
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Once Eredeti decided on his next move he started to move in and pulled out his dagger and slowly started to go up to a goblin who was all alone and sitting down waiting for the sound of a horn that would never come as Eredeti quickly ran up behind him however the goblin noticed him at the last second but it was to late

Eredeti afraid he wouldn't be able to kill it in one strike with his dagger that's half broken decided to activate his skill


lvl 3 Wraith weapons

Weapon Aura- Coat your weapon in your aura improving the weapons sturdiness sharpness and over all ability

Mana usage: 50

Increases weapons ability by 45% level up to increase the percent

[Locked Features lvl 10]


Eredeti then quickly grabbed the goblins mouth as his eyes shined a green hue and quickly stabbed the goblins neck as it went cleanly in as he says

"see how fast and quietly you can find yourself all alone"

The goblin then dropped to the floor dead as Eredeti quickly absorbed his soul he then continued his mission until he found the next goblin however their were two and one had a bow in its hand as the other held a sword

Eredeti quickly rushed to the one with the bow in his hand as the one with the sword noticed and quickly tried to warn his freind

"Zathar watch out!"

"Huh wha-"

Eredeti quickly stabbed the goblin through his neck as he felt rage coming from within him and sliced its head clean off as the other goblin saw this he tried to run however Eredeti picked up the bow and a arrow and shot the last one in the back of his head quickly absorbing both of their souls

Eredeti continued this process until he found the last one that appeared to be different as he had a full set of armor with a crossbow in his hand and a short sword on his waist as Eredeti quietly waited for him to be distracted or at least not paying attention to his surroundings however the goblin started to point his nose towards the air and smelled something funny

"is their an undead nearby?"

It then quickly started to walk towards Eredeti forcing him to strike however the goblin blocked the sword with his crossbow while quickly jumping back observing his opponent

"And here I thought their was a wild undead on the lose it just appears to be the one man I was looking forward to meeting"

"Hmm you are looking forward towards your death perhaps" Eredeti said

Eredeti then quickly rushed in again with his sword as the goblin shot a arrow towards him as Eredeti deflected it with his sword and continued to rush forward as the goblin quickly pulled out his short sword ready to fight Eredeti however Eredeti was not even concerned a single bit as he quickly arrived in front of the goblin striking down towards his head the goblin then quickly blocked the strike struggling greatly to hold Eredeti off

"It appears we have a fighter on our hands here, Boys come help me out here!"

The goblin screamed but heard no answer conforming his suspicion that his subordinates have been killed, Eredeti then quickly kicked him in his stomach causing the goblin to fly towards a tree as he hit the tree Eredeti went to finish the goblin off when Eredeti swung down the goblin blocked it once again as he pulled out a smaller crossbow and shot it into Eredeti's leg

"Aghh Damnit!"Eredeti said in pain

Once the force on Eredeti's sword weakened the goblin took this chance to kick his leg and as Eredeti felt the pain of the injured leg being kicked he grunted in pain and quickly feel to one knee as the goblin got back up and swung his short sword down towards Eredeti but Eredeti was quick and blocked it although struggling to fight the pain he stood up once again

This time Eredeti brought out his short sword as well as he blocked the attack with his long sword and attacked with the short sword the goblin tried to block and dodge but quickly was overwhelmed as Eredeti blocked the goblins last attack and stabbed his short sword into the goblins stomach


Eredeti then screamed out in anger as he overpowered the goblin and tackled the goblin to the ground and started to repeatedly stab it in the chest as the goblin tried to fight back all it could do was try to block his chest and stomach with his arms as the short sword stabbed into its hands and arms over and over he slowly gave up as its eyes started to look lifeless as a puddle of blood was now forming however Eredeti's eyes started to grow a green color as he kept stabbing the now cold and dead body

POV switch Kanied

Kanied was finally free from the ropes and Steve whispered into his ear

"act like you are still constrained"

Once Kaneid heard this he quickly made the ropes looked like they were tied as he started to bid his time and wait Steve then started to whisper to him and say

"The instant the 2 orcs let their guard down ill charge in and take down one of them then you handle the other"

"What do we do then take on multiple orcs and goblins oh and don't forgot about the 3 massive trolls!" Kaneid said

"Well we don't we just have to run for it" Steve said

"Please they can easily beat us in a contest of strength and speed" Kanied said

"What about your magic then why cant you use that?" Steve asked

"if I could I would've already, I'm all out of mana I can't even cast a single spell not until I recover for a few days" Kanied replied

"Well damn, this sucks doesn't it?" Steve said

"Don't worry I saw Eredeti back when we were at the camp and signaled him to follow us" Kanied said

"Then what, what is he supposed to do!" Steve said

"Don't worry he will help us when the time comes however we need to be patient for now and wait" Kaneid said

"Fine but the instant I see a opportunity I'm taking it, understood?" Steve said

"Understood however only if we need to act we should be fine for now so stay still" Kaneid said

POV switch Eredeti

"16, 17 ,18 ,19 ,20 c'mon how many more stabs can you handle HAHHAHA, This is what happens when you piss me off!" Eredeti said

Eredeti then suddenly stopped stabbing mid air as he saw the cold lifeless body and the glowing ball of orange in front of him as his anger started to calm down he then looked back down at the dead body of the goblin

"Huh what was I doing!, why did I-"

Eredeti then got off the goblins body and started puking


Eredeti then started to breath heavily and started to shake and grabbed his head

"what the hell was I doing I know I was going to kill him anyway but that, that that was"

As Eredeti struggled to get a hold of himself and just kept stuttering

"That was just too far"

A tear then left Eredeti's eye as he quickly tried to clam himself down as he sat down across the goblins corpse and absorbed the soul as he tried to get a hold of his breathing to calm down a painful feeling was in his chest he then looked down towards the arrow in his leg and forcefully pulled it out

"AGHHHHHH" Eredeti couldn't help but scream in agony

But he had to as he could see his leg now healing and a ring sound come from in front of him


-Level up

-New Skill- Self healing-More info

-Plus 2 to all stats

-4 Extra Wrath Points

-1 Skill point


Once Eredeti saw this he started to calm down a bit and said "Wrath"


Name: Eredeti

Race: ?


HP: 135/210

MP: 275/415






Wrath points: 4-More Info

Skill points: 1-More Info



Appraise lvl 5 +

Wraith Weapons lvl 3+

Self Healing lvl 1 +-More info


"More info"


Self Healing lvl 1

Passive Effect- As long as your SP isn't 0 and your food and hydration is normal your body will heal faster then normal

Active Affect- Can subconsciously activate this skill it vastly increases the healing speed but takes up stamina and mana

Mana Cost- 100


"Distribute all Wraith points evenly and upgrade self healing" Eredeti said

Eredeti then got up with his mission complete although a little shaken of his earlier actions he had a objective in mind so he quickly picked up his short sword and the extra arrows the goblin's corpse had or what was left of it

Eredeti then started to make his was back to the goblins camp and once again started to wait for Kaneids and Steves move but just in case he came a little out of the forest in Kanieds view just to make sure he saw him and once he did he signaled me to move back and wait

Once Eredeti was back in the forest he saw Kanied whisper something to Steve the instant he did they both jumped up and attacked the 2 orcs keeping guard as Steve quickly dispatched his Kaneid on the other hand was having trouble so Steve quickly grabbed the orcs Battle axe and threw it into the other orcs head however this didn't go un noticed as the other 3 orcs heard the commotion from their seats and got up to take a look once they saw that Kanied and Steve were free one of them were sent to alert the trolls as the other 2 stayed behind and fought however similar the goblin Eredeti just face one of the 2 orcs had a full set of armor and a great sword of better quality on his back and seemed larger than the others

Eredeti then came out of the tree line and shouted "Careful the one in the armor is strong!"

When Eredeti said this everyone looked his way however he was already charging towards the weaker orc and activated his Wraith weapons once again however before he could land the blow successfully the large orc blocked his sword and pushed him back with his great strength

Steve then rushed at the other orc that was distracted with the battle axe he got from one of the dead orcs and started to attack the orc with all his might and eventually landed a hit on his shoulder as it screamed out in pain

"AGHHH damn you human!"

It said as it kicked Steve away and once Steve started to roll on the ground the orc didn't give him a chance to get up and started rushing towards him once more however Kaneid wasn't just going to sit back and watch he quickly rustled around in his robe and brought out what looked to be a small glowing orange stone and threw it towards the rushing orc once the stone hit the ground it exploded sending the orc flying away with burns

This gave Steve enough time to get up and run at the orc ahead just to see him on the ground wailing in pain however Steve wasn't wasting time and quickly decapitated the orc before it could get back up

Eredeti on the other hand was struggling quite a bit as he was already tired from the last fight once the orc sent him back it rushed trying to kill Eredeti as fast as possible, Eredeti quickly parried the sword and jumped back pulling his short sword out

'This orcs movements seems quite slow' Eredeti thought to himself

Eredeti then quickly rushed at the orc at full speed which caught the orc off guard but he quickly readied himself for another strike and tried to block with his sword however Eredeti went to his left side and slashed at it but the armor he was wearing was tough and his attack barely went through it only causing minor cuts however Eredeti didn't give up and started to continuously slash at the armor

Once Kanied and Steve were finished they went to go help Eredeti who seemed to be striking at the orc with a barrage of strikes however Kanied noticed that Eredeti wasn't doing much damage

"Eredeti get out of the way!" Kanied yelled

Kanied once agian threw a few of the explosive stones at the orc causing him to fly in the air with a multitude of burns and injuries once Eredeti saw this he quickly ran to where the orc would land and the instant the orc dropped to the ground Eredeti started to stab at his chest piece ripping it to shreddes but he didn't stop there and kept stabbing into his chest as he once agian felt the anger rise from deep within he however was interrupted by the sound of a horn blowing

Once Eredeti got off the orc he quickly absorbed the 2 souls and met back up with Kanied and steve and asked

"Do we fight or run?"

Sorry for not posting for a bit i really wanted to but i kinda got a bit burned out as i just sat at my desk trying to write something but just couldn't and just sat there for hours so instead i just made a quick note of what i wanted to do and had a few days break hopefully these 2 chapters make up for that and if you like what you read so far please leave a review so i know what i can do to improve this story

Soul_Monarch000creators' thoughts