
The Secret

Chapter 8 - The Secret

Kamila woke to a very excited Mikey shaking her shoulder. He had practically blasted her ears off as he explained that they would be making it to the village before noon today. As he was telling her on how he couldn't wait he gave her an apple and offered her a hand to stand up with. She gladly took both and as she listened, ate, and folded the blanket she was using she noticed that Donnie was not with them.

"Where is Donnie?" she asked taking a bite.

"He was told to scout ahead like I did yesterday. Don't worry he'll be fine. Unlike those fried eggplants at the market! Oooh~ I can already smell them now!"

"Well we are not going to get anything till we sell our things first. You know the rules; no taking off before we are done and you brought it you sell it. Besides your not the only one that wants something." Leo chimed in taking the blanket from Kamila and placing it inside the cart.

"Yeah, I know but I still just want it so bad!"

"No buts." Leo ordered as he pointed to the cart telling him to help move it. The boys pushed the cart out of the cluster of trees and when everything was in order they began to make their way back to the main road.

Like Mikey had said they had arrived at the city by noon. From the outside gates you could hear the chatter and commotion of the city as the people inside were going about their daily lives. The shouts of merchants trying to bring people to their stalls and the bickering of a seller and buyer over prices and the happy talking of people walking on. As they stopped just before they came towards the gates they waited for the last member of their group.

Donnie had spotted them coming about twenty minutes ago. From his perch in the trees he could see no signs of danger or people who would more than likely do them harm. The coast seemed clear but just because he couldn't see danger didn't mean it wasn't there. When the group got closer he silently jumped out of the tree without being seen and made his way towards them. As he got to the group he could see Master Splinter pull over the hood of his disguise. The hood was made specifically for hiding his face. It did a rather good job and made him seem and look like a frail old man.

"Oh there you are!" Kamila said as she turned to see Donnie next to the cart.

"There are a lot of people today." Don said leaning against the cart looking towards Master Splinter and Raph.

"Are there extra guards at the gate?" Splinter asked.

"No. Just the usual two."

"Very well. We will continue then."

"Why does the number of guards matter?" Kamila asked curiously.

Don looked over at her and gave her a smile before coming up to her. "The less guards they have the more work the guards have to do. Those guarding the gate will want people to pass by quicker making their job easier. The good thing with that is they wont ask to many questions and let us pass without much care. But still," Leaning down Don picked up Kamila and placed her inside the cart," this also means thieves and thugs will enter just as easy as we will. It is safer for you to sit in the cart until we get to a less busy and populated part of the city."

"Don't worry angel cakes! We'll be inside and running around in no time." Mikey yelled jumping on the cart to sit right next to her as the cart started to go forward again.

Like Don had explained the guards paid little attention to them. They only looked over the papers that Master Splinter had handed to them, which said that they were allowed to sell in the city, and quickly looked inside one of the bags in the cart and gave them the go ahead to enter the city. When they did Kamila had to close her mouth as she was awestruck by its beauty. The architecture was amazing! The buildings were made out of stone and wood and stood tall and elegantly. The carvings and designs on each of them were equally as breathtaking as each showed off different designs for different shops and places. Then there were the venders and people. They each wore different types of clothing and everyone looked to be from different parts of the world. Kamila had to look away bashfully as a group of scandalously dressed woman walked by and one of them had blown a kiss right at her. The venders themselves were dressed modestly at least. One that had caught her eye was a rather tall man with a long auburn braid that was looped loosely around his neck. He wore a long sleeved shirt and brown pants but the items he sold were quite odd from what she could see. Little carved creatures she had never seen before sat neatly in rows of six on a slanted display. She wondered what they could be.

The first stop they made was at a glass shop. Leo and Master Splinter were the ones that went inside and this was the first of many places they sold their items to. After a minute or two an old man walked outside with them back towards the cart. Kamila watched as Leo pulled out a long box that held his glass pieces and showed them to the older merchant. From what she could see the elderly man had liked what he saw and handed Master Splinter a coin purse and told Leo that he will take two of the boxes. Leo then took the boxes and walked back inside the building along with the merchant to place the boxes inside. This went on for the rest of the shops. In total they visited and sold their things to around 7 to 10 of them, most not wanting none or all of what they had. By the end they had sold all of Raph's wood and stone works, Leo's glass pieces, all of Mikey's paintings, and Donnie's tools he created as well as the fruits and vegetables he grew.

At the end of it all it was still early in the afternoon. Raph was leading the cart and the group to a quiet area of the city close to the back gates. Here they usually stayed while the others did their own shopping. And boy had Mikey waited for this time. He was practically shaking from the excitement as he waited for Master Splinter to give them the all clear. However, the elderly rat took his time as he moved from the front of the cart to the back where Kamila was. Pulling back the hood just a tad he looked at the energized boy and gave a sigh. "You all are free to do as you wish but make sure you are back in 2 hours. We must leave before sunset."

"Finally!" Mikey cheered. He was just about to grab Kamila's hand when she took it away.

"Wait, what about the rest of you?"

"Well me and Donnie get our things from the same place so Donnie will be going with you." Leo explained handing his brother a small note like list. "I will stay here with Master Splinter."

Kamila turned to Raph but before she could ask he just gave a gruff "I don't need noth'en" and sat on one of the empty crates near the cart. She felt bad knowing that Leo and Raph were not coming but felt better knowing that Donnie was and that he would be able to step in just incase Mikey got a little to excited. "Very well," Kamila said getting off the cart, " we will be back soon."

Kamila let Donnie and Mikey lead the way from there. They made their way back the busy part of the city and went through most of the stalls and shop buildings. Donnie got Leo's things first. They were not big things. Only small individual bags that easily fit in the bigger bag Donnie was carrying. Then they moved on to the part of the market where clothes and fabrics were sold. Kamila awed and felt the fabrics as she passed by the ones she liked and it was when she was caught by the beauty of one particular fabric was when the merchant that ran the stall spoke to her.

"You seem like a fine little doll for my fabrics to dress." The skinny feminine looking man said blowing out a puff of smoke from his long pipe. The man wore what looked like a feather boa but upon closer inspection it was actually a very fluffy grey fur pelt around one of his shoulders. His clothes were flamboyant yet pretty and complimented his natural skin tone. His ginger hair was also very pretty. Having it pinned up and curled made him all the more look like a woman. "Yes, very fine indeed."

"Oh, no. I don't think I would do them justice." Kamila said sadly placing the fabric in question back down.

"Humph! You have very low self esteem dear. Come, we'll fix that for you." The man huffed haughtily as he nudged Kamila inside his shop. Donnie and Mikey followed close behind until the man turned and barked at them. "I will deal with you in a moment, or better yet I'll have one of my boys to help you instead so stay out here."

"Wait!" Kamila said turning around to look up to the man. "They are with me and I wont go anywhere without them."

The man looked down at her and then back at Donnie and Mikey. "Fine," he said as he began to push her again, " but they will stay in the lounge. I don't want them stinking up my fabrics with their reptilian musk!"

This caught Kamila's attention. Did he somehow know about what they were!? Did that mean they needed to run? Were they in danger? Looking up at the man he gave her a smile that told her everything she needed to know. He was in disguise as well. But what was he? The only thing that told her he was like the boys was the fang like k9's that poked out of his mouth and the soft velvet like skin on his arms that was way to soft to be human. This also made her tense. Did that mean he knew about her as well?

"Now, now dear. No need to get panicky! I wont tell anyone anything. You see there's something else I have my eyes on." The man said. Kamila felt his hand on her shoulder move fast and before she could slap it away the man pulled away with not only a mischievous grin on his face but two of her 3 gold pieces. "Yeeesss! This is far more interesting and with it I will not only keep my mouth shut but also give my little doll a new wardrobe. What do you say?"

"F-fine!" Kamila didn't want to bite her tongue but she couldn't risk it. "But it cant be all fancy dresses. I need some work clothes and something that I can move easily I-in whoa!" Kamila didn't get to finish telling him what she wanted as he shoved her into a room hidden by a curtain.

"Yes my dear, just leave everything to me and my boys. For now remove those rags so I may measure you."

Rags! Did he just call her clothes rags!?! Well they were old and maybe a bit dirty from the constant use, but they were not rags! However, she did as she was told. Taking off her outer and inner layer of her dress she placed them neatly on the hook on one of the three small walls. As she was removing her slip she felt a hand brush her hair to the side. Jumping away from it she turned to find the man there with one of her scales in hand.

"Hmm... You'd probably want to keep these hidden, but that would mean hiding so much of you. Such a shame." The man said flicking the scale away. "You may keep the slip on if it makes you feel comfortable. I can still get precise measurements with it on."

"Wait. Before we start let me ask you something." Kamila began taking a step back from him. "How did you know-"

"That you and your friends were different? Oh Hun it was easy! Not only do they smell different from these degusting humans but the clothes and items you all wear gave it away. Its obvious you don't come from the city. Your shoes and clothes are all handmade to best suit your sizes and hide whatever your trying to hide. Those shells are also dead giveaways. It was a nice try, it really was. But you cant hide things like this so easily. Especially from someone like me."

"And what exactly are you." Kamila asked moving away again when he tried to reach for her hair again.

"I'll tell you if you tell me." The man said putting said hand on his hip. He watched her for a minute. Her expressions changing as she contemplated on whether she should or shouldn't tell him. The man sighed and placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "Listen dear, people like us need to be careful of how we show our true selves. If you cant even tell me then how will you ever tell them?"

Kamila jumped and looked up at the man in shock. "How did you know that?" She almost shouted.

"I know because your not the only one that is trying to hide not only just their appearance. I can feel it on you. Like a delicate fabric. If you slip up... it might tear. It might burst out and show what you really are and then what? How will they ever look or think about you again? People like us need to be careful dear. Its in our nature. " The man said leaning down, his hand that was on her shoulder now on her chin raising it a tad to look at him. Their faces came close together and Kamila could hear her heart nearly bust out of her chest from his words and actions. "Now then!" The man suddenly said turning her around to look into a mirror that suddenly appeared on the wall. "Lets get you all 'dolled up'!"

By the end of it all Kamila was an exhausted mess. This crazy man had made her try and put on all sorts of outfits some of which were to scandalous to even wear in public! Kamila thought he was absolutely nuts! However in the end outcome she had several sets of new clothing that was to her liking. Sitting on a cushioned chair this odd man had his 'boys' bring in for her she tried to catch her breath. The outfit she was wearing now was a simple coral colored 2 layered tied dress. Thin and loose enough to keep her cool yet long enough to cover her scales on her arms and legs.

"Alright my little doll! I have seen enough of my masterpieces to know what suits you best and with this information," he explained using a finger to tap on the book held by a young man with light brown hair, " I can beguine with making new outfits that will make you look stunning!"

Kamila sat herself up when she noticed him move towards her again. Thinking that he was going to change her into another outfit she stood and waited for him to help her get out of the outfit she was now in. Instead, she was shocked to feel his lips on hers. The fuck!? Did he just kiss her? The hell!? She mentally screamed curses to the universe seeing as how saying them out loud right now would more than likely upset this man that knew so much about her where as she knew so little about him. When he did remove his lips from hers it took everything she had not to smack him. Instead, she settled with pushing him away and scurrying to one of the two corners in the room with a beat red blush on her face.

"Hisuke here will help you undress. As for myself I will talk to your friends to see where I will be sending the rest of your clothes I will be making. The ones you tried on today you can take with you. See you later my little doll!" The man sung as he pulled the curtain away and stepped out of the makeshift room.

Kamila sighed when he finally left her alone, well not completely. The boy he called Hisuke was quiet and gentle with her. Thank the gods for that at least. Standing up she turned her back to him allowing the young kid to untie the bindings which made it easy for her to slip the dress off. When she had done so the boy took the dress and quietly stepped out of the room allowing her to place back on her old clothes in peace. Finished she then stepped out and away from the changing room and made her way back to her own boys.

Mikey and Donnie were standing and talking to the man that practically kidnapped Kamila. He stood there happy as could be with one hand on his hip and the other holding his long pipe. Donnie had an annoyed look on his face while Mikey was still in awe at all the fancy decorations and artwork inside the shop. As she came closer Donnie turned to look at her. The moment she saw him look her over she could see his face calm a little.

"Are we finished here?" Donnie said turning back to the shop keep.

"Oh yes! Once I finish with them I'll have them sent right away!" The man said a cheeky smile plastered on his face allowing his fangs to be on full display. Kamila didn't know whether is was a warning or a general smile.

"Good." Donnie said going over to Kamila. Wrapping an arm around her he gently guided her out of the shop, her parcel of clothes in his hand. "We need to leave before Mikey starts eating the chairs." At that moment Mikey's stomach gave a loud growl.

Everyone at that moment had different reactions. Kamila and Don both smiled, Donnie's being more reserved. The shop keep had actually gone silent. It was actually the first time Kamila had ever stopped hearing him talk. His boys on the other hand were trying to stifle their giggles only to be quieted by the shop keeps piercing glare. The group then walked out of the shop and back into the busy marketplace. As they left the shop keep went over and leaned on his front door, blowing a plume of smoke from his mouth.

"Mr. Grey." One of the boys asked coming up to their boss. He still had his baby fat on his face making his cheeks look bouncy and making him look super adorable. "Is it really ok to let her leave right now? What about -"

"That's enough little mouse. Remember, no matter what we see we can never change the outcome. Its going to happen whether we keep her here or not." Mr. Grey. explained keeping his eyes on the three people slowly disappearing into the large crowd. "Besides, its the only way she'll be able to fix herself."

"All right Mikey lead us to the food!" Kamila exclaimed happily patting his shoulder.

Mikey waited all day for this moment and now that it was his turn to have fun it was like a cork burst free from a pressured pipe. All the giddy energy that was pent up now came free as he shot through the crowd leading them to where they needed to be. Kamila and Donnie followed leisurely behind him. When they got to the food section of the market Mikey showed them the best places to eat, that were still open. Everything from fried foods, dried, and even baked Mikey showed Kamila all of them that were the best. They even went to a meat bun stall. Which was the exact one they were at now. Mikey had ordered two seeing as how Donnie didn't want anymore. The aroma was tantalizing and Kamila was shocked to see the man making them right in front of them instead of having them premade. She didn't mind the wait though. From the amount of food Mikey, and Donnie due to his talk about her losing to much weight, she was already starting to feel full. She was actually glad for the breather.

Mikey said he would wait for them to finish so Donnie led her to a calm part of the market where the crowed thinned and made it easier for her to relax. It was here that they were talking about what Donnie was going to invent next. They were both so into the conversation that neither noticed the group of men coming near them, the shortest of the group staring a little to intently at Kamila.

"What about if we could use a spring? would that -oof!" Kamila fell to the ground hard as someone from behind her pushed her aside.

"You stupid wench! Watch where the fuck your going!" The short man yelled dusting off his shoulder.

Donnie glared at the man as he bent down to help pick her up. "She is sorry. She did not mean anything by it."

"Fuck off to your temple monk! I only have business with this whore!"

"She is with me. Whatever business you have with her will also be business of mine." Donnie explained getting Kamila up onto her feet and behind him where he knew she would be safe.

"So the whore fucks monks as well? Gets it from anyone she can huh? Good, cus im gana need some compensation for my ruined clothes." The man sneered gesturing to his sleeve where an obvious tear was. However the tear was old and you could see the worn edges signifying that this tear happened long before Kamila arrived in the city. "Hand her over monk."

"I will not but this should be enough to cover your clothes. Take it and leave us be." Donnie bargained handing him a gold piece. But the man wasn't taking it. Instead he smacked Don's hand away causing the piece to fall into a couple of crates close by.

"We don't want your worship money! Now step aside or else! Do you know who I am? I am Kaéda! Top soldier and student of the notorious Master Shredder! If you don't want to get torn to pieces then move aside!" The man yelled furious he was not getting his way but that quickly changed when he felt something smash onto of his head.

Mikey arrived just in time and when he saw the situation he knew he needed to cause a distraction or else this was going to go bad very quickly. Reluctantly he came up from behind and smashed one of the meat buns in the mans face and kicked him hard enough to cause him to fall face first into the dirt ground. It was at this moment that Donnie turned around, picked up Kamila, and both brothers took off into the crowd.

"After them!!" Kaéda yelled getting to his knees and wiping what he could of the hot meat bun off of his face. "I want them dead!" His men took off after them.

Kamila saw the men coming and warned the boys. She felt Donnie's hold on her tighten and as they got to an even more crowded part of the market they turned and went into a dark alley. Donnie didn't put her down, instead, his hold on her remained as he turned to his brother.

"Keep them distracted as I get her to the others. when you think you lost them come find us." Donnie commanded.

"Got it!" Mikey agreed. He watched as Donnie gave him a nod and jumped up to propel himself up and onto the roof of the building. When his brother was out of sight he ran out of the alley, caught the men's' attentions and lead them away from where his brother was.

Kamila clenched tightly to Donnie as he propelled them up and over the roof of the building. She felt the wind whip and blow around her from being so high. She didn't even bother opening her eyes. She knew that if she did he would close them back again. Then she felt him rush forward. The taps of his feet being missed as he ran past roof after roof in the direction he knew it was safe and that place was with his other brothers and Master Splinter. Then she felt him descend. It was short and in a matter of seconds the sounds of the city grew quiet and she couldn't smell the food from the venders either. What shocked her though was the feeling of Donnie placing her back on the ground.

Opening her eyes she noticed they were back at the area where his brothers were but they were hiding around the building that led them to the others. Kamila was going to ask questions. She was going to ask why Mikey was the only one to lead them away? Why were they hiding from his brothers and Master Splinter? But Mikey's return and happy attitude caused her to stop.

"Hey angel cakes! Don't worry about them, ok? They wont be able to find us." Mikey explained patting his brother on the shoulder and giving her a triumphant smile. "I made sure of that!"

"Then lets go. The more distance we put between us and them the better." Don stated.

"Between you and who?" Leo asked from behind scaring them out of their skins.

"T-the merchants bro! Ya know how t-they get around this time. Always want to get rid of everything at the last minute and chase down customers!" Mikey tried to lie.

Leo gave them a look that said he knew something was up but was to tired to push the situation. With a sigh he turned around and gestured for them to follow. The four of them made it back to the cart and after Donnie and Mikey placed the items they were carrying inside, including on waiting for Kamila and Master Splinter, they started to make their way to the closest gate.

When they arrived at the cluster of trees to rest for the night Kamila and the group were honestly exhausted. Not only did Kamila need a good rest she needed to clean herself up. Her clothes smelled and her arms and body was sticky with sweat from their heart racing encounter. She didn't want to know how badly she actually did smell. Which meant that she needed to find a stream to freshen up in. But where was she going to find one? There were none she could see on their way here and she didn't hear any moving water close by. Maybe the boys knew?

"Hey Mikey?"

"Yes~" He sing songed.

"Is there a stream close to here? I want to clean myself up a bit."

"Absolutely! Look." He said motioning his hand for her to follow. Coming around the trees he brought her out a bit until they stepped onto a long game trail. "Go straight this way and the second right will lead you to it. Its not super deep but it should be deep enough for you do your thing."

Kamila nodded and thanked him before he went back to the others. Following what he told her Kamila followed the trail for quite a ways before she found the first right. Bypassing it she searched for the second one. It wasn't that far away and led her down a small slope and face to face with the stream he had told her about. The edges were littered with small smooth stones. The water itself was like Mikey had said it didn't look to deep and more than likely would barely come up to her breasts.

Smiling to herself Kamila went to a fallen dead tree and began to strip. Untying the sash that was tied around her waist she delicately hung it over one of the branches. then she took off her first and second layers of her dress, making sure her last gold piece stayed inside the inner pocket. Then lastly she tried to remove her slip but a sound from behind caught her attention.

(/ Warning violent and graphic scene ahead to skip look for Bold typed note below)

In an attempt to see what gad made the noise she tried to turn around but once she did she was met with a hard blow to the side of her head. Kamila fell to the ground dazed, shocked, and confused as to what on earth had happened. Then she heard it. The disgusting voice that made her not only feel scared but also repulsed.

"Your friends are pretty sneaky you know that whore?" Kaéda asked with an annoyed look.

Kamila then heard someone else move behind her. she tried to get up and away but this other man had grabbed her by the hair and pulled up on it causing her to stand less the man tried to rip it out of her head.

"Ya see, all I wanted was a little compensation. It wasn't going to be much. Just get me off a little and that was it. But then your fucking friend did what he did and you made me and my friends chase and look for you all over town. But you see, whore, hunting down pretty little things like yourself," he explained pulling out a hook like sharp metal claw, " drives me wild."

Kamila gasped at the realization of what was now going to happen. She couldn't let them do this to her. Not without her fighting every step of the way.

"Keep an eye out for those monks." Kaéda commanded.

Two of the four other men turned away from them but the one holding her hair remained and the fourth was going to help restrain her. Kamila needed to think. She needed to escape before the other one could grab here. But where? where could she go? She thought about it as the adrenalin and fear sunk in. That's when she spotted the water. If she can get to it she could swim away and get the boys attention. All she needed to do was get the man off of her. Raising her leg she kicked him, similar to that of a horse, in the groin. His hold on her hair did loosen and she used this opportunity to make a run for it.

Getting out of the mans grasp Kamila ran, or at least tried to, for the water. Her feet splashed and slid as she made an attempt for the deeper end. She was almost there. The water was to her knees now. Just a little more!

"Get your ass back here!" The other man yelled as he pulled out a whip. Letting it unravel he gave it a swing before flicking it at her. The whip came at her back hard and sliced open the back part of her slip and cutting into her back. They watched with smug grins as Kamila screamed in pain and fell to on of her knees. When they saw her try and get up again though the man with the whip cracked it again a second time earning another scream yet she still didn't fully go down. It was when he saw her try and get up a third time that he aimed for her neck. The whip shot out and wrapped itself around her neck tightly leaving little room for her to breathe. "I said come back!" The man yelled again roughly pulling back on the whip.

This cause Kamila to fall backwards. She tried to keep her head above the water by trying to stand but every time she did the man pulled again causing her to land back in the water. Eventually she ended up where the water was at her ankles. This was bad! She needed to hurry. She needed to get to the water now! She didn't have much time left before -. She coughed then heard the water behind her splash. It was to late.

"Buahahaha!! Would you fucking look at that!" Kaéda spat. "She's a fucking mermaid!"

The men looked at her with greedy lust filled as they saw her transform. Her legs came together to form a massive betta fish like tail. Her hair had grown at least two feet longer and her scales not only covered 90% of her body now but had changed colors as well. No longer were they translucent light green and blue. Now the scales following her back and arms were a midnight shade of black. The ones under her arms, chest, and under sections transitioned from a dark blue to an emerald green. Her tail sported the same color patterns. Black on top, then blue, than green. However just because she changed did not mean that they were threw with her. No, this only fueled them more to get her.

The rope on her neck constricted tighter as now the two men, not including Kaéda, began to drag her out of the water. Kamila struggled as her airway started to close causing her to gasp. She struggled against the rope pulling and squirming the best she could but it wasn't getting her anywhere. She soon found her body scraping against the pebbled shore once more.

Seeing her where he wanted her Kaéda walked over to her. Stepping close her body he watched as her body froze when she realized he was there. "I wonder." He said fiddling with the hook in his hand. Using one of his legs he slammed it on her stomach causing her to gasp and cough as she tried to keep whatever food she had in it down. While she wasn't moving the man climbed on top of her making sure to be able to look at her face. With his free hand he grabbed the end of her slip and ripped it off. "They say that the meat from a mermaids tail has magical properties once eaten. But I wonder what the slippery cunt of yours can do." The man placed his hand on the slit to her entrance. He pressed hard on it until it parted just enough to get a digit or two in and from there it was fair game.

Kamila lost it when she felt him slip his fingers inside of her. She could feel his fingers wiggle and move around searching inside of her. It made her feel disgusting. She thrashed and screamed at the top of her lungs as she tried to get him off of her. It wasn't until he had slid his entire hand inside that she completely snapped. She thrashed around more and more trying to get him off of her but even with all the movement he stayed on top. He was slipping however. His hand came out to help stabilize himself but not the way you'd think. In fact, he used his hook. Stabbing it into her side Kamila roared in pain and agony. Then something in Kamila changed. Like a switch she did not want to turn on something animalistic and primal took over her.

Donnie and the boys had been waiting for Kamila to return for a while. Leo and Mikey were on duty keeping an eye out in the trees while Raph, Master Splinter, and Donnie relaxed on the ground. Donnie already had the blanket ready for Kamila to use and he was hoping she would fall asleep on him again like she did last night. It made his stomach flutter thinking about what she had told him. Maybe when they got back they could talk more? Maybe? Donnie sighed happily as he though about her but that soon changed when the wind did and he caught a disturbing sound.

Donnie jumped up in an instant. It couldn't be. There was no way. Then he heard it again and his heart dropped. Jumping up suddenly, shocking Raph, he grabbed his boa staff from the back of the cart and took off in the direction of the stream. Raph was questioning on where his brother could have been going but then he had heard it to. Not bothering going to get his weapons as well Raph took of in not only the direction of where his brother had gone in but the direction he had heard Kamila's terrorized screams.

The moment the hook punctured and sliced open Kamila was the exact moment Donnie and Raph, as soon as they made it to the stream, got to see her change. Her delicate looking hands turned into clawed weapons. Each finger grew long nails that were sharper then the blade that protruded from where her hip would have been. Then there were her teeth. Dull white little things turned pointed and sharp. Lastly were her eyes that turned from their beautiful emerald green to a black so dark that even Stuart Semple couldn't recreate. Honestly to the man on top of her she looked demonic and if it wasn't for the fact that he was trying to stay on her he would have ran away.

Kamila was no longer in control of her actions at this point. The switch pushed her humanity aside only making her feel and think of only one thing, kill. Kaéda didn't know how it happened. It was only in a matter of seconds. Obviously not enough time to see Kamila's fan tail come up from behind him to completely, almost suffocating, wrap around him and then toss him away like he was nothing. But the action caused him to grip the hook tighter and as he flew off the knife sliced deeper and increased the length of the cut. the further his body left hers. What was supposed to be a 4 inch stab wound turned into an 18 inch curved tear that left her howling.

Donnie and Raph made quick work of the look outs. The men didn't even really stand a chance. Although Don had merely knocked out his guy Raph was in no mood for mercy and broke nearly every inch of every bone in his guy's arms. The men that held the whip dropped it immediately as they saw their companions being attacked but when they saw the merciless intent on Don and Raph's faces the tried to run. They tried, they really did, but neither of the turtles was going to have it today.

The moment the rope slipped and Kamila noticed she shot off like a rocket. Thrashing and crawling her way into the water she searched for the fucker that dared try to defile her. Searching in the murky water she spots him as he wades himself back onto dry land. Right now the water was at his hips which meant she needed to act fast. With an easy flick of her tail she bolted like a torpedo and rammed into him. It didn't matter that she had ended up back on dry land from the force she used all she cared about was the panicking man that squirmed underneath her. But the best part was seeing him freeze as she brought his very own hook in clear view in her own hand.

"No. NO! Don't! DON'T!!" But it was to late. Kamila stabbed and stabbed and stabbed. The tried to stop her. He tried to take back the hook. However getting your hand torn down the middle and rendered useless doesn't help all that much. The best part about it that it wasn't even the one he defiled her with. She had better plans for that one. In fact, as he tried to punch her face with said hand she opened her mouth ominously and monstrously wide and clamped down on his ulna. Her teeth sliced easily though his muscle and, with a wiggle of her jaw, scrapped aggravatingly against his bones. Kaéda screamed but she couldn't give a bigger shit.

Pulling the hook from his other arm she brought the bloody thing over to his elbow and in one swipe severed his arm. Kaéda screamed and Kamila basked in the sweet sound. Her revenge was going perfectly. Then he did something that pissed her off. He fainted. No. She wanted to hear him scream. She wanted to hear more! She needed him to wake up. She shook him. She slapped him with her free hand. She even threw his severed hand away to shout bloody murder in his face, not a damn thing happened. It was at that point she saw all the blood he was losing. He was going to die and she wasn't going to hear him scream anymore. This finally threw her over the cliff. Slice, a cut across his face. Slice, another across his chest. Slice after slice in an attempt to get him to wake up or even react but when not even that worked she just began to stab him again. Again and again until his blood coated her face and arms. Over and over until he was unrecognizable. Even getting it stuck into his stomach where when she had ripped it out his intestines came with it. Out came his stomach, out came his spleen, and look even a kidney! In total, if she was able enough to count at this moment, she would have believed she had stabbed him around close to fifty times.

(\\ graphic scene end)

It was when she was going to add one more to the count she felt arms wrap around her and pull her away. How dare they try and take her away from her kill! She slashed but missed whomever was behind her and by mistake lost her grip on the hook. She tried to grab it but she was again pulled away from it was well. Kamila roared. Using her nails she clawed at the arms of the person who was dragging her further onto the land. She hated them to now. How dare they! How could they! They would die as well! Then there was a whisper. A soft sweet sound in her ear. The warm breath against her cold wet hair. Speaking to her so kindly as if it had known her for a life time.

"Its ok now. I got you Dove."

Dove? Who the fuck was that!? Certainly not her. Turning to see and claw out the face of the male behind her Kamila froze as it was easily caught and her body was slammed and trapped in a tight hug.

"Its alright. Your ok now."

Kamila then recognized who it was. Her angry ferocious look turned shocked. She tried to hold back her tears. She forced herself to hide them. She wanted so desperately not to let them go but as the warmth and gentleness of Donnie's arms pulled her onto his lap her 'kill or be killed' animalistic side faded. Her hands, teeth and eyes went back to normal along with her now dried legs. She didn't want to weep. She didn't want to be touched. But no matter how hard she tried to push him away he held her tighter.

Donnie checked her over while she had calmed down dome. She was naked and shivering from the cold air. Then she flinched as his hand gripped her side slightly and it was when he looked down he saw the blood leaking out of the slash on her body. It started from her upper hip and traveled down her thigh barely stopping as it came to her calve. It looked deep and it was more than likely the adrenaline still running through her that she herself hadn't passed out. Donnie's rationality kicked in then. He needed to move fast and close the wound before she could lose any more blood.

Jetting to his feet he paid no mind to Raph as he took care of the fleeing attackers and went back to the camp. Being light-footed was a god sent as it made the journey easier on Kamila. If it had been Mikey taking her back he was pretty sure that Mikey would have caused more harm than good as his thuds and stomps would have reopened the clotted vessels and more than likely driven up her pain range. He made sure she stayed still in his arms. He couldn't risk her lashing out or reacting as the wind around him picked up.

When he got back to the cluster of trees Leo, Mikey, and Master Splinter were curious as to why they had taken off in such a hurry. When their eyes fell on Kamila though they immediately jumped to their feet. Leo and Mikey jumped down from the trees and rushed over to them as Don placed Kamila on the back of the cart. Mikey was in shock. He wanted to touch her but when seeing her wound retreated his hands away. Leo and Master Splinter didn't however. As Splinter looked her over Leo placed a hand on her head and began to pet it as he tried to figure out how this could have happened. His hand stilling as he realized she was naked. For her own modesty he quickly grabbed the blanket and covered her except for the part where Splinter was assessing.

"What the hell happened?" Leo barked turning to Donnie.

"She was attacked." Donnie tried to explain.

"By who?! How could anyone else have known where she was besides us?" Leo was starting to get angry. How dare something like this happen under his watch.

"It doesn't matter. We took care of them-"

"Them? Who the hell are they Donnie?"

"Their from the city." Mikey spoke up. "When we were looking around a group of thugs started pestering her so we ran. I thought I had lost them."

"Why didn't you say anything!?"

"We -"

"It doesn't matter." Splinter cut in next. "The important thing is that they have been taken care of. Our main priority now should be keeping her alive. Where is Raphael?" As Splinter asked Raph appeared from the brush and came up to the group blood coating his fists. Splinter sighed seeing this but continued with what he was going to say. "I will do what I can now but we need to go back home for me to properly heal her. Leo, put the tarp up to give us some privacy. The rest of you get us out of here."

Leo and the boys did as they were told. Leo creating a tent on the cart with the tarp allowed Splinter to work on her in privacy as he had to remove more of the blanket. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey helped get the cart out of the cluster of trees and back on the main road that led home.

The ride back home was not a comfortable one for Kamila. The bumps and jostling from the cart caused her to moan and weep. Her leg had stopped bleeding but without any pain killers or anesthetic it hurt extremely. Even the air that blew through the tarp was painful and her cries made the boys all the more guilty. It wasn't even halfway that she had passed out again from the pain causing Splinter to have a mild heart attack as he had thought the worst. In reality it was an agonizing trip back home.