
The soulweaver and the crown of shadows

In a secluded cottage deep in a quiet forest, a young mage named Esmeray studies her spellbooks, honing abilities that could reshape reality itself. As one of the last remaining Soulweavers, she possesses a rare and dangerous gift, forcing her into hiding from those who would exploit her powers. Her only confidant is her childhood friend Jarek, who helps conceal her location. When Jarek arrives with ominous news of powerful mages investigating nearby, Esmeray realizes discovery is imminent. With limited magic and few options, she must find a way to evade her pursuers and protect her gifts, before forces beyond her control hunt her down. When she receives word that Jarek had been captured and hidden in the palace dungeons she has to save him. After all he'd done for her she couldn't leave him. Accompanied only by a little rouge and a young wizard, Esmeray prepares to confront her destiny, knowing each passing moment brings new threats. Will she unlock the full potential of her abilities and secure her freedom? Or will darker magics overtake her own, threatening not just herself but the very world she strives to safeguard?

Ria_Everbloom · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Prologue: The Coming Storm

The forest was quiet and peaceful that morning, the quietest it had ever been. You could hear the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind and the hushed singing of the birds. A small cottage stood tucked among the trees, its straw-covered roof blending in with the surrounding foliage.

The cottage, a quaint and cozy dwelling, had been nestled in a clearing in the heart of the forest. The walls were made of rough-hewn logs, and the roof was thatched with straw. A small garden of wildflowers and herbs surrounded the cottage, adding a splash of color to the surrounding greenery.

Inside, the cottage was simple but comfortable. A crackling fire burned in the hearth, casting a warm glow over the room. The walls were adorned with tapestries and paintings of the forest and its creatures, adding a touch of whimsy to the space. A worn but comfortable armchair sat by the fire, and a small table and chairs were positioned nearby.

And on that armchair sat a young woman, studying a book of spells. She had long dark hair and piercing forest green eyes. She wore a simple green dress and a black cloak, and her hands were adorned with silver rings, a sign of her power. She was a Soulweaver, one of the rare and powerful mages who could manipulate the very fabric of reality. Her name was Esmeray, and she had been living in this small cottage for three years now.

Since she turned 13, Esmeray had lived in this cottage, hidden away from the world. She had been forced into hiding after a group of powerful mages had hunted her down, seeking to control her powers for their own purposes. Esmeray had narrowly escaped, but she knew that she could never be truly safe as long as she remained in the open.

Being a Soulweaver was a dangerous gift; one that could heal and kill, destroy and create. And for that, the very few Soulweavers who remained in this world were hunted for their powers.

As she studied her book of spells, Esmeray heard a knock at the door. She tensed, her senses alert. She didn't expect anyone that day, and she knew that anyone who found her here would pose a threat to her safety.

She approached the door cautiously, her hand hovering over the handle. "Who is it?" she called out.

"It's me, Esme," came the reply. She recognized it at once. Jarek.

Jarek was a friend and fellow mage, one of the few who knew of Esmeray's whereabouts. They had been childhood friends, and she trusted him more than anyone. When both her parents passed away, he took her in. He hid her in this cottage and gave her weekly visits to check if she needed anything.

Esmeray breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door. Jarek stepped inside, his eyes scanning the small cottage. He had just cut his long brown hair short, and she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You look well," she said, a small smile crossing her lips.

He rolled his eyes and sneered, but a hurt look flashed in his eyes. Before she could get the chance to ask him about it, he started talking.

"Is everything fine? No one came, right?" he asked with a worried look.

Esmeray nodded, but she could not shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She knew that Jarek would not have come here unless there something important happened that he needed to tell her.

"What brings you here?" she asked, trying to keep her voice casual. "You just came yesterday."

His expression grew serious, and he took a deep breath.

"There have been rumors," he said, lowering his voice. "Rumors of a powerful mage who has been causing trouble in the nearby villages. The Mages' Council is sending a team to investigate."

The Mages' Council was a powerful organization which has been hunting down Soulweavers for years. If there was a mage causing trouble, and they came here, Esmeray would be in great danger.

Her heart sank. Even if she hid the cottage with a powerful spell, she was just a girl, and her magic wasn't well developed yet. She knew that she couldn't risk being discovered, not now, when she was so close to being safe.

"What do we do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jarek hesitated. "I don't know," he said finally. "But you need to be careful. If they find you, they won't hesitate to use force."

Esmeray nodded, her mind racing. She knew that she needed to leave, to find a new place to hide. But where could she go? And how could she protect herself from the mages who sought to control her powers?

"They're not coming now. We have a few days," Jarek muttered as he reached the door to leave. "I'll try and find a way. I promise."

"Be careful. And take care," she muttered back, giving him a small smile. He nodded and walked out the door.

As Jarek left, Esmeray sat down at the table, her thoughts swirling. She had to find a way to stay hidden, to protect herself and her powers from those who would seek to exploit them. She opened her book of spells, searching for a solution, knowing she wouldn't find one. But as she read, she could not shake the feeling that her time was running out.

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