
The Sovereign: (Conquering the Heavens)

Greed is the main destruction of humanity. Greed is what divides human. Read this story to see how greed will make the humans push the person supposed to be their warrior away ____________________________ Pls this is my first story support this brother in any way you can. Thanks

Opemipo_Gbaye · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter one: The helpless boy

Pls for those who want to read, pls finish reading it and help me comment on this first chapter so that I can know my shortcomings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks


The earth of yesterday is now different from the earth of today. It just felt like yesterday when I felt like a frog in the bottom of the well. It was like I will soon be crushed by some big ants. It looked like the way to the peak is a long untransversable path but I kept on pursuing the top, and here I am today the number one sovereign of the world. Yes I'm Wallace Huo, the one who defied fate and heaven to reach where I am today. But I just realize something it's really boring here but it's nothing I can just go into any planet and live as a mortal. My yesterday was very humble, very pathetic, even more pathetic than the life of a church rat. I was despised by everyone always called a trash. This was my life.

Centuries ago, the earth undergo a very apocalyptic change. The change was good and bad for humans. Just in a night, rifts appeared and strange creatures also emerged with them. They were very huge beasts and no nuclear weapons could even scratch a skin of their body. They killed, at, enslaved and did all sorts of terrible things with humans. The humans kept wallowing in despair and kept praying to the heavens. After some decades, it soon looked like their prayers were answered. Another form of creatures called the sovereign beasts arose, they were on the side of human. They killed, and drove the beasts away leaving very minute left. The minute were used to train the humans on how to control their newly found powers. They taught the humans on ways to use their powers and very soon the humans soon knew how to use their powers, but there is an undeniable side and enemy of man, that is greed. They found out that the sovereign beasts had very little amount of bloodline in them called sacred bloodlines which when consumed have a very drastic change on human, it makes them awaken deep in themselves their untapped potential. Greed got a better of them and they waged an all out war on the sovereign beasts in which many sovereign beasts were captured while very little were left making them exist. The sovereign beasts wanted to return to the beasts but because of their sacred bloodline which was also a curse to them, most of them were captured and consumed directly by the beasts leaving very minute who decided to leave the whole universe and go to a more remote place.

There are four main sovereign beasts, they are called the azure dragons, the vermillion birds, the black turtle and the white tigers. The azure dragons are known for their high affinity with wood elements which allowed for their rapid healing and they also have terrifying offense power and defense. They are also equipped with very high intelligence which make them a fearsome opponent. Without a doubt they reign supreme over every beasts. Following them are the Vermillion birds, that have supreme control over fire and high offensive and evasive techniques. They are kings at escaping. Following are the black turtles that have supreme control over water and are known for their terrifying defense while the white tigers have control over lightening which in turn make them formidable offensive opponents.

The divine beasts are the ones usually having control over other beasts because the sovereign beasts have gone extinct. They are also very formidable and are divided into different races, they usually lead other beasts to attack the humans because of their deep hatred towards human. The believed the universe once belonged to them but was forcefully taken from them. As for the mortal beast, the fierce beast, the primordial beasts and the primordial strains, they are just a pawn in the playing of things.

The beasts also have something called innate ability, it is an ability that they unlocked once they are given birth to unlike humans that have to train their ability. The beasts innate ability also give them supreme control over their elements giving them advantage over humans. They also have superior offense and defense, however they also have their own disadvantages. Most beasts don't know how to control their elements and they are very few, because the stronger the beast the higher the risk attached with giving birth so most divine beasts can't give birth. Also the divine and sovereign beasts can't cultivate until they reach forty years of age but when they reach forty years of age, they will have an explosive increase in strength and their strength will keep increasing until they reach a stage that they will have to undergo lightening tribulation where most of them end their life spans.

At the edge of a low tier planet resided a sect called the legendary dragon sects. After defeating the beasts humans divided themselves due to the greed of reigning over themselves. The legendary dragon sect is one of the mighty one star dragon sect. In the middle of the inner city of the sect was a school. Sects are given lands and resources based on their might, a one star sect may only receive 55 acres of land while the land a five-star sect occupy is twice the size of a country. In a continent, a one star sect is the lowest sect while a five star sect is the highest one. In the one star sect of a low tier planet, a heavenly warrior is like a god to them.The patriarch of the legendary dragon is a peak ninth heavenly warrior realm. The name of the school in the inner city is called the legendary dragon school. In the highest floor of the school were the final year students who were ten years old. In this era, due to the foreign energy called qi and ancient civilization a one year old student can think like a ten years old child so students were registered in school from two years where they are thought the basic things.

The students were given three months holiday to amplify their strength because, in three months they will be having competition in which if they are eligible, they will move to higher sects. This competition usually takes place every year. The students were talking excitedly among themselves because of the upcoming competition. Meanwhile, at the back corner of the class was a boy, Wallace Huo. He was left by his mother when he was five years while he did not even know his father. The worst thing was like he could not cultivate because of his pearl like dantian. In this century, strength is a must. People who can't cultivate are called trash among their peers and looked down upon. They are even bullied by their peers. He couldn't even circulate a strand of qi to open up one meridian in his body making him useless. Meridians are extremely important, every cultivator has ninety meridians in their body and their meridians and dantians are circular shape. The meridians are always closed so they have to circulate the world energy called qi to open them up little by little. A peak one mortal realm only has the chance to open up ten meridians in his body while a peak ninth mortal realm has the chance to open up the ninety meridians in his body. Wallace has a pearl like dantian and meridians that reject qi no matter the cultivation technique he use which makes him useless