
The Sorcerer King and the White Rabbit Queen!

A lost so that has been drifting endlessly through the void gains a new chance at life as well as a chance to be with the one he truly desired. Join the young sorcerer and his partner as they build a home for themselves in the new world they were reborn in. This is the story of the Sorcerer and the White Rabbit.

BlackChaosNyx · Others
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11 Chs

Prologue - The Wandering Soul's Awakening.

Drifting endlessly through a void of never ending darkness is a peculiar rainbow colored orb, or wisp as some would call it. For it more resembles a flametmore than anything else. This wisp is but a simple lost soul that had perished under uncertain circumstances, unable to live a full and filling life.

The soul drifts endlessly meditating over the life it previously lived. A boy growing up through life alongside a special friend, going through both the good and bad of life. Consoling each other through illness and sorrow. One desiring nothing more than the company and love of the girl he spent his youth with. The girl seeking love and companionship elsewhere.

Needless to say the boy's hopes for happiness and love forever drifted beyond his grasp.

The soul was a simple boy in life. He was rather good looking, yet he was never the most social person there was to strangers. It took time for him to open up to new people, but when he did he was a fiercely loyal friend who one could confide with when trouble arises.

He was rather intelligent and never lacked in academics. When school and university years ended he was able to secure a simple and stable career in his hometown. He never desired large mansions or fancy cars. The appeal of high society never caught his attention. He desired a simple life and family. His own happy life.

Unfortunately for him the only girl he had ever loved and desired never shared the sentiment. Growing up together, bonding, caring for each other. It was like their childhood never happened. She eventually drifted out of his life and into the embrace of another, leaving him completely devastated. It is from that day on he had completely shutdown socially.

Other than at work or when he shopped for his necessities, one would rarely see him out in public. He retreated into solitude and escaped to the world of fiction and literature. From novels to movies, animations to video games, Comics and manga. He engrossed himself in fictional worlds. Dreaming of a life that could never be, with someone he had already lost to another.

This has been the life he had lived until... He had awaken and found himself in an endless void of nothingness. Darkness no matter where he looked. He had no limbs to wave around, never could he succumb to fatigue and sleep, he was all but lost and could only panic.

Panic he did for what he felt had been days.

Once he had finally calmed down he had eventually concluded that he was in fact dead. He was but a lost soul taken from his mortal shell and left to drift. He did not find himself in a heaven or hell. This felt more akin to purgatory than anything else.

Unable to sleep, eat, or do anything else really, the soul began to practice a technique he had learned from a book a long time ago.


Meditating took far more focus than he had expected. There were far more distacting thoughts going through his head than he expected. It felt like a month before he could properly organize his thoughts and soon found himself meditating clearly.

He continued his meditation without fail for what felt like years. Without fatigue, stamina, or his bodily needs restricting him. He was able to completely clear his mind and achieve clarity. With his newfound clarity he was able to look back on his life and recall even the smallest of details he had long since forgotten.

The answers on his 8th grade exams, his first pet ferret's name, 'her' heart shaped birthmark behind 'her' left ear. What was once forgotten returned to him clearly as the day he first discovered them and permanently recorded in the memory of his soul.

He can now perfectly recite aloud every single line from books such as Harry Potter and the Hunger Games easily. He could never do that with his simple flesh and blood body!

After reciting 'Loveless' aloud for the thousandth time his meditation continued for an even longer period of time. Here in the void one cannot properly understand the concept of time. Has it been minutes? Hours? Days, months, years, or decades? The drifting soul could no longer tell. At this point he can no longer bring himself to care.

All of the loneliness and sorrow that has once ailed him no longer bothers him. He had long since passed the stages of grief and reached acceptance. He is content. His true desire for happiness may have been granted by thrusting his soul into the endless abyss.

"If this is what my wish is in the end. Then I can accept it." The soul hums, "I just hope she can attain the happiness she desires in the end..."


The rainbow colored soul continues it's endless meditation through the abyss as it has since it had started ages ago. However he begins to feel something different than before. Considering the only feeling the soul had experienced since reaching the void happened to be emotions.

"I guess emotions aren't just mere chemical reactions stemming from the brain." The soul says, "a touch of spirituality is also included. How enlightening."

As for the new feeling the soul is experiencing. It feels warm, yet at the same time cold. Gentle but also fierce. As the strange new sensations continue to engulf him and eventually start to settle, new information is 'downloaded' into his memories of sort, enlightening him to this new addition to his soul.


He understands that the sensation he has experienced is his soul gaining and assimilating to a form of mystical energy new to him. Mana as the purest form of energy is called that would allow one to wield and cast miraculous feats. In some stories magic would originate from a sort of core and would grow from there. But for this magic, it originates from his soul.

In a way, his soul is his mana. It is his magic core.

He instinctively knows how to channel it. By his will alone a violet colored ball of light appears in front of the little rainbow wisp causing it to bounce joyfully.

"I just did magic!" The soul cheers happily. He then proceeds to manipulate and move it around him. It's range from a few simple inches to meters. Next he begins to alter it's very shape. From a ball, square, rectangle. He even manipulated it to resemble the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda series.

Next he started shaping it into animals and people, real or fiction. George Washington, Robert Downey Jr. Link from the LoZ series.

There was even a phoenix, eastern amd western dragons, and even Slenderman just for amusements sake. He spent an endless amount of time shaping his magic and even giving them animate forms as well. When you have endless free time you may as well use it wisely.

Plus watching the first president of the U.S. fist fight a dragon amused the soul to know end.


His next experiment with his magic involved giving his magic other properties. Magic is amazing on it's own but it can also be infinitely flexible. There are a number of elemental properties and with magic they can be harnessed by experienced magicians or sorcerers. That also depends on the source of references in which magic originates.

Magic from the Harry Potter series operates so much differently from magic from the anime Fairy Tail or the video games such as Dragon Quest.

In most Chinese martial arts novels. Wood is considered an element. In Naruto Wood is the combination of Earth and Water natures.

The point is that elements can be different depending on which world it originates. The wandering soul can instinctively feel that with time and effort. He can create techniques for elements of all kinds, as well as non-elemental magics. His imagination is working in double time to brainstorm as many different spells as possible.

Spells ranging from those with force of tactical nukes, to smaller and more mana efficient spells. There were a few he created simply for practical pranks sake just for a few laughs. There included a few spell he felt should be added to a list specifically labeled as forbidden. He anticipated the need for moderation should he some how gain a physical body.

Some of his ideas also dabbled in darker types, such as Necromancy, however he has no intention of ever trying those out. This rainbow colored wisp has standards yo!


The next area of magic surprisingly worked out well of the drifting wisp. This magic involved the creation of physical matter at the expense of mana.

He started with simple objects like pebbles, feathers, and soft balls. But then he started working his magic on bigger and more complex objects. Before long his little patch of void was occupied with a manner of items ranging from simple toys to vehicles. Some existing and some from fantasy and fiction.

Instead of outright creating something from nothing, he chose to make some items from scratch just creating the parts needed.

He remembered the old firearms creation and maintenance manuals his father had laying around in life. Ole dad was a former military man who loved to collect, build, and maintain guns and most of the books were easily available to the soul.

The first gun he built was an old gun from the western days. A Single Action Army.

Colt Single Action Army, also known as Single Action Army, SSA, Model P, Peacemaker, and M1873. It was designed for the U.S. government service revolver trials of 1872 by Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company.

But to the drifting soul it brought back nostalgia in regards to those old western movies in life. Plus...

"Sigh... If only I had hands. I could do my best Revolver Ocelot impression pardner." The soul could only sigh at it's lack of a corporeal body. Although later on he managed to shape his magic into functional arms which made playing around with his creations possible to some extent.

They, to him reminded him of the Vectors from the anime/manga Elfen Lied. But visible and less likely to dismember people.

He also noticed that his ignored creations would eventually dissolve into nothingness if he neglected them for long. The void is not a hospitable place for solid matter it seems. This also shied him away from the creation of organic and living matter. For he has no idea what kind of horrors they would experience here in the void.

No oxygen, possibly freezing. Who knows how bad the gravity is in the void? It could be nonexistent or this place could probably crush something instantly. Never bothered his creations at first, but then again they were created entirely from his magic so that could have factored into their survivability.

The soul did not care, for he was more focused on the infinite possibility magic brings to him.


And so another period of time passes for the drifting rainbow colored wisp that the soul is. By this point his creations have long since returned to nothingness. He had done all he could possibly think of when it comes to magic. Without a body of his own he cannot do some of the other magic experiments he desired. So once again he went back to his blissful meditation. Waiting for the day he may possibly escape the void that he drifts.

Little did he know, that chance may be closer than he expects.

[Ohoho! What do we have here?]

A voice echoes through the void startling the little soul from his slumber- or rather meditation. By this point it's the same thing to him. Ethereal and somewhat feminine. A voice that is seemingly filled with endless wisdom. A gentle warmth.


[A lonesome soul has found itself wandering in the void. Those beautiful rainbow colored wisps, so pure with nary an ounce of corruption.]

He can feel the curiosity brimming from the voice.

[Your memories and creativity has led to you making some tremendous progress with the magical forces your soul has come to develop. I can already predict that your rebirth will be quite easy for you.]

"Rebirth?" The soul asks.

[Indeed. You have been lost within my embrace unnoticed for so long. Going so long without losing yourself to madness and even reaching such mastery over a newly developed power. Your efforts deserve a reward.]

[Those lesser beings, the gods will not be responsible for your rebirth. Oh no, your my little soul. I will give you all my love and blessings for your new life. The happiness in life you so desired but were denied, may you gain it in your new life. Perhaps you will find the one whom your heart had longed for all along.]

"Wha... Huh?" The soul is suddenly assaulted by something he had not felt since awakening in the void ages ago. Drowsiness. He can feel his consciousness slipping from him so suddenly. "Will I finally... Be free...? I just... Wanna... Sleep..."

[Rest my child. For your life will soon start anew. Remember I, your mother, will always be watching over you. I go by many names. The Void, the Primordial Chaos, the Creator. But for you and you alone, you may call me mother.]

[Now rest my child so that you may be born again...]

Finally the rainbow colored wisp, a soul that had drifted through the void for countless years, has finally entered it's slumber so that it can finally be reborn.

To be continued...






A boy opens his eyes after resting for what felt like an eternity. The pupil of his eyes are violet, his black hair reaching just below his shoulder blades. Oddly enough he has streaks of different colored hair mixed in with the black on the hair's tips.

His hair resembles the soul's coloration from the void. Rainbow mixed with a void black base. Odd, yet cute for the child. On his forehead lies the brand of the void. The Mark of Chaos, which is a black tear shaped gem that gleams with other colors as different volumes of light comes into contact with it.

The boy sits up and lets out a satisfying yawn, while stretching his arms and hearing his back let out a loud pop.

"Ah!... What a nice nap." The boy says before looking around and tilting his head aside.

"Where am I?"

I apologize, but my other stories are on hiatus until further notice. There was a storm and when the power cut I lost all of my files when it was corrupted. I was so frustrated that I ended up ignoring them for months.

To clear my head a little and have something somewhat productive to do, I started this project on my phone and will post as often as possible.

Again I apologize for having to put the others aside, but there is nothing to be done right now.

If anyone wants to adopt one. Go ahead

BlackChaosNyxcreators' thoughts