
Chapter 13: Become a Pirate?


Caps lock aside, the fact that everyone's asking means my writing style is working; I've been trying to make Pika-chan as gender neutral as possible X3

As to be expected, the island threw a huge party. I heard they were going to celebrate for three whole days; man they were gonna be wiped out! But after eight years of being under pirate rule, I say it's worth it.

I was a huge hit with the kids, all of them aching to pet me and just touch me; luckily Sanji was around to make sure they didn't crush me or provoke me to shock them. The kids were actually really sweet, so I was able to ignore whenever they gushed over me and called me cute and adorable; all the pats, scratches and hugs I got out of it made it all worth it. I got a lot of compliments from the villagers who watched the fight, especially on my lightning attacks.

"Your lightning is incredible!"

"It was like a storm was joining the fight!"

"You're so small and you have that much power? Amazing!"

It was really hard not to blush at their praise. The food was amazing and the dancing was a ton of fun, and the best part? Sanji was so distracted from dancing with all the girls that he didn't need to use me to flirt! Thank Arceus! All the celebrations ended the same way: everyone passed out on the ground, sleeping soundly. It had probably been so long since they could celebrate and let loose like this.

However, on the final night of the festivities, I decided to skip out on the late night festivities and take a walk. I had overheard Luffy say that they would be shipping out the next day. When he said those words my heart sank into the pit of my stomach, so I decided a walk would clear my head.

Why do I feel so down? Well, because I have no plan. Arlong was defeated and Nami was safe; I was so focused on those two things that I didn't really think about what I would do afterwards. What was I going to do now? Sanji was a pirate now, he was going to find the All Blue.

But me? I have nothing; nowhere to go and no home to go to. Sanji said he set sail to make sure I was safe, but now that he knew that, all that was left for him was to go and chase his dream. So what was left for me? Well, there's the Baratie, but there's no way Luffy would go off course just to return me there. Maybe I could stay here for a while and catch a ride back in the future. The people here were really nice so I wouldn't mind staying here.

I sit under a tree, gazing up at the moonlight and frowning slightly. I was really gonna miss Sanji; I was gonna miss all of those guys. I drift off to sleep under the tree, questions and thoughts swirling in my head.

When I woke up, the sun was already pretty high in the sky. I stretch and get up; guess I better head to the docks and see Sanji and the others off. I want to at least give a proper goodbye, and maybe thank Sanji for everything he's done for me. I run back to the town and slow to a walk as I make my way down behind and between houses.

The main path was bustling with activity so I didn't want to get stepped on. After a while, I'm a few houses away from the ship; I peek out and see Sanji on the deck helping to get some last minute supplies onto the ship and I can see Nami up there too. I'm glad she's going with them. I pull back and sigh; this was going to be really hard.

"Pika-chan!" My ears twitch. That's Sanji. "Pika-chan! Where are you?" Ah, he must be looking for me. "We have to set sail, c'mon Pika-chan!"

My ears droop. I really should have spent that last night with him; now it's too late. I guess this was goodbye. I'd probably find my way back to the Baratie sooner or later. I begin to make my way out of my hiding place when I hear Zoro, "C'mon cook, we've been waiting for that rodent for hours!" he says irritably leaning over the rail of the ship.

"Deal with it; I'm not leaving without Pika-chan!" Sanji responds making me freeze in my tracks. Not leave without me?

"That little guy sure is powerful," I hear Usopp say. "Are you two really that close?" I tense at the question, and Sanji is silent.

"Pika-chan's your friend right?" Luffy asks. "Friends don't just leave; Pika-chan will come."

I hear Sanji chuckle and watch as he takes a drag. "Pika-chan's more than just my friend." My eyes widen. "Pika-chan's my partner, who I can always trust to have my back." I can barely move as his words sink in. "The little guy has so much energy...Pika-chan doesn't belong in an old restaurant."


"Sailing the Grand Line and finding the All Blue without Pika-chan by my side...it just wouldn't be right!" I take a step out of my hiding place, trying to keep my eyes dry.

Luffy grins, "Of course; I mean, you said you wouldn't be my cook if Pika-chan wasn't with you!" I feel my heart skip a beat. He said that? "And it would be totally awesome to have a mouse that shoots lightning on my crew!"

Nami smiles thoughtfully, "That little guy was such a sweetheart; I wouldn't mind Pika-chan tagging along either."

Usopp nods, "Yeah, that little guy is cute, and brave too, just like the amazing Captain Usopp!"

Zoro shrugs, "I really don't care if it comes or not, if Luffy says the mouse is coming then it's coming." he says. "If it does come at least it can hold its own in a fight; the rodent's got guts, I'll admit."

Oh that's it, I can't hide here anymore! "Pikachu!" I leap out of my hiding spot and make a beeline for the ship, tears in the corner of my eyes.

Sanji turns at my cry and the people all make a path for me to get through. A wide smile crosses Sanji's face as he lays eyes on me. "Pika-chan! You made it!" I leap into his arms almost knocking him over. "Whoa, easy there!" he exclaims as I nuzzle my face into his jacket. "Ready to find the All Blue?" he asks.

I look up at him with bright hopeful eyes. "Pika pika!" 'You bet I am!'

"Alright!" Luffy cheers. "We got a lightning mouse on our crew! That's so awesooooome!" I smile up at him and I climb onto Sanji's shoulder as we board the ship, the Going Merry I believe Usopp called it.

The villagers give us a bittersweet goodbye (turns out Nami pickpocketed just about all of them while she was getting on the ship) and we're on our way.

I stand on the railing, my eyes closed, letting the wind blow through my fur. I'm a pirate now...I'm surprisingly fine with this. That fight with Arlong was the most intense thing I've ever been through; I'm probably really sadistic for thinking this, but I hope we get into more fights along the way.

Luffy stretches on top of the goat's head on the Merry and beings counting on his fingers, "Alright, we have the world's greatest swordsman, a navigator making a world map, a liar who's also the best sniper who wants to be a warrior, a cook who wants to find the All Blue, and a mouse who...who…" he trails off. His gaze turns to me and frown in confusion. "Hey Sanji!" Luffy calls. "What does Pika-chan want to do?"

Sanji peeks out from the galley, "What are you talking about?" he asks.

"Well, you want to find the All Blue, but what about Pika-chan?" Luffy responds before looking at me. "Do you have a dream Pika-chan?" he asks.

I look at the ground in thought when those figures from before flash through my mind again. 'Dream...' The word resonated through my mind, though it didn't make the figures any clearer. Did having a dream have something to do with my memory? Well that's the vaguest clue ever.

Everyone has some kind of dream, right? So what's mine? I think hard; what's something I could possibly get out of traveling in unknown and dangerous waters to places that no one has ever seen before? Honestly I don't really need to find anything-

...Oh wow, I'm an idiot…

I look at Luffy with a smile and nod. "Pika!"

"Really?" Luffy asks jumping off his seat and coming towards me.

Sanji apparently heard too as he exits the galley and walks towards me as well. "You have a dream Pika-chan?" Sanji asks. I'll ignore the fact that I just answered that question and nod again. Nami, Usopp and Zoro seem interested too.

"What could a rodent possibly want?" Zoro scoffs.

"Shut up and you'll find out!" Nami snaps.

"Alright, let's hear it." Luffy says excitedly, bending towards me. "What's your dream?"

I smile and point back to Nami's island. "Pika!"

Luffy tilts his head, "You wanna go back to the island?"

I shake my head and point more aggressively. "Pika pi!"

"We can't go back, we already set sail." Luffy says. I groan and roll me eyes; this was gonna take a while. I point to Nami and then back to the island. Now everyone looks confused.

"You want Nami to go back?" Usopp asks.

"No way! She's our navigator!" Luffy protests.

I shake my head vigorously. "Pika!" 'No no no!' I look at Nami directly and point to the island. "Pika?" I ask.

"Uh…" Nami frowns nervously at being put on the spot. "Are you asking...what that is?" she asks uneasily.

I smile slightly and point to the island one more time before pointing to her. "Pika."

Nami tilts her head, "What is that island, to me?" she tries. I nod and she folds her arms. "Well, it's my home-"

"Pi pikachu!" I exclaim, nodding happily.

"That's the word you were looking for?" Sanji asks. "Home?"

"Pika!" I say pointing to myself. They were finally getting it!

"What about home?" Usopp asks. I deflate; nevermind. Looks I have to go all out. I put my paw on my forehead almost like a salute and start looking around.

"Uh, surveying?" Nami asks.

"Saluting." Zoro chimes in.

"You're hungry." Luffy says.

"How does that mean hungry?" Usopp demands.

"Looking." Sanji says, making me perk up. "You're looking for something." I nod and point back to the island and then to myself.

Nami's eyes light up, "You're looking for your island! For your home!" I jump up and down happily; we have a winner! Sheesh, took long enough…

"But isn't your home the restaurant place?" Luffy asks.

I shake my head and Sanji steps towards me. "Wait...Pika-chan, do you really not know where your home is?" I shake my head again.

That seems to get Luffy's attention. "But everyone knows where their home is." he says.

I shake my head once more, "Pika…" I point to my own head and look at the ground sadly.

"It doesn't remember." Zoro says somehow getting my gesture immediately. "Or it just doesn't know."

Luffy's eyes widen in excitement, "Ooh, so you're a mystery mouse!" I sweatdrop; is that really the only word you can come up with to describe me?

Sanji ignores him and looks at me seriously. "Is this true Pika-chan?" he asks. "Do you really not know where you came from?" I nod sadly. My memory is still completely blank; those figures appear again for a split second, but that's all they are: figures. No voices or colors and the only difference they all have is their size.

"Alright!" Luffy exclaims holding up the fingers he counted off. "And we have a mystery mouse that can shoot lightning and is looking for its home! My crew is already awesome!" he cheers, finishing his thoughts from earlier.

I give him a look, 'Uh, are you gonna be calling me that for this whole trip…?'

I still give him a small smile and Nami picks me up. "Don't worry Pika-chan, you'll find your home." she reassures before grinning. "My world map won't be complete anyway unless we find it."

I smile back. "Pikachu!"

"Oh Nami! You're so kind!" Sanji gushes. Nami smiles uneasily and I give her a look that says, 'If you ever need me to knock some sense into him, just say the word.'

After that, Sanji heads to the galley to make lunch (whatever keeps Luffy from screaming for meat) and I follow. I leap onto the counter and gaze at all the ingredients Sanji has out. "Wanna help?" he asks.

"Pika!" I respond happily. I wasn't a stranger to helping Sanji out in the kitchen. I did simple tasks, like washing vegetables, handing over spices, washing dishes, and occasionally stirring if the pot was small enough for me to reach. I hear Luffy and Usopp putting out a picnic table; since the weather was so nice we decided to eat outside.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Sanji says while we wash the vegetables. "Zeff wanted me to tell you to make sure to watch my back." My head snaps up to him in surprise. Zeff said that? Really? Well, I had left without saying goodbye…

"But since you made sushi out of those Fishmen I'd say you've got that covered." Sanji continues before grinning. "Patty and Carne actually admitted they would miss us; don't tell 'em I said that though."

I giggle; so even Patty and Carne missed me, huh? I guess they all did care for me in their own special way. I wonder if we'll ever get the chance to visit them.

After a while, Sanji and have cooked up plates and plates of food for everyone. Sanji manages to balance all the plates on his arms and head, but when he opens the door he loses his balance. I jump on his shoulder and barely catch the plate on his head before it slips off. Another skill I picked up while at the Baratie. We grin at each other as we make our way to the table and set the plates down.

"Alright! Food!" Luffy cheers. We all start digging in, the food nothing short of perfection.

"This is amazing!" Usopp says through a mouthful.

"I could definitely get used to this!" Nami agrees.

"Only the best for you my lovely lady!" Sanji swoons. I roll my eyes but keep my electricity down; it's a good day so I'll let him have this one. In no time, almost all the food is gone, Luffy having inhaled most of it; wasting food was never gonna be a problem on this ship, for sure!

After a while everything suddenly tenses up. Nami, Zoro and I look over to see that Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp have all grabbed the last piece of meat. Oh boy, I can already tell that this is gonna be rough. Nami and Zoro smartly move away from the table as they go at it.

"Gimme! I grabbed it first!"

"Bastard, I made it so I should get it!"

"The Great Captain Usopp is the only one worthy of eating this meat!"

I suddenly smile evilly as an idea comes to my mind. I wait until the meat ends up in the air and I take action. I jump from Luffy's hat into the air and snatch up the food. I land and gobble the meat up quickly; it's a bit on the cold side, but still tastes awesome. The boys pout and I hold back a snicker while Zoro and Nami start to laugh.

After Sanji and I clean up the dishes and wash them, we hear Nami. "Island, straight ahead!"

Sanji and I exit the kitchen and see Luffy wiggling happily on the Merry's head. "Island, island, island!" he chants, his excitement growing with every word. I jump onto Sanji's shoulder as we all gather around to see the island up ahead. I can't help but feel excitement as we set our course. Who knew what kind of things we would find on that island.

Again, at that moment, my amnesia doesn't bug me whatsoever, because I'm not lost anymore.

As of right now, I'm Pika-chan.

I'm the mouse who's going to find its home.

I'm Sanji's partner.

I'm a Straw Hat pirate!

(This ending meal scene was brought to you by the second ending of One Piece)

Pika-chan, you're an idiot if you thought you could fight Arlong and NOT be considered a pirate X3

And those charades Pika-chan has to put on? Look forward to A LOT of those XD