
The Son Of Great Wizard

NATIVES ISEKAI 『Not your typical overpowered and have fun MC』 In the kingdom of Bajalekat, Zerenia Striem was once regarded as a national hero, praised for his strength and achievements. However, he secluded himself in the rural woods, dedicating his time to ward off evil creatures emerging from the demon gate near his residence. As he aged without offspring, he received an infant named Rozer. Over time, Rozer exhibited unparalleled talent in spellcasting, martial arts, and swordsmanship, astonishing Zerenia. However, when Rozer reached the age of 11, it became evident that he had solely developed his combat skills, leaving him with noticeable social awkwardness, a lack of common sense, and a considerable lack of responsibility. As a result, Rozer enrolled in the Kingdom's Magic Academy to hone his skills and mature among other adolescents. Nevertheless, leading a normal life became impossible as he immediately became a local celebrity upon arrival. As Rozer Striem adjusted to high school life in the capital, he made new friends, learned about the world, battled various forces of evil, and uncovered his true identity. 『この世は思え通りに行かぬ事ばかりだ。』誰か言った

Maxvide · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Demon Gate

Two years later. Summer season.

Rozer has turned 11 years old.

The sun had ascended high in the sky, and alongside his father, Rozer began a long and adventurous journey. They walked for about 2 hours from home towards the path leading to Mount Ka'el. Their steady steps traversed the hidden trail among the lush trees. Every step they took brought them deeper into this captivating and mysterious forest.

The sound of a small river nearby accompanied their steps. At times, the sounds of hidden creatures in the forest echoed. Rozer felt like they were guests in nature's home, with all the beings around them cautiously observing their arrival.

Rozer's father was his best guide on this journey. He had explored Mount Ka'el many times in his life and led Rozer through this challenging yet awe-inspiring route. At times, they had to traverse large rocks and small rivers flowing through the forest. His father always provided guidance, teaching Rozer how to navigate and survive safely in the wilderness.

They paused on the edge of the forest they had explored, resting under the shade of the lush trees while gazing at the massive gate standing under Mount Ka'el, far ahead of them. While chewing their food, Rozer listened to his father's tales about their adventures in this forest, the natural wonders they had seen, the great Boszeven gate, and the legendary tales that were part of their culture.

"Hunting demons?" Rozer asked.

"Because you're 11 now. I thought it would be a good experience for you," his father commented.

"Demons? Why do they breach that gate if they have their own world?" Rozer asked, puzzled.

A bit surprised by Rozer's statement, his father laughed. "The story would be very long; another time, I'll tell you. But the gate is a promise of God to be obeyed, and those who come out from there are disobedient creatures. We call them creatures of hell."

"If I were to go in there and come out, would I be disobedient to God?" Rozer asked, curious again.

His father gently ruffled Rozer's head. "Of course not, it only applies to demons and their offspring—you'll understand through written history and tales from the wise someday," he said.

"When that gate opened, many creatures of hell came out and destroyed the kingdom, and Dad saved it by killing the biggest one—the Dragon, right? Even Dad was considered a hero, right?" Rozer remarked.

His father laughed heartily. "Alright, let's start soon."

They stood and moved towards the edge of the cliff nearby. As they approached, they could feel fresher air and the wind gently caressing their faces.

When they reached the towering cliff's edge, the scene that lay before their eyes left them in awe. They saw a vast and deep valley, with steep cliffs rising on both sides. However, the most prominent feature was the ravine located in the middle of the valley. Within the ravine was a grand and mysterious gate.

The warm sunlight radiated above them, illuminating everything with a warm golden glow. The sunlight glinted off the cliffs and highlighted the ravine in an astonishing manner. They felt like they were in another world, where all the colors and contrasts of nature combined to create a stunning sight.

"First, find the demons," his father said.

"How?" Rozer asked.

In an instant, like a magical flash, his father's aura appeared with a mystical green glow. Rozer looked at him with wide eyes, utterly fascinated by the enchantment happening before his eyes. His father became incredibly mysterious, almost as if an embodiment of everything captivating about the world of magic.

Within this incredibly strong and mysterious aura, his father gave a crucial instruction. "Spread your magic around you," he said firmly, "if something is touched, you will know of its presence."

Rozer quickly tried to follow his father's guidance. In an instant, a thin green mist spread at the speed of light, extending to the surrounding forest. Rozer felt like he had merged with nature, an experience that was incredibly extraordinary.

However, Rozer also heard his father's warning, "The further your reach, the more your body will feel tired." It was a reminder that magic, no matter how powerful, did not come without limits. Rozer had to wield this power wisely to avoid exhausting himself.

As Rozer explored this newly discovered magical power, he felt an unforgettable sensation. The aura he generated was incredibly sharp and glittering, reaching the entire forest with a charming light. Rozer's eyes sparkled, and within his inner vision, he began to see the forest in a very different way.

He saw boars grazing, rabbits playing in the bushes, forest chickens roaming, deer exploring the woods, Boszeven forest guardians patrolling along the borders. All the creatures and entities in the forest appeared to him as unforgettable shadows.

His father, scratching his chin with a thoughtful smile, could only think, 'I expected this, but to succeed at the first attempt? Impressive.' He felt proud and surprised at how quickly Rozer understood and mastered the magic he had taught. Rozer had proven himself as the inheritor of their family's magical power, and their future together in even grander adventures seemed so promising.

Rozer's feelings drastically changed when he spotted a different figure from the other creatures in the forest. The creature's aura was full of unsteadiness and indescribable darkness. He knew his instinct was not wrong; this was a very different creature, something that should not be in the forest.

Trembling, Rozer spoke to his father, "That's a creature of hell, it looks like a bull but has fangs and stands like a human." His voice was filled with uncertainty, fear, and curiosity. He tried to find out more about the creature despite the fearful situation.

His father nodded seriously, "You're right. That creature is called a Minotaur, but its fangs and the weapon it carries make it very dangerous."

Rozer felt a deep fear and hoped they could avoid the creature. His father quickly instructed to leave that place immediately. "Let's rush before that creature takes another soul." The seriousness in his voice showed that this was a serious threat, and Rozer knew they had to protect themselves and anyone else who might be trapped in this danger.

"Maybe this is a bit bad."

They immediately decided to hurry towards this unexpected encounter.

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