
The slayer for the multiverse!

John was an avid anime and gaming fan who died, (standard beginning of any fanfic) was given the chance to be reincarnated with a system and the ability to travel through the multiverse doing whatever he wanted and becoming stronger.

Pato_das_lendas · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Sword Art Online!

Hello everybody, this is the author, my computer is back from repair.

Enjoy the chapter.


I looked intently at the clock as I waited for the servers time to open," Well let's get started." I said with an excited smile on my face and laid down on the couch, by the way I was wearing pads and had let all my acquaintances know that I would be gone for a few days, I had also taken a two hour nap and drank energetically to last longer awake.

I put the helmet on my head and waited intently for the timer to reset before saying the iconic phrase of this world, "Link start.

(Please feel free to modify your character)

A login screen appeared showing possible modifications to my character but I just skipped everything and didn't change anything after all it would be strange to have to gain combat experience with a different body.

" The name can be John anyway." I said writing my name and looked at the starting weapons to choose from, I would probably master the sword but decided that later I would try other weapons too as it would be interesting.

( Welcome to Aincrad!)

The space changed once again and I found myself in the center of the main town square on the second floor, I looked around and several pillars of light appeared constantly showing new players.

I looked up at the sky and felt the rays of light illuminate my face showing the level of realism of the game, I clenched my fists slightly and could clearly feel every part of my body with no problems,

"I guess I should get ahead of myself." I thought and glanced around the surroundings of the square to see if I could identify any players that I remembered from history but for now there were none, it must be because the server opened just a few minutes ago.

What was suspicious was that there were many players with female avatars but it's a normal thing for online games I imagine, "Well, I guess I'll get started." I said and opened the game system and looked at my character.

Other than the starting sword and a little money I had nothing else, however it seemed that the admins had left an NPC how to play guide next to a map in the center of the square and I hurried to read it.

There was a light introduction on how to access the system, an initial map of the city and nearby monster spawns for beginners, and a guild where you could get quests that rewarded XP and money.

I just took a quick look at these pages before moving on to the most important one, the combat introduction, there was no pain system yet which was a relief and soon I saw the Sword skills, in simplified form the Sword skills were skills that strengthened attacks at higher levels but had a recharge time.

There were also Extra Skills that were learned through training or fulfilling certain requirements like doing quests and such, "it's pretty simple actually. I muttered and tried to use the normal Sword skill following the system's instruction.

I drew my sword in the middle of the square and assumed the stance instructed by the system raising the sword over my head and ended up drawing the attention of the other players, soon my sword glowed for a moment and I executed a forward slash.


The wind hissed surprising me and I gave a satisfied smile, " Not bad." I muttered but soon felt something strange as I saw the other players looking on, " Brother how did you do that?!" A player with a big muscular Avatar approached me asking and I raised my hands to push him away, but soon other players started coming towards me to get hints as well.

" This is getting problematic." I muttered and pointed to a spot in the square and shouted loudly, " What is that over there!" My shout caught the attention of the players who looked in the direction for a moment only to realize that there was nothing there.

Before they could even question what had happened the sound of running footsteps was heard and everyone could only see me running away from the central square, " Oh he ran away! someone shouted but I was already far away.

Unbeknownst to me from a distance a tall player with long arms and kind of sinister with a scythe named Mito was watching me with interest, " He doesn't look bad." Mito muttered before smiling and departing the square as well.

( Author's note: Mito is the Avatar of Misumi the friend of Asuna.)


10 minutes later.

I looked at the long grassy fields outside the city and admired them for a moment as I drew my sword and looked at the wild boar preparing to advance towards me, I took a deep breath and assumed the Sword Skill stance making my sword glow in a red hue.

The wild boar let out a wild roar and rushed towards me quickly covering the distance between us but I waited calmly," Now! I said mentally when the boar was half a meter away from me and took a step to the side as I moved my base causing the boar to pass by my side exposing its entire body to my sword.


( Think of the foot movement he made like the boxing and Judo people use to move diagonally.)

I executed a deep cut across the boar's back making it scream in pain and skid to the ground ripping off two thirds of its HP the moment the boar managed to stabilize itself it planned to turn to attack me again but before it had a chance to do so I moved forward and pierced its stomach with my sword ripping off the rest of its HP and making it explode into flakes of light.

My XP bar filled up a bit and I got some drops from the boar" Whew, not bad for my first fight." I muttered and called up my personal system to see if I had met the unlock condition however I soon let out a sigh realizing that I had not yet met the requirements.

"Well there are still a lot of monsters on the field. I said looking ahead and seeing dozens of monsters all over the field ready to be hunted.


Hello everyone this is the author, good chapter.