
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Chapter 4 The Wise Man

Eredeti woke up to the sound of birds and running water, he got up and off the tree he was resting on and quickly made his way to the water to get something to drink, as he was drinking he remembered

'Oh yeah I leveled up twice yesterday' Eredeti thought to himself

"Wrath" once he said this the Black and green menu popped up agian


Name: Eredeti

Race: ?

Level: 2

HP: 130/130

MP: 295/295






Wrath points: 8-More Info

Skill point: 4-More Info


Appraise lvl 2 +

[Locked lvl 5]

[Locked lvl 10]

[Locked lvl 25]

[Locked lvl 50]

'Might as well increase them all evenly again' Eredeti said

'Might as well as upgrade appraise as well'


Appraise lvl-5

Now requires 2 skill points to upgrade


"WHAT!?!?!?" Eredeti screamed in surprise

'Why does it need 2 now?'

Eredeti curious about why he had to get twice as more points decided to ask wrath

"hey wrath what's the big deal here?" Eredeti asked

'As you get more powerful the need for more souls is required to upgrade skills and increase stats' wrath answered

'Hmm I guess if you put it that way it makes sense' Eredeti still a bit annoyed at the sudden increase in skill points needed, shook his head in agreement

'Alright time to explore' Eredeti was getting more bored by the second and couldn't stand to just wait around he was also getting quite hungry but before he left he quickly drank some water and prepared to leave

'But before I leave I need to find something to cover myself' Eredeti said in a slight embarrassed tone

Once Eredeti woke up he realized a crucial part of living, the clothes part, he hasn't been able to worry about that since waking up but now that things have calmed down a bit he needed to find something to cover his body and his lower areas

Eredeti then went to find some leaves and a vine he could use as a belt once he had something covering him he started to go on a hunt again before he left to explore his area and try to find some signs of peaceful life and hopefully never run into those goblins or anything like them ever again

Once he tighten his makeshift belt he quickly got the move on it and quickly entered the forest once in the forest he once again tried his best to try to hunt something with his new equipment however something surprised him

He heard a lot of more activity in the forest now then 2 days ago he could even hear some beast roar every now and then but because of this increased danger he decided to be extra careful this time he quickly ran towards the nearest tree and climbed it until he reached close to the top of it he then tried looking around to see if he could find something

'There!' Eredeti thought

Once he thought this he jumped off the tree and quickly landed on top of a horse like creature which had horns and a reddish brown color to it once he jumped on the horse it shrieked and then started swinging its body left to right Eredeti quickly grabbed on to his dagger and short sword and started slashing and stabbing furiously into it mean while the horse was still shaking as hard as it could until its breathing started to slow down and dropped to the ground

Once it dropped Eredeti jumped off of it and saw the weird orb of light once more he quickly reached out to it absorbing it he then felt a strange amount of power go into him



-Successfully killed x1 lvl 7 Naku Horse

-Level Up-More Info

-Plus 2 to all stats

-4 Extra Wrath Points

-1 Skill point

-Unlocked Wraith Weapon Set


"wrath" Eredeti said in a excited tone


Name: Eredeti

Race: ?

Level: 5

HP: 170/170

MP: 355/355






Wrath points: 4-More Info

Skill point: 2-More Info



Appraise lvl 5 +

Wraith Weapons lvl 1- More Info

[Locked lvl 10]

[Locked lvl 25]

[Locked lvl 50]

"More info" Eredeti said with excitement in his eyes


Weapon Aura- Coat your weapon in your aura improving the weapons sturdiness sharpness and over all ability

Mana usage: 50

Increases weapons ability by 15% level up to increase the percent

[Locked Features lvl 10]


"Ohh this seems quite useful" Eredeti said still amazed at what he just earned

Eredeti then quickly pulled out his short sword and activated the skill and once it activated the short sword was covered in a black and green aura and the weapon was sharper, sturdier and felt more like an extra limb than anything the sword had a dark and intimating aura surrounding it almost as if it craved for a life Eredeti then went to the closest tree and struck it


The short sword cut nearly 3 feet into the huge tree and when Eredeti pulled it out and saw that it was fine he was amazed that the rust and dull looking sword could do such a thing however he still had other things to do he quickly distributed his wrath points evenly like always and put his 2 skill points into the weapon aura

he then quickly started to butcher the naku horse and separated it into proportions once this was done he quickly ate one proportion of the meat, once he was done he quickly got up and tried to find some large leaves to wrap the rest of the food in incase he got hungry

Once this was done he continued his journey through the forest, while on this journey he heard many roars and strange sounding creatures and started to wonder why there wasn't this amount of activity before, while he was quickly trying to avoid all the roars to not get into a dangerous situation he started to hear another river and he quickly ran to it

When he arrived at the river he quickly crouched down to take a sip

SP recovering 43%...67%....88%...Complete

After taking a break for around thirty minutes he got up and continued his journey and on his way he found a old run down house that looked like it was about to crumble into ash Eredeti was curious as to what was in it so he walked towards it

'Should I take a look inside?' Eredeti thought to himself while debating if he should risk going in or not

"Eh might as well its not like it would hurt to take a look" Eredeti said as he very carefully took a step into the house


The house was so old it looked like it had been abandoned for decades and every step Eredeti took made it creak and shake although he was a bit hesitant to move forward he persevered and slowly approached a bedroom that had a single bed in the left corner a wardrobe to his right and a desk by a window

Eredeti then went to the wardrobe to see if he could find anything other than some leaves to wear and he was lucky as he found a regular looking pair of pants and a shirt he then quickly put it on and continued to take a look around and he looked towards the desk and saw it had a oil stone on it clearly indicating whoever lived here used some sort of weapon

He also saw a pair of boots by the desk and put them on but when he raised back up he bumped the desk by accident and thought the house was going to collapse because how much it just shacked however when he carefully stood back up he saw a journal fallen down and picked it up and saw that it was some sort of diary

Although Eredeti wanted to read it he simply didn't have the time for it now and quickly put it into his new back pocket along with his dagger and tightened the short sword to his belt Eredeti slowly walked out of the house just for it to immediately collapse

"Oops" Eredeti said as he looked at the house shocked

'I was literally just in there 2 seconds ago what would have happened if I was one second to late' Eredeti thought to himself still shocked at what just happened

'Well I better get out of here before something shows up' Eredeti thought fearing that something might get attracted to the amount of noise the building made when it collapsed

Eredeti then continued his journey down the mountain as he was avoiding any type of beast and feral animal roars he could hear, he walked for hours and hours until the sun finally went down and he reached what looked like a trail and once he took a step onto the road he instantly fell to the ground sweat dripping down his face as he was gasping for air

"FINALLY SOME FORM OF CIVILAZATION!" Eredeti yelled as he turned to sit on the ground still gasping for air

Eredeti then pulled out his left over meat took a few bites and put it away then walked over to a small stream and grabbed handfuls of water and started drinking as much as he could while he was drinking as fast as possible he heard a voice come out from behind him

"You look quite tired my boy" The voice said in a calm and soothing tone

"Yeah I sure am, I have been traveling for hours without rest" Eredeti said while still drinking the water not looking at the man

"Then it looks like we are both weary travelers" The man then crouched down beside Eredeti to Refill his canteen

Eredeti then got up to look at the man beside him, he appeared to be in his 50s with long grey hair with a long grey beard he was wearing a gray robe and a gray hat he also had a staff that appeared to be made out of wood by his side Eredeti then looked up at the stars and said

"Aren't they beautiful, the stars I mean they shine as bright as a jewel that's never been touched by men and has no imperfections" Eredeti said while being immersed and mesmerized by the night sky

"Indeed they are and I believe the stars you are looking at are called Arties it stands for the man once known as the night king" The old man said while looking up at the sky with Eredeti the old man then looked towards Eredeti

"So what is your name my boy?" The old man asked

"its Eredeti" He said

"That is a very unique name and If I remember correctly it means Origin correct?" The old man said

"Indeed it does, now may I know your name kind sir?" Eredeti said in a respectful manner

"Haha you don't need to be so polite to this old man and my name is Kaneid" The old man said

"Kaneid its a pleasure to meet you" Eredeti said casually this time

"The pleasure is all mine, now my boy you must tell me why were you traveling in such a cursed lands like these?" Kaneid asked with a serious expresion

'Why would such a young man come to such a dangerous place like this unless? Unless he as other intentions' Kaneid thought to himself

'I can't tell him I just woke up here can I?' Eredeti thought to himself before answering

"I am simply a lost traveler trying to escape said lands" Eredeti replied in a calm tone

"Hmm very well, now my boy we must set up camp as we don't want to be attacked when we are fast asleep do we now" Kaneid said before grabbing a few branches on the ground

"Wouldn't we be attracting to much attention with a fire?" Eredeti said clearly confused

"No no not at all my boy for this forest is infested with corrupted or demonic beast the fire would instead ward them off" Kaneid said

'How did this boy travel this far without knowing this much he really is suspicious I should keep a eye on him for now' Kaneid thought to himself

"Oh well thank you for enlightening me on this matter Kaneid" Eredeti said with a hint of awe

"Ohh it is nothing my boy let us rest for now" Kaneid said

"Very well we shall rest until dawn then I will have to go to the closest established realm" Eredeti said

"Oh my boy you are very far from any human civilization why don't you follow me on my journey" Kaneid asked with a kind tone in his voice although he was lying and the closest human town was only a days walk away

"How very kind of you Kaneid then I shall generously accept your offer" Eredeti said with a hint of excitement as he really had no clue on to where to go or what to do next

"Kaneid are you perhaps a sorcerer?" Eredeti asked with excitement and curiously

"Why yes I am how did you figure that out my boy?" Kaneid said although he knew the answer he wanted to humor the boy

"Because I see that you wear all robes and have a staff by your side" Eredeti said

"Hahahhaha Very preceptive Eredeti" Kaneid said with a hint of sarcasm

"So can you do magic?" Eredeti asked almost immediately after

"I can but I must show you another time so let us rest for now" Kaneid said while he prepared to lay down

"tomorrow you must show me magic alright!" Eredeti said eagerly

"Of course I will my boy" Kaneid said

Kaneid and Eredeti then layed down and while Eredeti was laying down he realized something

'WAIT YOU MEAN IVE BEEN EATING MEAT RAW THIS ENTIRE TIME FOR NOTHING' Eredeti thought but quickly dismissed this and quickly feel asleep

Meanwhile Kaneid was pretending to be asleep until he felt a intense rage from the boy Eredeti and quickly turned to him then as if it never happened he felt nothing and the boy was fast asleep

'Hmm it seems my senses are going bad from all these years of peace' Kaneid thought to himself as he proceeded to lie back down

When Kaneid knew for sure the Eredeti was fast asleep he quickly fell asleep as well

Hey sorry for those who read my story i wasnt able to write because ive been making notes for stroy building and world building because if im being honest i don't really know where im going with this so just so i dont forget i wrote everything down and im going to make some improvments for the leveling so the title is a little more entwine with the story

Soul_Monarch000creators' thoughts