
The Son Of Great Wizard

NATIVES ISEKAI 『Not your typical overpowered and have fun MC』 In the kingdom of Bajalekat, Zerenia Striem was once regarded as a national hero, praised for his strength and achievements. However, he secluded himself in the rural woods, dedicating his time to ward off evil creatures emerging from the demon gate near his residence. As he aged without offspring, he received an infant named Rozer. Over time, Rozer exhibited unparalleled talent in spellcasting, martial arts, and swordsmanship, astonishing Zerenia. However, when Rozer reached the age of 11, it became evident that he had solely developed his combat skills, leaving him with noticeable social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a considerable lack of responsibility. As a result, Rozer enrolled in the Kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other adolescents. Nevertheless, leading a normal life became impossible as he immediately became a local celebrity upon arrival. As Rozer Striem adjusted to high school life in the capital, he made new friends, learned about the world, battled various forces of evil, and uncovered his true identity. 『この世は思え通りに行かぬ事ばかりだ。』誰か言った

Maxvide · Fantasy
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48 Chs


In the castle of the Bajalekat kingdom, the Queen was walking through dimly lit stone corridors. Beneath her opulent, gleaming crown, her beautiful red hair stretched in the night breeze. Her blue eyes signaled wisdom and strength. In her flowing red gown, she appeared as a powerful and commanding queen. Each step she took exuded luxury and grace, as if she were a born leader. It was hard to distinguish whether she moved quickly or if the corridor seemed remarkably long, as if the world moved in sync with her graceful steps.

After a few minutes, the Queen arrived at a sturdy wooden door. With a gentle motion, she opened it and stepped out.

The Queen entered a vast hall.

Upon entering the grand hall, its extraordinary size became immediately evident. The hall extended for 300 meters and reached an astounding height of 200 meters with two impressive floors. The walls were adorned with shining weapons and ornaments, creating an atmosphere of grandeur.

Throughout the hall, large white flags with red motifs hung from every column. These flags displayed a beautiful moon and star emblem in their center, reflecting the pride and greatness of the kingdom.

In the midst of this magnificent hall sat a captivating giant table. The table was surrounded by several elegant and comfortable chairs. All the elements in this hall created an atmosphere characterized by the power, prosperity, and beauty that defined the kingdom.

Currently, the hall was empty.

The Queen walked through another door and down a simpler corridor than before. The atmosphere in this corridor felt calmer and more modest.

After a few steps, the Queen arrived at another door. Carefully, she tapped the sturdy wooden door with three soft knocks.

Knock, knock, knock.

However, there was no response. Her heart raced, and she felt uncertain whether she should enter. But slowly, the door opened.

The Queen entered a room, which was comparatively simpler than the other parts of the palace. The room contained several tables, chairs, and modest cabinets. The bed near the window seemed large enough for two. On the tables lay scattered papers and various items.

Yet, the most striking sight was a middle-aged woman with blonde hair sitting on the bed, wearing a black-and-white lace outfit. She was wiping away tears, her gaze fixed on the view outside the window. Sorrow radiated from her eyes.

The Queen, full of empathy, hurried towards her and embraced her from the side. Her warm embrace created a sense of comfort, and she expressed her support to the woman.

"What's wrong, sister-in-law?" the Queen asked.

"Oh, Your Majesty," said the middle-aged woman, wiping the last of her tears.

"Please don't call me that when it's just the two of us, call me Sierra," the Queen commented, lowering herself.

Though the middle-aged woman named Tania was the head servant of the kingdom, she was also the Queen's sister-in-law because Zerenia, the Queen's biological brother, was married to the middle-aged woman she was currently embracing.

"What's the matter?" the Queen asked.

"Actually, my husband..." said Tania.

"What's wrong with my brother?" asked the worried Queen.

"Actually, when I came home, I overheard him while he was praying...And he wouldn't talk to me for three days." Tania said.

The Queen released her embrace and looked at Tania's face, "What made you so worried about his prayer that made you cry?" she asked.

"He was praying for a child to be his successor, yet he knows... if I..." Tania's voice broke as tears streamed down her face.

The Queen wiped Tania's tears.

"If I am an infertile woman..." Tania continued, sobbing.

The Queen also teared up, "Why just now... Why just now... He hopes for a child when I told him before we got married that I was infertile." Tania said emotionally, unable to hold back her tears.

The Queen hugged her again.

"If only he looked for someone else... Besides me... He's holding a grandchild right now." Tania said, carried away by emotions and gripping the Queen's dress tightly.

The Queen also emotionally responded, shedding tears, "That's a sign that my brother truly loves you, isn't it?" the Queen said, trying to comfort Tania.

Sobs echoed in the room.

Silence without words.

Tania felt a bit awkward being hugged and comforted by a queen.

"Actually, I came here because I wanted to hear news about my brother," the Queen said, releasing her embrace.

Tania couldn't look at the Queen's face, feeling embarrassed.

"When are you going to move in here?" the Queen asked.

Tania looked at the Queen's face and shook her head, "Zerenia surely wouldn't want to leave that house. He won't, especially if I'm the one convincing him," she said.

"Even though I've prepared it for so long," said the disappointed Queen.

The idea of preparing a home for Zerenia and Tania had long been contemplated by the King and Queen of the Bajalekat realm. Not without reason, Zerenia was the biological brother of the queen and a hero who had sacrificed his life to fight demons and protect the kingdom.

"If you, as his younger sister, persuaded him..."

"Alright, tomorrow I will go there... And you must stay calm, let me seek answers from him," the Queen said, grasping Tania's hand.

"Mhm," Tania nodded, deciding not to comment.

The Queen looked at the still despondent Tania, "How about taking a day off tomorrow to calm your mind outside the palace?" the Queen suggested.

"No, let me keep working, it's all I can do," Tania replied.

The Queen stood, "Alright... I will prepare for my journey tomorrow, sorry to disturb," she said.

"No... I'm the one who should apologize," Tania replied, lowering herself.

The Queen turned, left the room, bidding goodnight to Tania.

The Queen walked away from the room and through simpler corridors, allowing herself to ponder the history and memories of the past.

In her recollection, she went back to her childhood as a noble in this kingdom. At that time, her brother, Zerenia, was studying sorcery from a mentor in the woods. One day, a terrifying terror struck when a flying dragon attacked the kingdom, destroying many buildings and claiming numerous lives with its fierce fire breath. Survivors and the injured fled to the nearby forest and underground.

A fierce battle against the dragon raged on for a whole day, and finally, Zerenia, the brother, triumphantly defeated the dragon. Its severed head became a sign of victory and bravery. Her brother became a hero in the eyes of the people, respected by all.

Thanks to his sacrifice and bravery, the previous king decided to betroth his heir to Zerenia's sister, who was now the Queen. Meanwhile, Zerenia, the hero, fell in love and married a servant who always served him with politeness when he received invitations from the King.

The Queen reminisced about her past, realizing the preciousness of her family bonds and her brother's sacrifice to protect the kingdom. Through this beautiful history and close family ties, she felt a duty to help and support her sister-in-law, Tania, in facing challenges and her complex emotions.

In the whispers of history and memories, the Queen walked back

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