
Chapter 19: Grandpa Ryu

I'm baaaaack! And while I'm here I'm gonna address something real quick that people have been asking about: (READ IT ALL!)

People have been wondering if Pika-chan is going to evolve. To that I say that evolution IS DEFINITELY on my consideration list (along with Mega Evolution if I'm feeling flashy X3), I just don't know WHEN to do it. I'll say this now, it's NOT going to be during the time-skip cause I have that whole journey planned out already.

I'm certain at some point, Pika-chan will eventually have a Thunderstone on hand to use in case of an emergency, and don't worry, unlike the anime, WE ARE GOING TO REMEMBER IT EXISTS! Honestly I think it will either end up depending on how the show ends up or up to you guys with whether or not Pika-chan evolves, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Just know that evolution is a most-likely thing. It all depends on the circumstances.

One Piece is a long-ass series that's not even CLOSE to being done, so the opportunities and possibilities for evolution are pretty much endless. IF a time comes in the series where I deem Pika-chan worthy to evolve, I will do it. (Plus with all the shit Pika-chan's gonna go through, IF it evolved, it would be OP as fuck! X3)

Thank you and enjoy!

Arriving at Warship Island went pretty well considering the circumstances. The islanders were pretty wary of us at first but once Apis stepped in and put in a good word for us, the tension gradually dropped. It also helped that all Luffy was interested in was food. It's then that an old man stepped in who Apis seemed to recognize.

"Grandpa Bokuden!" Apis exclaims happily, running into his arms.

"I'm glad you're safe precious." Grandpa says happily before looking at us. "Thank you for saving my granddaughter, I'm in your debt." he says. He then offers for us to stay at his house and he'll even make us something to eat.

"Grandpa's Pork Buns are the best on the whole island!" Apis says happily as we make our way to the house.

Sounds like I'll finally have a chance to give them a try. 'Can't wait to try them!'

Once we make it to the house, Grandpa gets to work on the Pork Buns, Sanji and I observing all the while. Judging by the smell and the amount of drool Luffy's producing, we'll definitely want to recreate these on the Merry. He puts the buns in a heated basket and closes the lid. "There, just a little longer now." he says.

"Oh boy, can't wait!" Luffy says, his voice growing with excitement.

"How long will we have to wait?" Sanji asks.

"Well, if I had to guess, I'd say no more than four or five hours."

...You've got to be kidding me.

"What?!" Luffy and Usopp exclaim.

"Come, we'll wait in the house. They'll be ready before you know it." Bokuden says. Luffy groans and we all follow him into the house. Apis sits on a box near the window holding me in her lap and everyone gets comfortable.

We all do our best to ignore Luffy's constant whining and Nami decides to break the ice. "Bokuden, do you know why the Marines are after Apis?" she asks. Good point; he's Apis' family, so he should know something.

"Hmm, do you know why, Apis?" Bokuden asks, looking at Apis.

"No sir." Apis says, shaking her head. Wait, what?

"Wait a minute, earlier you said you knew but didn't tell us!" Nami remarks.

"Oh, uh, I lied." Apis amends quickly.

I send her a small glare. 'Liar liar, pants on fire; that's a lie inside a lie!' I hiss causing her to shush me.

Bokuden shrugs, "Then I don't know why either." he says.

"You're kidding me!" Usopp exclaims, voicing my exact thoughts.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing significant about this island." Bokuden says. "Nothing except for an old legend." My ears perk up; that sounds like a clue. "Some say that our ancestors are descendants of people from Lost Island which sank into the sea years ago." Apis sighs and rests her chin on my head. "Lost Island is the home of the Millennial Dragons, and their bones are called Dragonite."

I flinch, knocking Apis' chin off my head. Dragonite? That word...yes, that definitely sounds familiar!

Dragonite...Dragonite...Dragon...Dragons...Dragonite...where have I heard it before? Ugh, it's on the tip of my tongue! I think hard, making those figures reappear again. Those two tall ones from before are still slightly glowing. I think the one I'm looking for is a big figure. But there are tons of big figures here!

Arceus, why can't I just remember?! Would it kill me to remember something?! C'mon brain, just one scrap of information won't kill me! C'mon, remember! Remember! Remember!


I flinch as I hear Apis. I'm holding my head in my paws and I'm really tense while everyone else is listening to Bokuden talk. Sanji and Apis are both looking at me, concern gracing their eyes. I glance up at Apis and shake my head. 'Sorry...I'm fine...' I say softly.

Sanji turns his attention back to Bokuden once he sees that I've calmed down. Apis gives me a skeptical look but doesn't press me. "Hey, let's get out of here." she whispers.


Apis silently slips off the box and lets go of me crouching to the floor. She motions for me to follow and we sneak out of the house. Once we successfully sneak out and pass the window Apis sighs in relief. "Once Grandpa starts that story he goes on forever." Apis says softly.

Oh wow, sounds like I dodged a bullet, or in this case, a super boring rambling session. 'Thanks for the save.' Apis grins and we start heading towards the kitchen. 'What are we doing here?' I ask. 'Is the food ready?'

"You'll see." Apis says, taking a large bag out.

I watch as she empties the Pork Buns into the bag. 'What are you doing?' I ask. I'm really confused right now; explain please!

Apis turns and kneels in front of me so she's looking directly at me. "I wanna show you something." she says in a low whisper. "But you have to promise to not tell anybody."

I frown slightly. 'What is it?' I ask but Apis doesn't answer.

"I'm trusting you with this Pika-chan." Apis says. "Will you promise not to tell anyone?"

I'm silent for a few moments. Apis is dead serious. Well, she is my friend and she trusts me; and again, I won't be able to tell anyone even if I wanted to. I nod, 'Okay, I promise.'

Apis smiles and picks me up into a hug again. This girl really loves to hug me. "You're the best, Pika-chan!" She puts me down and picks up the sack of Pork Buns, "Alright, follow me!" She takes a step and then freezes, her eyes wide with panic. I follow her gaze to see a sleepy Luffy dragging his feet towards the kitchen. "Oh no, he's coming!" Apis exclaims quietly.

She begins to panic but I grab the edge of her dress. 'Hold on.' I say knowingly. 'There's nothing to worry about, just stay still.' Apis does as I say, shivering all the while until Luffy collapses mid step, fast asleep. 'See? We're fine.' I say with a grin.

Apis deflates in relief and we walk past Luffy, Apis dragging the sack of food behind us. I follow her diligently as we crawl through some bushes and begin climbing a hidden trail up the mountain. 'Where are we going?' I ask, after we swing across a small cliff. Whatever Apis is trusting me with must be pretty big if she's hidden it all the way out here.

"We're going to meet a friend." Apis answers. I continue following her until we reach the top of the mountain, arriving at a cave. "Grandpa Ryu?" Apis calls, venturing inside the cave with the food.

Does someone live in here? Who on earth could live in a place like thi- WHAT IN THE NAME OF ARCEUS IS THAT?!

Apis is sitting right in front of...of...a dragon! A real freaking dragon! It's huge, light green and covered in feathers!

Apis pets it and smiles, "I'm back Grandpa Ryu." she says softly and cheerfully. "And I brought a new friend." She looks at me happily and I slowly make my way over to them. Once I'm close enough, Apis pets my head, "Pika-chan, this is Grandpa Ryu." she introduces. The dragon stares at me silently and I can't help but stare back.

"This is the one who took care of me." Apis says to the dragon. "I was picked up by a bunch of pirates but Pika-chan was the one who made me feel better."


"No, they were actually really nice; they were the ones who brought me back."


"Don't worry, I trust Pika-chan; it's been a really great friend and promised not to tell."


Apis nods and turns to me, "Grandpa Ryu says it's alright for you to be his friend." she says. "He can tell you have a good heart."

Uh, great I guess… I give the dragon-oh I'm sorry, Grandpa Ryu a friendly nod. But my mind is still swimming with questions! Most of them involving 'how' and 'why'!

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Apis brings the bag forward. "We brought you some of Grandpa Bokuden's Pork Buns!" I flinch as Grandpa Ryu opens his giant mouth and slurps down all the buns in one go. "Whoa, careful, you'll make yourself sick!" Apis exclaims, hiding a laugh. She looks at me and can tell that I'm still pretty numb with shock. "Hey, it's okay." Apis says with a smile. "Grandpa Ryu may be big and a bit senile, but he's really nice."

'If you say so...' I respond with wide eyes. I warily make my way towards him, not looking away from his giant eye, staring at me. I don't know why, but the more I stare at it, the more calm I feel. Grandpa Ryu seems to have this calm and wise aura about him, like a real grandfather. I slowly relax and approach him. He gazes at me, and I swear I can feel him give me a calm smile. My face becomes intrigued as his eyes seem to have some kind of air of loneliness, like someone who wants something that he lost desperately.

"You're not too far off…" Apis says softly, catching my attention. Right, Whisper Whisper Fruit. "Grandpa Ryu just wants to go home, to Lost Island."

My breath hitches, but I keep it soft. 'Didn't Lost Island sink?' I ask, recalling Bokuden's words.

Apis shakes her head, "Grandpa Ryu is certain that Lost Island will reappear any day now." she says. "He just...doesn't remember where it is."

My eyes widen and my ears perk up. 'Doesn't...remember…?'

Apis nods, "I've been looking through all kinds of old texts and ancient records, but I can't find anything; the legend itself has no clues." She places a hand on Grandpa Ryu's snout, "So I decided to ask the Marines for help, but all they cared about was finding Dragonite. That's why they took me away."

My eyes widen at the word again. Dragonite. Arceus, this is driving me crazy! All these words are spinning around in my head and I can't make any sense of them!

Seaking, Snorlax, Dragonite, Arceus...argh, why can't I just remember! I want to remember! Please just let me remember!

"Pika-chan!" Apis exclaims and the next thing I know, I'm lifted into her arms in a gentle hug. "You're shaking again; are you sure you're okay?"

I let out a sigh, feeling a lump come to my throat. I just want to scream in frustration, still no sign of my memory. I feel Grandpa Ryu's gaze on me and I deflate in relief. 'No...I'm not okay.' I say sadly. I look at Grandpa Ryu with sympathetic eyes, 'I know how it feels to not remember where your home is.'

Apis' eyes widen in understanding, "That's right, you have amnesia, right?." she asks. "Is that why you're so upset?"

'Something like that...'

"Pika-chan?" My ears twitch as a familiar voice calls from the entrance of the cave. "Pika-chan? Apis? You in here?"


Apis turns around, still holding me and her eyes widen in fear as Sanji and Luffy enter the cave. "Hey Apis! Where'd you hide all the pork buns?" Luffy calls.

Apis drops me and backs against Grandpa Ryu with her arms outstretched. "Stop!" she yells defiantly. "Don't come any closer!" But it's too late. Luffy's eyes widen and Sanji's cigarette hits the ground as they lay eyes on Grandpa Ryu. My ears wilt and I give an awkward wave.; this is gonna be awkward.

"Amazing!" Luffy gushes, running his hands over Grandpa Ryu much to Apis' dismay. "I can't believe this! This is awesome! This is so cool!" I laugh nervously at Luffy's actions while Apis tries to pry him off Grandpa Ryu.

Sanji on the other hand is still completely speechless. I walk towards him and tap his leg, making sure he's not about to pass out. "Pika-chan…?" he asks weakly. "Is that what I think it is?" I rub the back of my head and nod; guess my promise to Apis about keeping her secret is now null and void.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" Apis yells, pulling Luffy's vest as he's still cuddling the dragon. Grandpa Ryu must have a ton of patience and tolerance 'cause he isn't moving a muscle.

"Where on earth did you come from?" Luffy asks. Grandpa Ryu stares at Luffy and silence fills the air for a few moments. "Sure, I think I understand…" Luffy says slowly. "You want to go home, right?"

Whoa, how did he do that? "How did you do that?" Apis asks with wide eyes, voicing my curiosity. "How did you read Grandpa Ryu's mind like I did?"

Luffy shrugs, "I dunno, I just did."

"That's right, your Devil Fruit power lets you read the minds of animals and creatures." Sanji says, finally getting the courage to walk a bit closer.

Apis nods, "It was because of my powers that I met Grandpa Ryu." she says. I take a seat on Grandpa Ryu's head as Apis repeats when she told me to Luffy and Sanji and try to stay calm when she mentions Dragonite again. After listening more closely, I remember that Dragonite is the elixir of immortality; I know that's not the Dragonite I'm remembering, but it's definitely similar.

Once she's done, Sanji kneels down in front of her, "This is way too dangerous for a little girl like you, you know."

Apis looks at the ground sadly, "I know; that's why I've kept this a secret." she says. "But I have to get Grandpa Ryu back home no matter what; it's the only way he'll get his strength back.

I can tell that Grandpa Ryu is really touched by the risks Apis is taking for him; I know how that feels too. I have more in common with this dragon then I realized.

"Alright then," Luffy says suddenly. "We'll take him home!"

Say what?

Sanji gets to his feet. "Idiot, we can't take him home; Lost Island sank." he says.

"But this is a real Millennial Dragon!" Luffy argues. "If he exists, then Lost Island exists too!"

Sanji stretches Luffy's rubber cheek, "Are you deaf? I said the island sank! There's no way we can find it!"

"Exactly!" Luffy says. "So that's why we're gonna find it!"

Sanji sighs and shakes his head, "Well, once the captain makes up his mind, there's no stopping him." he mutters before smirking. "I'm in."

"Pika pikachu!" I exclaim, raising my paw. 'I'm in too!'

"Really? You'll take him?" Apis asks.

"Of course!" Luffy says.

"Thank you!" Apis exclaims.

I jump onto her shoulder, 'Grandpa Ryu's in good hands.' I say.

I stay with Apis while Sanji and Luffy get the others up to the cave. Their reactions are about the same as Sanji's, only Usopp's jaw hits the floor and Nami nearly screams at the top of her lungs. Apis and I give a wave from Grandpa Ryu's back while Sanji and Luffy explain the situation.

"I-Is it safe around this thing? Is it gonna eat us?" Usopp manages to ask.

"Um, he usually doesn't eat people." Apis says, though she sounds pretty unsure. "But he is forgetful so if he starts acting like you're food, get away quick."

Her warning comes a bit late as Usopp's head is already in Grandpa Ryu's mouth. "Now you tell me!" he wails.

Luffy laughs, "I think he likes you!"

"That's easy for you to say!" Usopp snaps.

"Maybe we should just let him eat you." Zoro says casually.

"And give the poor thing food poisoning?" Sanji retorts. Ouch, low blows guys…

Apis manages to get Grandpa Ryu to let go and Usopp gets a good distance away. 'Senile dragons are a handful aren't they?' I comment sitting on top of Grandpa Ryu's head.

Apis laughs nervously, "Yeah, kinda…"

Anyway, as we all discuss the game plan it's pretty obvious this is going to be easier said than done. The Marines have already started to blockade the island and they're after us and Apis. Getting out of here with a giant dragon in tow, is going to be a mission in itself. Not to mention that we have absolutely no idea where we're supposed to be going.

"The dragon should have migratory instincts," Nami points out. "That should help us find it."

"But how are we supposed to get a giant dragon onto the Going Merry?" Usopp asks. Ah, the million dollar question. Anyone have an answer?

"Easy, we'll build a cart." Nami says. "One big enough for Grandpa Ryu." Alright, I can get behind that. Apis grins happily at me and we head out of the cave. We have our work cut out for us this time.

Building the cart didn't take long at all. We just had Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji get us the lumber we needed and we all pitched in building it under Usopp's instructions. In less than an hour, the cart was finished. Apis jumps on it happily, "It's so sturdy! Not even Grandpa Ryu could break it!"

That's Usopp for ya.

Now we just have to figure out how to get Grandpa Ryu to the Going Merry and get past the Marines. Zoro suggests an attack which I'm down for, but as Nami points out, that wouldn't really work with a giant dragon with us. We're gonna have to be stealthy here.

"One of us will have to get the harbor, sneak aboard the Going Merry and sail it to the rear of the island." Nami decides. Alright, that sounds like a good plan.

Usopp steps up, "Well, since my good friend Kaya gave us the ship, I should be the one to go." he announces. Wow, brave move Usopp. "However," he suddenly points at me. "Pika-chan is coming with me!"

I start and point to myself. "Pika?" 'Why me?'

"Fine by me." Nami says. Wait-wha-but Nami!

"Pika-chan's pretty good at sneaking around; should work out just fine." Sanji adds. But-but-but-!

"Alright, we leave by nightfall!" Usopp says.

"No, now! We're running out of time!" Nami says. My ears wilt; does no one care what I have to say about this?

"Bring the ship to the edge of that cape." Nami says pointing. "The one that looks like your nose." I gaze at the cape and snicker while Luffy laughs. It really does look like his nose!

"Alright…" Usopp says unsurely, "But how are you gonna-"

"Leave that to me." Nami says. "In the meantime, you two get moving!"

"Pika!" I say with a nod.

"You know for a navigator you sure give a lot of orders!" Usopp complains.

Nami tells Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro to get Grandpa Ryu onto the cart and Usopp and I run towards the harbor.

Alright, time for a Pika-chan/Usopp stealth mission! I'm sure everything will end up perfectly FINE!

I'll admit, right when the term Dragonite was said in the show, my head shot up and I was like 'Dragonite? Where? Where?' XD