who carried apart of the previous era's luck, just like his own parents.

Well his own parents still carry the luck of the world now, his father has only grown while his mother's is returning like a tide only it needs to be broken by something.

Chu Wei is the strongest man in the world, born to the Ancient Chu Clan where all members are war born, he possess the Holy Rank Spirit, War God Armour.

Chu Wei fought his father once defeating his father but that is only because his father both then and now has yet to untie his heart knot.

Yet, his father can be called invincible solely because he is just that powerful even with a heart knot that causes his strength to remain stagnant.

Chu Wei met with his tribulation at age twenty-five when he met his wife Ling Yiyi the princess of the Spirit Beast Clan who was both cute and naive to the human world.

Only he didn't know that, even to this day he still doesn't know but Ling Yiyi possess the Holy Rank Bloodline, Goddess of Life.

They fell in love and had a child but the moment Ling Yiyi had a child her clan had found out, in rage her father sent people to capture her and lock her up, that is the current head of the Spirit Beast Clan.

Chu Wei truly displayed the fact he was the strongest with the strength of King, he fought three Quasi-Emperor injuring all three but still losing after breaking through the Quasi-Emperor.

They left and he became decadent living an ordinary life as a tailor in the village unwilling to be born again.

Thinking about it though, Jiu Zi found that he didn't need to do that his chaos pupils allowed him to absorb energy and strengthen his body to the maximum without the need of doing anything.

This is good for him because he was not interested in practice like his past life Mo Tian but right now he took after Shen Tian laziness.

In the world strength is divided, apprentice, master, lord, monarch, prince, throne, king, quasi-emperor, emperor, ancient emperor and god emperor.

Each realm has twelve levels below the king but above it has three levels low, middle and high.

As for bloodline and spirits they can be divided into trash, common, uncommon, rare, super, legendary and holy rank.

Lastly would be the division of items which are lower, medium, upper, mortal, spiritual, and divine quality from early, middle, and late.

Opening his eyes again, he frowned feeling a bit restless, which was rather unusual to him but it could only be himself or his mother in this world.

He stood up, his Chaos Pupils opened purple light of the begining of all creation flashed in his eyes and suddenly disappeared.

Tyrannical and Fiendish the aura of his body and the power hidden within exploded creating a large pit, everything around him died without a burial not even the futility remained in the soil.