
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Book&Literature
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Did they have enough Toilet paper?

It was morning at Hogwarts, and Madam Hooch was addressing her Flight Class. "Alright everyone, let's begin. I know you all already know how to fly, but it's a new year and there are some new students here, so let's make sure everyone can fly safely."

Suddenly, Senile appeared in front of Gino, who jumped at his arrival. "Hey! Do you need help flying? Since we're in the same house, we have to help each other, right?" He got onto his broom and began flying around, demonstrating how easy flying was.

Gino hopped onto his broomstick and followed suit. For some reason, he began flying uncontrollably fast, like his broomstick was being hexed. "Shit!" he yelled as Madam Hooch and the kids chased after his out-of-control broomstick. "I'll use a Featherweight Spell and lift him!" Hermione yelled, and pulled her wand out, but was pushed to the ground by Senile. "Heh, sorry." The two gazed at each other until they heard a loud boom, and everyone surrounded his destroyed broomstick, but Gino was nowhere to be found until a girl yelled, "Look!" Everyone followed her gaze and awed as they saw Gino flying in the air without a broomstick, his dreadlocks and robe flowing in the air and his golden eyes glistening in the sun. The students and Madam Hooch crowded him as he landed gracefully, asking many questions, but Hermione's eyes never left Senile's.

The bell rang, and everyone walked to their second period classes.

*"I don't know why, but that Senile kid gave me a bad vibe," Hermione thought to herself as she walked to her next class, holding her books. She then bumped into him, who was walking with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. "Heh, watch where you're going, Mudblood," Senile said mischievously, and the four cackled and walked past her. She felt a burning chill down her spine.*

"Maybe he was just cranky; this school did run out of toilet paper," Gino said, his voice muffled as he had his head in his arms in a sleeping position. "Cranky!? He called me a slur because he was cranky?!" She grabbed one of his dreadlocks and pulled him up. "Ouch! Don't grab me like that. Why don't you talk to the ginger boy or the lightning kid about it?" Gino exclaimed in a wincing voice. "They're… preoccupied by other things," she replied with a pause. "Fine, don't do anything about it. Are you going to join Quidditch? Everyone's talking about your flight abilities. Any second later and you would have been killed." She said in a worried/demanding tone, but Gino just kept his head down.

"I don't know, maybe, but how come you're talking to me? Obviously, Slytherins are supposedly evil?" He said, picking his head up and adjusting his eyes to the light. "I'm talking to you because I don't believe in judging people by their houses. I think everyone has the potential to do good, no matter what house they're in. Plus, you showed great skill when you were flying earlier, so I think you should join the Quidditch team," she replied with a reassuring smile. Gino chuckled, and the two stood up as it was lunchtime. "Who said you can lecture me?" He began walking out of the classroom. "I guess I'll join, not because you said so, it's because I want to." Hermione smiled at his choice.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the first quidditch tryouts of this year!" Madam Hooch announced in front of the multiple shirtless boys. Madam Hooch then proceeded to give the students instructions on what to do for the first part of the tryouts. She explained that the students would be divided into teams of three and would have to complete an obstacle course that tested their flying and catching skills. The team that completed the obstacle course in the quickest time would be crowned the winners. After she finished her instructions, Madam Hooch asked the students if they had any questions. "Just one," Neville raised his hand as everyone looked at him. "HOW ARE ANY OF US SUPPOSED TO COMPETE WHEN THOSE TWO ARE HERE." He pointed at Senile and Gino who covered their perfectly chiseled and strong physiques. "Why are we shirtless!?" Senile said and Gino added. "It's cold and embarrassing." Hooch shushed the two and continued. "You're gonna be going through a lot worse training, if you can't handle it you can quit, now let's begin."

After the hard training the boys were in their house locker rooms exhausted. Merwin looked into the bathroom mirror and yelled. "GODDAMN IT! That damned Hermione almost found me out! I wanna kill her but no, I have to keep my target on him. To think it would be that hard since he's in the Slytherin house. No, calm down Merwin, I just have to use that Malfoy boy to hide me and I'll be good." He put his Senile disguise back on and walked out of the bathroom. Gino was right in front of him, staring at him with a straight face. The two were the same height and had the same demeanor; they were two halves of a whole. "Did they have enough toilet paper?" He stared at Senile directly into his eyes and Senile did the same.