
The Sorcerer King

A Harry tired of fighting two different wars decides to take a walk through the veil to get away from the magical society, and in doing so, ends up in a world far different than the one he was born in. 5,000 words chapters.

TheUnseenScribe · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3

AN: Hey guys.

This chapter we see a bit of Harry north of the wall. And the arrival of the settlers.

Hope you guys enjoy this one.

Chapter 3

"The people who killed us are gone?" The ghost asked.

"They died to the fires they worshiped. Only a single family from that land still exists, but their homeland was completely destroyed." Harry answered the ghost in front of him.

"Thank you, sorcerer." The ghost said with a grateful smile, and then she became even less corporeal, eventually fading entirely.

Harry sighed and shook his head. When the portkey Sirius provided him landed in Hardhome, Harry soon found out that there were a little over 700 ghosts. He managed to talk to all of them. He learned that Hardhome was destroyed when the dragonlords raided the small town looking for slaves. A small portion of the population died to dragon fire, but the majority was taken.

Harry didn't know much about the ancient Freehold, just what Sirius had told him in the three days Harry spent with his godfather, but what he did know painted a bad picture. The dragonlords built the most developed society this new world he found himself in had ever seen, using magic to do most of it. But they also were some of the worst slavers Harry had ever heard about, they managed to surpass the Aztec magicals from Earth in how brutal their blood rituals were.

The dragonlords routinely killed thousands of slaves for blood magic rituals, it was estimated that over one million slaves were killed every year near the end of the Freehold. Sirius had never visited the shattered remains of the valyrian peninsula, but he was pretty convinced that the 'doom' was self-inflicted.

Magic was a little different in this world compared to Earth, but one thing was true in both, magic had a way of providing for those who could use it, that was how accidental magic happened after all. The dragonlords enslaved everyone, including other magicals, and a society so reliant on magic like they were rumored to be would only exist in a place that held multiple ley lines and a vast amount of ambient magic. Enslaving magicals and using them for blood rituals in a place with massive amounts of ambient magic was a recipe for disaster.

Sirius current theory was that the doom happened after a large event of 'shared' accidental magic were a massive number of enslaved magicals tried to defend themselves with accidental magic, triggering the ley lines into exploding the volcanoes the peninsula was known for.

Hermione was certain that something like that could happen, but she wanted Harry to visit the remains of the peninsula one day, to gather more data. She might be a portrait now, but his wife's curiosity and desire to learn would never change, and she would always find a way to satisfy that desire, even if that way was using him to do it.

Harry stopped near the weirwood tree and drank from his water bottle as he overlooked the ruined town.

He was finding the place he settled on to be quite nice, a little cold, but nice. It wasn't as cold as the usual winter at Hogwarts, but it had been almost a decade since Harry had spent a winter in the old castle, so he wasn't used to it anymore, so he still felt a bit cold. The climate in Hardhome was a bit like southern Finland, Harry had visited Helsinki once when he went on an expedition with Luna, and the climate was quite similar, colder than London on average, but not as cold it should be.

Based on the geography of the world, this place should've been covered in snow, but, in the 'summer' years the snow only covered the ground some three months during the year. The reason for it, and the quite large taiga forest that was the haunted forest, was based in science, despite the magical anomaly further north. Or, at least, according to Hermione it was. Harry knew nothing about climate science.

Apparently it was a combination of coastal airflows and the mountain range to the west that acted a bit like the Andes did on Earth, heating up an area that should be cold. The Atacama Desert should have been an area of large, green plains, or even a temperate forest, but the Andes stopped rains coming from the west, so the area became a desert. Something similar was happening in the lands beyond the wall, even the wall itself helped warm the lands north of it, but they still got enough coastal rains from the east.

That's not even mentioning the magical shenanigans that were messing up the climate of this world even more.

The world Harry found himself in had 'winters' and 'summers' that could last for years. In reality, the world had normal seasons just like earth, but it went through periodic ice ages due to some dark magic somewhere in the North Pole. Those ice ages were pretty brutal according to Sirius, with temperatures reaching the freezing point even in Dorne, which was a desert in the extreme south of Westeros, pretty close to being a tropical place. But the 'summer' years were not proportionally hot compared to the 'winter' ones, they were normal years, without magically assisted winter. That was why Hardhome was covered in snow three months of the year, or the 'summer' snows that happened south of the wall. Those were just the normal winters.

Harry had promised Sirius to keep an eye on the North Pole since he was settling down so close to it, and he would do it. But he definitely didn't want to actually go there and see what was causing the winters. He could feel the dark magic coming from there, and it was stronger than everything he had ever felt before. Harry wasn't that young gryffindor anymore, he wasn't going to go alone against something that was radiating that amount of dark magic.

Harry drank from his bottle again, the water helping his dry throat after so much talking with ghosts.

He touched the weirwood tree again, still confused and awed as to how something like that could exist. The tree was almost like a magic generator, releasing magic into the world at amounts that were larger than even the ambient magic of Hogwarts. But that wasn't what awed Harry, what did was the fact that the trees almost felt like a crystal ball.

Harry hadn't touched one since his fifth year at Hogwarts. Divination wasn't his best subject in school, and he didn't like it much because of an annoying prophecy and a drunken fraud for a professor, but he could still remember some of his lessons, and he could remember the feeling a divination device gave. The tree was somewhat different to the divination devices that he knew, it almost felt like it could look at the past and present instead of the future.

The tree seemed almost eager to show Harry anything he wanted about the past and the present of this world, and Harry could feel the connection it had to all other weirwood trees. But he had no talent for divination, so even if he could feel it, he couldn't use it.

Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts and walked away from the tree, going towards the buildings the elves were working on.

He was still a little annoyed with Sirius, Hermione and Daph about saddling him with taking care of people. He just wanted to be left alone to experiment on magic and live out the rest of his life until he could join his wives again, but it was a bit difficult to do it when those same wives were complaining about him living alone, away from civilization, so like always, Harry caved to the wishes of his wives, agreeing to take in a few people just so he wouldn't live alone.

He frowned when he remembered the day he took a portkey from Sirius less than a week ago. The looks that Sirius and Daph were sharing left him on edge, especially because Hermione was shaking her head when they did it. Daphne had a bit of a prankster side and Sirius was a marauder, so whatever the two of them were planning couldn't be good for Harry.

Harry avoided the burned down ruin of a clay brick building and saw the elves working, something that brought a smile to his face. The elves were all bonded to him, and that was a fight that him and Daphne had with Hermione for almost three years before she conceded defeat. Harry's old friend Dobby was the first elf to bond with him, shortly followed by Winky, the two elves even became a couple shortly after that. Hermione had only accepted those two elves, and it was mainly because Kreacher was so old that he couldn't clean Grimmauld place alone.

But then Kreacher died of old age a year after the war ended, and they moved to the new Potter Manor shortly after that. Once they were in the manor it became easy to convince Hermione to bond with a few more elves. The manor was large enough that Dobby and Winky couldn't manage it alone, and as much as Hermione didn't like bonded elves, she disliked overworking them even more.

So they ended up bonding eight other elves. Vooky, Tadky, Calry, Koody, Seeley, Deesy, Cimmy and Dimpy, four male elves and four females. It was a lot more than they needed at the time, but Hermione went a little crazy about not overworking the elves, especially because all the elves they bonded with were abused by their previous families. Not nearly as bad as what Dobby went through with the Malfoys, but still bad.

Harry was quite happy to have such a large number of elves with him now.

The elves were a major help with all the trunks he brought with him, both in filling them in, and keeping the ones that had animals and plants inside them running. Those trunks needed a magical to charge the runes from the inside, and while elves didn't have magic of their own, using ambient magic or the magic of their bonded human, they could sort of broadcast that magic around, making it seem as if a human magical was there.

They were also a major help with rune carving, as Harry could see them do it when he approached Dobby.

"Hey Dobby, how's the work going?" Harry asked his old friend.

"Work is fine, Master Harry." Dobby said a little excitedly. "Elves be done carving runes tomorrow." He promised.

Looking at the building, Harry could certainly believe that it would be done in just a few hours. The small, two-bedroom house that Harry had transfigured was covered in a large, intricate runic array, the runes were needed to make the transfiguration permanent. Harry had enough power to transfigure a building of that size, but he didn't have enough to make the transfiguration permanent without runes. In fact, it was almost impossible to make permanent transfigurations without runes, Harry was by far the most powerful magical in the last hundreds of years, and still he could only power a permanent transfiguration for objects with around 500KG of weight.

"Thanks for the hard work, Dobby. And give my thanks to the others as well." Harry said, smiling towards his friend and receiving a large smile in return. It always amazed him how much the elves loved working, and whenever he thanked them, they would almost cry in happiness. It certainly said a lot about the kind of wizards that house elves were used to.

"Elves be happy to work for the great master Harry Potter Sir." Dobby said, nodding his head quickly, his large ears flop a little.

"Dobby, we talked about this, two words only." Harry said with a tired tone. He had to keep remembering Dobby of that almost every week, or else Dobby would actually call him The Great Master Harry Potter Sir, and, since he was the head elf, the other elves would follow him in doing it. Harry definitely didn't want to keep hearing that for the rest of his life.

"Dobby only be proclaiming the greatness of master Harry." Harry heard Dobby muttering, low enough to almost not be heard, and groaned a little. It seemed it wouldn't this time that Harry would finally get Dobby to stop with the long name.

Harry looked up when he heard a loud HOOT and saw Hedwig diving towards the open field to his right, her wings close to her body as she dove towards the ground at a speed that Harry would love to achieve with his broom. Hedwig, being a magical owl, was stronger, smarter, and more importantly, faster than a regular owl, and she liked using that speed. Hedwig could dive at almost the same speed as a peregrine falcon.

Hedwig opened her wings at the last possible moment and then glided near the ground. Her wings beat silently when she started to lose speed as she made her way towards him. Hedwig almost touched his leg before she started flying up, going is a spiral around him as she did so before she settled at top of his head and ruffled his hair a little.

"Showoff!" Harry said teasingly, earning a hoot in return.

Harry could feel through the familiar bond how happy Hedwig was. She had been a little down since he finished his Hogwarts education, mostly because she spent the years locked inside either Grimmauld or Potter manor. At the school she could fly whenever she wanted, hunt in the forbidden forest or the mountains around the castle. But in London she would stand out too much, so Harry couldn't let her out as much as she wanted.

This new world was a breath of fresh air for his old companion as much as it was to himself, especially considering the place Harry was building his home. The taiga forest and the snowy plain were the natural habitat of a snowy owl like Hedwig, and she seemed to be enjoying it immensely.

And she wasn't the only one.

Fawkes was out exploring this new world. The phoenix had surprised Harry in his willingness to join him. Fawkes just showed up at Grimmauld, sword of Gryffindor on his talons, when Harry was preparing to take his little dive into the veil, and then never left. At that time, Harry hadn't seen the phoenix since Dumbledore died, no one had seen him, Fawkes had just disappeared, but then he showed up again.

Harry was really happy that the phoenix had thought him worthy of his companionship, even if he already had Hedwig. Fawkes was a major help with inciting some magical animals into the trunks, Harry had a few unicorns with him because of it.

He shook his head a little, to the loud complains of Hedwig, who was making a nest on his hair, and then devoted his attention to the building in front of him. The elves were doing good work with the runes and it would be a shame to not give it the proper attention it deserved.

The building was a solid piece of stone, granite to be precise, of a nice brown color. It wasn't that large, just a nice, two-bedroom house with a single bathroom and a large living room that could be separated in two to make a kitchen. He had transfigured the entire structure of the house from just earth a few days ago, and then he let the elves carve the runes that would make the transfiguration permanent. It was a testament to Harry's magical strength that he could transfigure an entire house and it would last days without losing its form.

Harry was planning to build four other houses similar to this one. It should be enough for the few people that Sirius promised to bring. Harry had gone along with the desires of his wives and allowed Sirius to find people to live close to him, but he didn't want that many people around him, Harry valued his privacy and quiet life even more after everything he went through. Five houses were more than enough.

Hopefully Sirius wouldn't actually find people willing to move to where Harry would make his home, so he would have a reason to argue with his wives and maybe convince them that he could live alone. Harry had refused to live with any of the natives from the north of the wall, the little bit Harry had learned about the tribes of 'free folk' made him believe that he would end up killing anyone he decided to live with, be it because they were cannibals or because of their 'stealing of women', also known as rape. And he had learned from Sirius about how the people from the south of the wall wouldn't like settling north of it. So Harry was hopeful that he would be left alone.

He had seen a few men in the horizon the day after he arrived at the ruins of Hardhome, but they never approached the ruins, and when they saw Harry, they quickly left, scared out of their minds if the screams were any indication. The ruins were considered cursed by the natives, they could feel the presence of the ghosts, even if they couldn't see them. Harry had dealt with most of the ghosts in the ruins, only around a dozen ghosts were still around from the over 700 that were there before, and Harry expected even those that stayed to fade soon.

But still, the native belief that the ruins were cursed were currently helping Harry. It probably wouldn't be enough, someone would one day decide that it was worth it to attack Harry despite the 'curse', so Harry expected he would have to fight some idiots in the future. Still, it shouldn't be too difficult, one or two warrior bands being completely wiped out should be enough for the natives to leave him alone.

After everything he went through, Harry had no problem with killing people just to be left alone.

"When will master Harry start working on his house?" Dobby asked, startling Harry a little. So deep in his thoughts he was that he had forgotten Dobby was still there.

"There is no rush, Dobby. I have the manor trunk for now, it is enough for me." Harry answered. "We should work on the smaller houses first." He added.

And that was another thing that annoyed him a little. Harry would need to build a large manor, even if a small house would be enough for him to live alone as he wanted. But Harry had to think about the elves, the little ones would go spare if they had nothing to do, they loved working too much. So, Harry would build a large manor, probably smaller than the potter manor in London, but large enough to provide enough work for the elves.

"I'll be in the manor trunk if you need me for anything, Dobby." Harry said, earning an enthusiastic nod from the elf.

Harry walked around the house the elves were working one and made his way towards the warded area that held most of his supplies, including the various trunks.

He had over one hundred trunks of various sizes. Most of them were just large multi-compartment trunks that held the fortune Harry had pillaged from the pureblood vaults, hundreds of millions of coins, old swords and armors, artifacts and even family heirlooms, Harry had pillaged it all.

He snorted when he imagined the look on the bastards faces when they realized all their galleons were gone. They might have managed to make Harry leave his country, but Harry was never going to leave without firing one last shot.

Other trunks held more important things than gold. Magical animals of all shapes and sizes, potion ingredients, seeds for magical plants and one of them was the manor trunk that held all the portraits and family heirlooms that Harry decided to bring with him, including the portraits of his wives.

Those trunks were harder to get his hands on than the others. He only had the idea of using trunks like that because he saw Luna using one once in the expedition he went with her. So, when Harry asked Luna for help, she was more than happy to put him in contact with Scamander. The old magizoologist had shown Harry his old suitcase filled with magical animals, and then he helped Harry enchant a few of his own in the same way.

Harry reached the center of the warded area, where the manor trunk was currently resting, and then went inside it. Going down the stairs into the trunk, he saw the manor in all of its glory.

It was far smaller than potter manor, but it was still a grand building with a distinct neoclassical look. The manor took inspiration from many of the palatial buildings from eighteen century France. It was beautiful, but it still didn't hold a candle to Padma's other works.

It was a little surprising to Harry that someone as academically inclined as Padma went into architecture, but his old year mate quickly made a name for herself with her beautiful buildings. She was even making waves in the muggle world after the statute was broken, causing an 'architectural renascence' all on her own.

Harry walked the stone path around the front garden and then walked into the richly decorated manor. Making his way through the hallways lined with marble busts of long-gone Potters and Blacks he finally arrived at the portrait hall, receiving a warm welcome from his many ancestors.

"Welcome back, grandson. How was your time with the ghosts?" Asked the portrait of Iolanthe Potter nee Peverell.

"Good enough." Harry responded. "I managed to talk with the last hundred ghosts today, and all of them faded. I'm sure the ones that remain will also fade in the coming days."

Harry really liked Iolanthe, the woman was fierce and extremely smart. She also helped Harry a lot with the hallows debacle, sharing a lot of the Peverell secrets about the blasted things that her grandfather had told her. She was one of the many Potter portraits that had an additional frame in the family vault, and so managed to survive the burning of potter manor in the first war against Voldemort.

Harry was a little sad that both his parents and grandparents didn't have portraits in the family vault. The youngest portrait there had been the one of Harry's Great-Grandfather, Henry.

"How are the elves doing?" Hermione asked.

"They are excited to have a large project. They have almost finished the runes on the first house, so I should be able to transfigure the second one tomorrow." Harry answered, earning a smile from his wife.

"I still maintain that you should just conquer these muggles and declare yourself king of this land. Even those dragon riders Sirius told us about shouldn't be able to best a wizard of your power." Said the portrait of Lucretia Black. Her idea was received with loud groans by most of the portraits, only a few seemed to be in agreement with her.

"I don't want to be a king. I just want to be left alone. The few people that will be joining me here is all I'm willing to concede on this matter." Harry responded. "Besides, being a king means dealing with paperwork, and paperwork is the evillest thing ever invented." He added, to the loud cheers of most of the Potter men.

"I will drink to that, grandson!" Said the portrait of Edward Potter III, Harry's great-great-grandfather, who was actually painted with a bottle of fire whiskey so he could keep drinking even in portrait form.

"I don't know, Queen Daphne sounds nice." Daphne said in a tone that Harry knew well, and always made little Harry rise.

All the portrait groaned again.

"My dear Lady Black, we portraits of potter manor humbly ask you once again to keep your fantasies to yourself." Said the portrait of Hardwin Potter, the husband of Iolanthe and son of the founder of house Potter.

"It was bad enough that one time you two decided to enjoy each other in the dining room." Said the portrait of Henry Potter.

"Or that one time with Lady Hermione in the library." Said the portrait of Angélique Fleamont, Harry's great-great-grandmother.

Harry still couldn't understand how a portrait could blush, but Hermione's was certainly doing it.

"I, on the other hand, quite enjoyed the shows." Said Lucretia.

"That's because you're a pervert just like Daphne." Hermione answered, earning a glare from Sirius' aunt.

The portraits were about to continue their teasing, but Harry silenced them when his mirror, the one Sirius had given him all those years ago, heated on his pocket. He picked it up accepted the call, the mirror immediately showing the face of his godfather.

"Hey Padfoot!" Harry said, happy to have a distraction from the portraits. They could get a bit to into their conversations sometimes since it was the only thing they still could do.

"Hey pup. I'm just calling to tell you it will take some time for me to arrive. I'm having some trouble finding people willing to settle north of the wall." Sirius said, running a hand through his hair.

"No problem, Sirius. There isn't any rush." Harry said, barely hiding his happiness at being left alone, and hoping that Sirius wouldn't find anyone.

He completely missed the smirk on Daphne's face.

"So, what are you doing now?" Sirius asked.

"I took care of the ghosts earlier, and now I'm talking to the portraits." Harry answered.

Harry talked to Sirius for around twenty minutes, as they updated each other on what was going on with their lives. Sirius had just recently visited Winterfell, and received leave from Lord Stark to recruit people on his lands, so now he was going around every village north of the neck to find people willing to settle north of the wall. And harry updated him on the construction going on and how the elves were helping with the runic arrays to make the transfigurations permanent.

When Harry ended his call with Sirius, he turned to the portraits again and asked.

"Anyone knows something that could help me manage a small hamlet of five houses and a large manor?"

"Let me tell you something about our village from my time, grandson." The portrait of Hardwin Potter said, and then started to talk about the village he was born in.


Harry looked at the amount of people disembarking from the three ships in shock.

He had been talking with Sirius for the last two months, and his godfather kept giving him excuses for delaying his arrival. Harry now could understand why Sirius had done that, as well as the smirks Daphne always gave him. His wife was a prankster at heart, and she probably was involved in this one.

Harry hadn't even thought much when Sirius asked him to build a large, warehouse-like building because he would be bringing a few more people than planed and they wanted to build their own homes. Harry was a naïve idiot, he was expecting that the additions Sirius warned him about would only add to around 25 maybe 30 people in total, not the mass of people disembarking from the three ships. Harry counted quickly in his head and realized that there were around 250 people coming from the ships.

Daphne and Sirius must have laughed their arses off when planning this 'prank'.

Harry could already imagine what would end up happening. 'These people came all this way to live with you, Harry. You should help them.' Or, 'You know these people would never survive in this hostile land, Harry. You need to take care of them.' Those were the arguments he imagined would be used against him in their effort to make Harry accept being some kind of king to these people.

And the worst of all, was that Harry was sure he would end up having to accept it.

Hermione had to know about this plan, and she had never told him anything about it. Which means she had agreed with it, and when both Hermione and Daphne agreed on something, Harry always ended up going along with it, no matter how much he didn't want to do it. He didn't even cogitate the possibility that Hermione was involved in the plan, she just didn't argue against it. This plan had Sirius and Daphne written all over it.

He could imagine how it happened. Sirius brought it up, thinking it would be an amazing prank to into becoming a king, and then Daphne, with her power kink, went along with it. She was probably getting off on thinking about herself as queen Daphne.

If a portrait could get wet Daphne would probably have ruined hers.

Harry groaned and looked behind him at the buildings.

The elves had done a good job and finished all the buildings in time. The five two-bedroom houses and the large warehouse Sirius wanted built were already done, and now they were working on the manor Harry was building for himself.

He would probably have to stop that for some time, and transfigure a few more houses for the elves to work one. The people would need to be housed in something better than a warehouse. Besides, he already knew that the manor he was building wasn't going to be enough.

'You're a king now, Harry. You need a proper royal residence.'

As much as he loved her, sometimes Harry hated Daphne. She was too much of a Slytherin.

Harry turned back towards the ships and saw that Sirius was approaching him with two other men following him. Harry glared at his godfather when he saw the smirk on Sirius' face, a smirk that grew when the three men stopped in front of Harry and the older looking of the three went on his knee.

"It is an honor to meet you, your grace. We are happy to be ruled by a powerful and wise sorcerer such as yourself." The man said, still on his knee.

Harry groaned in almost physical pain and Sirius snickered, which probably meant that he was stopping himself from rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Harry, this is Brandon. He was chosen by the first citizens of your new kingdom to represent them." Sirius said with that annoying smirk back on his face.

Harry had to stop himself from casting one of Daphne's signature curses at his godfather. The one that made her known as the Ice Queen in their Hogwarts days and was aptly named The Frozen Balls curse.

"It is good to meet you, Brandon. You can rise to your feet." Harry said, making the man rise and look at him with a grateful smile.

Harry took a moment to look at Brandon. The man looked to be in his late fifties, but he was probably younger. The life of a medieval peasant was hard, and it often made people age faster. Grey, almost white hair and a lined face, but a still strong body with visible muscles was a good indication that the man looked older than he actually was.

"I will talk to you later, Brandon. For now, I need to talk o Sirius." Harry said, earning a nod from Brandon and making Sirius snicker again.

"Of course, your grace. I'm at your command." Brandon said, and Harry had to stop himself from groaning again.

"Sirius, come!" Harry said, and then turned around, walking towards the warded area where the manor trunk was located.

He refused to turn around and look at his godfather, even if hearing Sirius' laughter was almost enough for him to properly lose his temper. The two wizards quickly made their way inside the trunk and then into the hall of portraits, where Harry pointed an accusing finger at his blonde wife.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT." Harry screamed at Daphne, awaking the few portraits that were sleeping.

"Whatever do you mean, dear husband?" Daphne said with fake innocence, and Harry could hear a few of the portraits start to snicker.

"I'm sure this idiot-" Harry said, pointing his wand towards Sirius and casting a mild impotence hex, which would make 'little Sirius' stop working for around a week. But his godfather managed to dodge it, even through his laughter. "Gave the Idea. But I know you Daph, you went along with it, and then Hermione was outvoted."

"What did they do, grandson?" Iolanthe asked.

"They are trying to make me into some kind of king." Harry responded, his anger rising again, even if he knew it was useless. "THERE ARE TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY PEOPLE OUT THERE!" Harry added screaming again, making Daphne break down in laughter.

"There are actually two hundred and sixty-five people in total." Sirius interjected, and then started to laugh again. Harry gave him his best Voldemort impersonation, and Sirius fell to the floor, laughing even harder than before.

"Good job, nephew! I didn't think you had it in you." Lucretia said, giving a nod towards Sirius, who was still rolling on the floor laughing. Harry tried to use the distraction and cast the hex again, but Sirius still managed to dodge it even on the floor.

"Harry, those people need you. I know you don't like it, but you can keep them safe and give them a better life." Hermione added softly, and Harry gave her a strained smile in return.

"I know that, Hermione. But I want to be left alone, and not be a king." Harry countered, even though he knew it was useless.

"You don't need to do much, Harry. Just keep them safe and give them opportunities to improve their lives." Hermione responded, and Harry finally calmed down.

"Alright, Fine!" Harry said, earning a bright smile from Hermione. "But you're going to help me." Harry added, looking at Sirius as an idea crossed his mind.

"Sure pup! How can I help you?" Sirius asked, controlling his laughter.

"It is quite easy actually." Harry said, a smirk gracing his lips, while a cautious look appeared in Sirius' face. "Even a small city-state needs a nobility. I'm sure the people out there will be happy to know you'll be joining the peerage, Sirius. After all, they actually know you." He added, his smirk growing nasty as Harry quickly got his revenge, enjoying the horrified look on his godfather's face.

That'll teach him not to prank me. Harry thought.

AN 2: Harry quickly gets his revenge on Sirius.

Next chapter we see how the people of the new kingdom beyond the wall are settling in their new land.

And maybe we will also get to see how others react to someone creating a proper kingdom beyond the wall.

Chapters 4 and 5 are already out on the pat re on. If you guys think my work is good enough to support and want to read ahead you can find me at pat re on .com /TheUnseenScribe

I will see you guys in the next one.