
Am I dead

When she ran she could hear the voices calling her name, but she couldn't get bothered. She surely knew what she was doing and was ready to face all kinds of consequences. When she reached there, she stood at the same place where she was standing before. At that time she still had some doubts but right now it all subsided. The sky was overcast with dark clouds and the waves were much higher than before. The pressure that they were exerting on the ships that were there on the shore was too much for them to control. The ships were moving aggressively. It started to rain again this time the thunder was heard louder than before. She looked up, the rain drops were falling on her. It was harsh but for her everything was bearable. She suddenly smiled, if someone would have seen her in this kind of situation, smiling. They certainly would have thought she is mad but the thought which made her smile was too deep. She remembered something and took out the letter from her small pocket, There were two of them. She started reading the second one with the same smile on her face. As she read the conditions were getting worse but she was ready. While reading the last line, she noticed that the chain to which the ship was tied to the anchor broke and as she finished the last word, she looked up and a huge wave came and the ship came near her. The water all over from sky as well as the sea was the only thing that could be seen and her last thoughts were very simple and clear ' Am I dead'.