
The slayer for the multiverse!

John was an avid anime and gaming fan who died, (standard beginning of any fanfic) was given the chance to be reincarnated with a system and the ability to travel through the multiverse doing whatever he wanted and becoming stronger.

Pato_das_lendas · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Many Monsters.

Hello everybody this is the author, enjoy ^-^



" Ah shit." I muttered as I quickly jumped to the side narrowly dodging the jaw of a red wolf, I was surrounded by a pack of wolves led by a large reddish black wolf that appeared to be the Mini-Boss of the area.

I raised my sword as I looked to the sides and moved carefully, " The AI in this game is very realistic." I muttered as I was surrounded by the wolves that were constantly growling.

Then you ask me what happened to get to this point, in a way it was my own greed, when I leveled up to level 5 a lot of new players flooded the plains with initial mobs so I decided to buy some potions, a better sword and food and went exploring.

Who knew that a few moments later I would come across the Mini-boss of the area, I took a deep breath and at that moment I heard the growling noise and a wolf jumped to attack my back and I immediately did a counter attack instantly cutting the wolf's neck.

However before I could regain my posture another wolf bit my heel holding me to the ground and preventing me from moving, " Oh sheet!" I screamed as I fell to the ground and watched the wolves jump on me.

" I'm going to die!" I thought but at that moment there was a flash of blade and the wolves that jumped on me were cut down and pushed backwards giving me room to kick the wolf that bit my heel and roll backwards, " Can you still fight?" I heard a voice behind my back and looked back.

Seeing that it was I gave a mischievous smile, " I still can, but I don't think the two of us are enough to handle all of them." At my back a young black haired man was holding an initial long sword as well, the protagonist of this world Kirito.

"I don't think we can retreat now. He said watching the wolves surround us again and I quickly took a potion to heal myself and stood up again putting us on our backs to each other but my eyes were on the Mini-Boss who still hadn't moved.

"I don't think the boss will attack us until we eliminate his henchmen. I said softly and Kirito made a noise agreeing with me and I sent a group request to him which he promptly accepted, he was level 4 and I was level 5.

Our opponents were 6 level 7 crimson wolves and a level 15 Mini-Boss, no matter how I looked at it we would be annihilated probably, but I didn't have time to plan an escape or anything as the wolves attacked us again.

" Tsk." I clicked my tongue and activated my Sword Skill before slashing the first wolf that jumped on me and kicked the other one away and without hesitation I looked back in time to see my companion slash the first wolf as I did but unable to react to the second one that attacked him.

" Back up!" I said and pulled back making the wolf go straight through and immediately cut it down soon after ending its HP and making it disappear, " Don't focus on just 1" I reminded him and soon the second round of fighting began.


Kirito Pov-

Kirito looked with surprise at the player named John that he helped, " This guy, he seems to be experienced in combat, has he tried Beta before?" That was the first thing he wondered when he saw John calmly killing the monsters on the plains.

Out of curiosity he decided to follow him early and copied his initial actions, as an MMO player he was also aware that the faster and earlier you get the initial bosses the better the loots and it seemed that John already had access to information from the game before playing.

But the reality was just that John made a little mental plan of what to do when the game starts based on what he remembered, this allowed him to save time and be more efficient unlike other players.

Some time later he saw that John was about to die and decided to help, so we get to our current situation with the two of them fighting the wolves with everything they have.


Fangs and Claws collided against the swords making sparks fly and constantly the HP of both the wolves and us decreased rapidly however supported by our potions the number of wolves began to fall.





My sword crashed into the fangs of a wolf again and I took a look at my hp and kirito's hp, "We still have enough HP should be enough to deal with the mobs, the problem is the mini boss." I thought internally and at that moment Kirito killed another wolf leaving only two.

At this instant the crimson wolf finally made a move and stepped forward before letting out a great Howl, " We triggered his Agroo!" I yelled but was slow, before I could react the wolf advanced towards me and struck me a blow with its claws.


At the last moment I blocked it with my sword but was sent flying backwards losing 2/3 of my HP and falling into the red immediately, " This is too bad!" I thought and tried to get up but realized that my body was paralyzed.

( You are in a state of chock, you will be paralyzed for 4 seconds.)

a system message appeared on my screen making me freeze and as if fate was mocking me one of the two remaining wolves ran towards me ready to bite me, " I'm going to fucking die!" I thought and tried to force my body to move but it didn't take a step forward.

As I was about to accept my fate I saw a giant scythe swing in front of me and cut the wolf in half finishing him off, " I see you're in a bad way." Mito muttered looking at me and gave a sinister smile befitting his character.

The reality was that not only Kirito had followed me, Mito had followed Kirito and another player had followed Mito, " Yahoo!" Holding two daggers a loli in a green hoodie stealthily attacked the last wolf that was with Kirito finishing him off.

" Who are you?" I asked but received at that moment two group requests and along with the roar of the mini-boss who seemed to be very angry that his subjects had been killed, without hesitation I accepted the two strangers into the party and took a potion before resuming the front line.

( Warning: The player (Mito) has joined your party!)

( Notice: Player (Kurumi) has joined your party)


Hi guys this is the author and the new character introduced does not exist in the original material, I created her for convenience.