
Chapter 16: The Storm Calls

Over a hundred reviews...you guys...you guuuuuys...I'm seriously speechless that I've gotten so many in so little time! Thank you soooooo much! You give me so much motivation to keep writing so that's just what I'm gonna do, no matter how long this story gets! Oh, say thanks to all your fans Pika-chan!

Pika-chan: Pika pika, pikachu! 'Thanks for all the support you guys!'

Before we begin: quick shout-out to Fanboy 316: Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely consider it for a future chapter so keep an eye out for it! Someone has to take care of the girls Sanji can't fight after all! ;)

Once the crowd disperses, the tuna is wrapped up and ready for us to transport it back to the ship. Usopp and Sanji carry each end of the tuna while Nami carries the rest of our supplies. Me? I hitch a ride on top of the wrapped tuna; after all, I couldn't help carry so I might as well take advantage.

I had to admit, it had been a very fruitful day. Sanji won the contest, we got a gigantic fish out of it, and Sanji had even gained himself a rival. We would have to keep our ears open for Carmen's name whenever another cooking competition came up; if this round was that fierce, the next one would be a bloodbath! And I mean that in the most affectionate way possible.

"That was a lot of fun!" Nami comments.

"How did I get stuck with the heavy end?" Usopp complains.

I laugh and turn back to Sanji. He's tuned out everything, with a curious and inspired look in his eye that I knew pretty well. He was thinking of all the ways he was gonna cook this sucker. I had to admit I was pretty curious too; with a fish this big the possibilities were endless! I'm definitely looking forward to helping out in the kitchen when dinner rolls around.

I grin at Sanji, pride beating inside me. It's weird for something like me to say, but I'm really damn proud of him. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Nami stops, causing Usopp and Sanji to stop as well.

"What's up Nami?" Usopp asks.

"The air…" Nami says, looking at the sky. "It's going to rain, I'm sure of it." Rain? Really? I look up at the sky; there isn't a dark cloud in sight. Nami tells us to hurry back and no one argues; well, no one knows the weather better than the navigator.

We pick up the pace a bit, making our way back to the ship, but after a while my ears twitch ever so slightly. I had this really bad feeling in my gut; something was wrong. The others feel it too, and Nami says the storm is coming up fast. We run into Zoro a few seconds later who apparently lost Luffy, but he's getting that bad feeling too. Something bad is gonna happen, no doubt.

A bunch of people suddenly start running through the town, looking terrified.

"Pirates are here!"

"It's Buggy the Clown!"

I tilt my head at the name. Nami and Zoro seem to know him; probably someone they ran into in the past. My ears perk up when I hear the next part.

"It's time for the execution!"

"Buggy the Clown is gonna kill Straw Hat Luffy!"

Wait, what?! This Buggy guy is gonna kill Luffy?! "They're gonna execute him?!" Usopp exclaims.

"That idiot!" Nami exclaims.

"Let's go!" Zoro yells.

"Hold this!" Sanji yells letting go of the tuna. I jump off just in time as Zoro and Sanji run off towards the square, leaving Usopp carrying the whole fish.

Nami grabs the back of Usopp's shirt, "C'mon, let's go!" she urges.

"Where?" Usopp asks.

"The harbor, stupid!" Nami retorts. I glance at them before taking off after Sanji, ignoring Usopp and Nami's calls for me to come back. I try to catch up with them, but it isn't long before I lose sight of them thanks to all the trampling feet. It takes all my reflexes to not get stepped on!

I eventually slip away into the alleys where there are less people and by then, the storm clouds have already rolled in. I hear thunder rumbling in the distance and I feel a few raindrops on my fur. I have to hurry and find the others and help save Luffy!

"Use the storm."

I suddenly skid to a halt. "Pika?" 'Who was that?' I heard someone; were they talking to me?

"Lightning is your essence, is it not?"

I glance around frantically until I spy a dark cloaked figure in the shadows. Who is that? I can make out long hair and a dark tattoo on his face. But not only that...his scent and his presence...they seem familiar… "This storm is your weapon; use it wisely, and you can save your captain."

I stare at him. What is he saying? Use the storm? I glance up at the lightning flashing in the sky and feel my fur stand on end. I look back and realize that my tail has risen on its own, like...it's being drawn to the lightning...wait! That's it!

I look back at the figure who still hasn't moved. "Let the lightning be your guide; when the time comes you will know what to do." He turns and disappears into the darkness. I look back up at the sky and nod firmly.

I have no idea if I should trust that guy, or if what he's saying is even true, but I have to try! I jump onto the nearest windowsill and start climbing the building. In no time I reach the roof and the wind picks up. I listen intently and hear the sounds of yelling and gunshots; that has to be the place! I run from rooftop to rooftop until a large square comes into view. I can see a familiar straw hat on an execution platform and a guy with a big red nose standing over him with a sword; I'm assuming that's Buggy.

The single rooftops end and I leap onto the roof of the large building behind the platform and skid to a halt right in the middle, right over Luffy and Buggy. Zoro and Sanji are down in the crowd, taking out the pirates on the ground. I grit my teeth and make to jump down into the fray when I remember that guy's words.

'Let the lightning be your guide.'

I take a deep breath and focus on the storm around me. The howling wind, the rumbling thunder, the lightning, I take it all in. My fur stands on end and my tail twitches, anxious for action. I can hear Buggy laughing as he raises his sword, but I keep concentrating. Luffy's life depends on it! 'Wait...'

"This is the end!"


"Straw Hat Luffy!"

'Not yet...'

"Now die!"

My eyes snap open. 'Now!' I jump into the air, feeling the air around me crackle with electricity.

"Zoro, Sanji." Luffy says at that moment. "Sorry, but…" He lifts his head and gives the biggest grin he can. "I'm dead."

I frown as I raise my tail. 'Oh no you're not!' I feel the lightning strike my tail and my eyes widen. I can feel power course through me as I absorb the lightning like I would sunlight. It feels good...no, it feels great! I look down at Buggy and let sparks fly from my cheeks, sparks that are the same color as the lightning. I direct my attack towards the platform and hold nothing back.

Buggy freezes as electricity coursed through his sword and his entire body. The whole platform crackles as my lightning passes through it. Everything seems to freeze before the platform erupts into blue flames and topples over just as the sky opens up with a downpour. Buggy falls over as well, brown and well done. I really should remind Sanji that my electricity can really cook things well.

As I fall towards the ground, I see Luffy's hat had been swept up in the wind from the fall. I grab it in my teeth and land easily on the concrete. I trot over to Luffy, who's broken out of his wooden imprisonment and takes the hat from me, a smile still on his face. He places it on his head and laughs. "Hey! I'm still alive! Awesome!"

Everyone gapes at what had just occurred and I just let out a small laugh along with Luffy. Sanji had even dropped his cigarette! Luffy and I walk towards our two crewmates and they look down at me incredulously.

"Pika-chan…" Sanji starts, not even knowing what to say. "How did you…"

"Pika!" I say simply and raise my tail for them to see, pointing up. They look up at the sky, seeing the lightning still flash and then look back at me. Sparks come from my cheeks and I redirect a few to surround my tail for a few seconds to get the message across.

"So, your tail," Sanji says starting to understand. "It's like a lightning rod." I nod happily, very pleased with my revelation. I was definitely going to use this ability more often. I just keep surprising myself with what I can do! But...how did that guy know I could do this? And who was he? ...And why did he remind me so much of Luffy?

My eyes widen as Marines suddenly emerge and surround everyone. "Here they come!" Sanji yells.

The Marines charge and engage with the pirates. "We have to get out of here!" Zoro yells.

Sanji nods, "If we don't get back to the Going Merry we'll never leave this island, and never get to the Grand Line!"

That catches Luffy's attention. "Well, that's no good; run!" We all take off towards the harbor. Some Marines try to stop us, but we plow through them like flies. We run as fast as we can, but the rain is almost blinding! Everything looks the same! Plus, it's getting really hard to keep up with these guys! I grit my teeth and speed up; I can't run out of breath now!

"Pika-chan!" I look at Sanji who's holding out his arm towards me. I quickly leap onto his arm and climb to his shoulder; can't afford to be left behind. Suddenly, I feel a strange sensation; one that I feels like a rapid beating heart and blushing cheeks. "Oh wow! Who's that girl?" Sanji exclaims.

Ugh, we really need to work on time and place with this guy…

I look at Zoro who seems to be tense. Does he know her? "I didn't know you were the pirate Zoro…" the girl mutters. "You lied...you're just another liar!"

We skid to a halt and Sanji turns on Zoro. "Oh great, what the hell did you do to that girl?" he demands. I actually wanna know too.

Zoro steps forward, "I never told you my name so I never lied." he answers simply.

The girl glares at Zoro, "You know I'd never let you leave town with such a legendary sword!" she yells. "Give me the Wado Ichimonji!" Uh, lady, I don't think Zoro of all people would give up his swords that easily.

Zoro raises his sword with the white hilt; I assume that's the one she wants. "Come and get it." he challenges. The girl grits her teeth and draws her own sword. She lunges at him but Zoro meets her easily with a block. They exchange a few swings; Zoro's really holding back using one sword and all.

"You jerk, you can't fight a girl!" Sanji yells.

I give him a look. "Pika?" 'Who says you can't?' Last I checked, girls can be just as tough as guys.

"I can take care of myself!" The girl yells. "This is between me and him, so back off!"

"You heard her," Zoro says. "Get out of here."

Luffy grins and nods, "Let's go!"

"Pika!" I agree with a nod.

We run past them, Sanji lingering for just a moment. "Zoro if you hurt her I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"Pika…" Sanji, do not make me shock you while you're soaking wet.

We keep running until Zoro and the girl are out of sight until an archway comes into view. "I can see the ship; the harbor's ahead!" Luffy yells. But as we draw closer, a figure makes itself known, blocking our path.

"Great, now what?" Sanji asks irritably. We skid to a halt in front of a burly guy who has white hair and is smoking a huge cigar. He seems to be focused on Luffy more than us. Luffy tells us to go on ahead and we hesitantly comply. But after that whole fiasco with the execution platform, I say our worry is justified. I stay on Sanji's shoulder as we easily make our way to the harbor where Nami and Usopp are getting the Merry ready to set sail.

"Nami~!" Sanji calls.

"Pika pi!" 'Usopp, Nami, wait up!'

"Sanji! Pika-chan!" Nami exclaims happily.

"Where are the others?" Usopp asks.

"Who cares, we'll pick them up later!" Sanji responds. Cold response, Sanji. But yeah, they'll be fine...right?

"Behind you!" Nami yells. I glance at all the Marines behind us and I leap from Sanji's shoulder, giving him a small tap to let him know that I got this. I zap as many as I can with a lightning bolt, keeping my instincts on alert should I want to invoke the help of the storm again. I get a majority of them, but plenty more still come for Sanji to beat with his kicks. Usopp even decides to jump into the fray but even with all three of us they just keep coming!

I shock them, I knock them back with my tail, but it's no use! Looks like I'm gonna have to take them all out in one fell swoop. The lightning is getting more intense; if I wait for the perfect moment, I should be able to take down all of these clowns, no trouble. But just as I'm about to focus, a giant gust of wind sweeps through the area.

It knocks me and everyone into the air, blasting me away from Sanji and Usopp. I tumble through the air until I feel someone grab me and pull me close. I open my eyes, expecting Sanji, but it's Nami! She grits her teeth as she holds onto the railing of the Merry with all her might and keeping a firm grip on me. I cling to her tightly, praying to Arceus that we won't get blown into the ocean and the wind slowly comes to a stop. Nami and I fall to the ground, still holding each other tightly and shivering from the shock. "That was scary…" Nami says softly.

"Pika…" I agree.

"Oh no!" Nami's eyes widen as she gets to her feet still holding me. She runs to the rear of the ship and our eyes widen; that wind blew us out to sea! Loguetown is getting smaller by the second! "Luffy! Sanji!" Nami yells.

"Pika pika!" I can barely see all of them looking at us from the harbor; will they be able to make it? We both watch as we hear something stretch and a bunch of yells followed by a huge pile of people sailing towards us. They bounce off the sail and land on the deck; well, that was solved quicker than I thought it would be.

"You made it!" Nami exclaims happily.

"Pikachu!" 'Glad you could make it!'

Sanji gives Luffy a small kick to the head, "Idiot...never do that again!"

The loud thunder above us snaps up back to attention; we have to get through this storm don't we? Everyone runs this way and that, keeping the sails steady so we don't capsize. All I can do is hold onto something and stay out of everyone's way; I'm not much help with physical labor thanks to my size. I guess I can keep a lookout for any ships chasing us; those Marines and other pirates seemed pretty intent on catching Luffy back there. I wouldn't put it past them to follow us and try it again.

After a while, a light blinks in the distance, almost like a lighthouse. Nami says it's called a Guide Post. "It means the entrance to the Grand Line is somewhere ahead!" she explains.

We all grin at each other; this is it! We were finally heading to the Grand Line! That place was a mysterious ocean that hardly anyone ever survived; there's gotta be some clue to my past there! And with people like Sanji and Luffy, we were gonna make it all the way through! No question!

"I think we should say something for this occasion." Sanji says.

"Yeah!" Luffy agrees. I watch as they all one by one place their foot on a barrel.

"I'm going to the Grand Line...to find the All Blue." Sanji says.

"To be King of the Pirates." Luffy says.

"To be the world's greatest swordsman." Zoro says.

"To draw a world map." Nami says.

"To be the bravest warrior of the sea." Usopp says.

They all look down at me expectantly and I smile. I jump onto the barrel, in the middle of all their feet. "Pika...pi pikachu!" 'And I'm going...to find out where I came from!'

My crewmates all grin down at me. "And now…" They all raise their feet. "...to the Grand Line!" They all proclaim.

I jump right as their feet come down smashing the barrel and flip onto Sanji's head. "Pi-ka-chu!" I cheer, raising my paw as everyone else cheers. My fur suddenly stands on end. Oh geez…

I quickly jump into the air as high as I can and stretch out my tail, catching a lightning bolt before it hits the sails. The lightning wasn't that powerful so I simply absorb it and land back on the deck. Absorbing lightning really gave me a good feeling! Poor Usopp is shivering again and Zoro, Nami and Sanji look a little on the surprised side from the close call; I guess being that close to lightning would shake someone up.

Luffy on the other hand… "Ooh, do it again! Do it again!" he says. "I wanna try!"

I can't help but smirk at him and I jump onto his shoulder. A few moments later I draw another bolt to us and we both are covered in lightning. Luffy laughs, "This is awesome!" he cheers.

"Stop drawing lightning to the ship!" Nami yells. I laugh along with Luffy as the lightning on us dies down. "Pika-chan, don't encourage him!" she adds. Luckily, it doesn't feel like any lightning is gonna hit us, so I guess I don't need to worry anymore. After all, I should save my worrying for when we get to the Grand Line. Who knows what's waiting for us there?

And it turns out, an adventure was just a few days away.

Hey, that random lightning bolt actually makes sense now! I do love it when the show giftwraps scenes like this for me! Lightningrod is one of my fav abilities too X3 (Cookies to whoever can guess who the hooded guy was, even though it's pretty obvious if you know your stuff)

Alright, now for those who asked, yes, WE ARE DOING SENNENRYU (aka the Apis arc)! And right after that, it'll be MOVIE TIME! Look forward to future adventures!