
The soulweaver and the crown of shadows

In a secluded cottage deep in a quiet forest, a young mage named Esmeray studies her spellbooks, honing abilities that could reshape reality itself. As one of the last remaining Soulweavers, she possesses a rare and dangerous gift, forcing her into hiding from those who would exploit her powers. Her only confidant is her childhood friend Jarek, who helps conceal her location. When Jarek arrives with ominous news of powerful mages investigating nearby, Esmeray realizes discovery is imminent. With limited magic and few options, she must find a way to evade her pursuers and protect her gifts, before forces beyond her control hunt her down. When she receives word that Jarek had been captured and hidden in the palace dungeons she has to save him. After all he'd done for her she couldn't leave him. Accompanied only by a little rouge and a young wizard, Esmeray prepares to confront her destiny, knowing each passing moment brings new threats. Will she unlock the full potential of her abilities and secure her freedom? Or will darker magics overtake her own, threatening not just herself but the very world she strives to safeguard?

Ria_Everbloom · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter one: Nowhere to Hide

Esmeray spent the next few days in constant anxiety. She knew she had to leave her cottage and find a new place to hide, but she had no idea where to go. Even after hours of poring over all the spellbooks she had, she found nothing that was strong enough to protect her from the mages.

Jarek promised to find a solution but it's been four days since he came and Esmeray was scared. She knew she couldn't stay in the cottage any longer; it was only a matter of time before the Mages' Council found her.

She decided to leave but she didn't want to make Jarek worry about her if she was gone. But she couldn't leave a message, the mages would find it. She decided to write it in the code language, they came up with at kids. Hopefully he would understand.

That day, she packed a small bag with some clothes, a few books, her dagger and some food and water.

She left the cottage just before dawn, moving quietly through the forest. She walked for hours, her senses alert for any sign of danger. She had no plan, no destination in mind, but she knew that she had to keep moving.

As the day wore on, she grew tired and hungry. She stopped by a small stream to rest and eat some bread and cheese. She was alone, with no one to talk to but herself. She wondered if she would ever find a safe place to call home again.

Her mind wandered off and she wondered, who was this mysterious mage that the Council was looking for? It couldn't be her. She doesn't use her powers in public, heck she doesn't even go out in public. The prospect of an out-of-control mage on the loose almost scared her as much as being found.

As she sat by the stream, lost in thought, she heard a rustling in the bushes. She bolted up taking her dagger out in a swift motion, ready to defend herself. But to her surprise, a small brown rabbit hopped out of the bushes and sat down next to her.

Esmeray smiled, feeling a rush of relief wash over her. She took out a carrot she had in her bag and fed it to the little rabbit. It was nibbling on some grass and it looked so peaceful, she felt jealous.

As the sun began to set, Esmeray got up and started walking again. After several more hours, Esmeray saw a faint light in the distance. She quickened her pace, hoping that it was a sign of civilization. As she got closer, she saw that it was a small village.

Esmeray hesitated; she knew that the mages could be searching for the out-of-control mage there as well. But she was tired and hungry and knew that she needed a place to rest. She decided to take the risk.

Although she knew she had to keep a low profile and avoid using her magic as much as possible.

As she entered the village, she saw that it was a small, quiet place. The people she passed by didn't seem to notice her. She breathed a sigh of relief and found a small local store in the village.

She bought a simple peasant dress and a hooded cloak to conceal her identity. She also made sure to cover her hands with gloves to hide her silver rings, which were a telltale sign that she was a mage.

She found a small inn to stay in for the night and entered. The innkeeper smiled at her and she smiled back, forgetting her hooded face. She handed her a few sunshards and took the key to her room.

Esmeray slept fitfully that night, her dreams filled with images of the mages hunting her down. But when she woke up the next morning, she felt a glimmer of hope. She knew that she had to keep moving, to keep searching for a place where she could be safe. But for the first time in a long time, she felt like it might be possible.

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