
The Silver Dragon

(BI-Weekly updates between Monday and Wednesday) Instead of dying, what if Summer was saved by another silver-eyed warrior who could transform into a dragon? If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9: A Schnee's First Time

(Summer POV) Year: 2162 Location: Patch

After Draco went off to meet Jacques, I was left incredibly hot and bothered. I tried masturbating with my hands and then toys, but it just didn't work. They were utterly useless. The only way to get rid of my itch was Draco, and that fucking asshole isn't fucking here.

I may have only been with one other person before Draco, but I was confident enough to say sex ruined for me. No other man would be able to satisfy me like him.

Not that I would want another man to be inside me. After what Draco did to me last night, my body only belongs to him now...

Anyway, with him gone, I distracted myself with training to work out my sexual frustration. I did every bodyweight exercise one could imagine, ran several miles, and ensured my combat ability hadn't gotten too rusty.

I might have taken a break from being a Huntress, but that was no excuse to let myself go, especially when I had a stamina monster like Draco to keep up with.

After I got home and cleaned up, I went to the kitchen to start meal prepping. While doing this was tedious, I did enjoy it. It was fun and relaxing.

My only slight gripe is how much food I have to make. The girls and Draco alone can go through a month's worth of groceries within nearly a week. However, I'm not too upset about it, as Draco covers food and supplement expenses, so it's no biggie.

Plus, he can always make it up to me by rearranging my insides and fucking me into a coma, so It's a win-win situation if you ask me.

It took a few hours, but everything was done and stored in the fridge. Now, I can sit on the couch, watch TV, and relax. I was about to sit down, but a knock on the door prevented that, making me sigh heavily.

I went to open the door, and I immediately slammed it shut when I saw who it was.

Why the fuck is he here?!!


"Fuck off, Tai!"


"Then talk where you're at! I don't wanna see you're fucking face!!"

"STOP BEING SUCH A--" he stopped himself from finishing his sentence; I heard him take several deep breaths before sighing. "Look, I know you don't wanna see me after all the shit I pulled several years ago, but this is important," he said sincerely. "Look, I promise I'll make it quick! I just wanna talk, alright? Then I'll leave, and you'll never have to see me again."

I really didn't wanna believe him, but I've known Tai for a long time, and I know when he's spewing bullshit. Everything that came out of his stupid mouth was anything but deceitful. He better had not waste my fucking time, or else I'm turning Tai into a she. That's fucking promise

I sighed and opened the door. "Talk."

(Draco POV)


"Fuck!~" Uta erotically moaned, which was music to my ears and further motivated me to increase my attack on her highly sensitive sex.

Uta hands were gripping my hair harshly and pulling my head deeper into her hot, delicious core. My hands were holding her soft, creamy thighs back, my fingers were sinking deep into them, and my tongue was buried deep inside her honey pot, swirling around, hitting every one of her weak spots she had and ones she nor I even knew she held.

I didn't think I'd enjoy the taste of a woman's nether regions, but pleasantly, it didn't taste bad in any shape or form. Uta tasted sweet, like a candy cane, which oddly makes sense considering her appearance. I wonder what Summer would taste like. I guess I'll have to find out after this. Either way, I might find myself getting addicted to this.

Removing my right hand from her thigh, I spread her folds and inserted my middle finger inside her, slightly curling it, and started pumping it in and out of her at a steady pace.

Uta's current grip, if possible, had tightened even more. Not only that, her legs were now wrapped around my head, locking my head firmly between her legs, and her moans became louder, and her breathing became heavier.

Being attacked not only by my tongue but also by my digit had caused Uta to orgasm for the third time within twenty seconds, which also resulted in her spraying her sweet juices straight into my mouth, and I greedily drank it all, not wasting a drop as doing so would be a crime in itself.

I wiped my mouth and looked at Uta, who was breathing heavily. My eyes then landed on her large, creamy breasts that had large, suckable pink nubs.

I kissed my way back up and gave her twins the attention they deserved. I sucked on the right breast, swirling my tongue around the nub while massaging the other one.

I switched between them for a few minutes before making my way back up to her face. With her more than prepared, it was time to begin the main course.

When I was above her collarbone, she grabbed my head and smashed her lips against mine, not minding the taste of her juices.

If anything, tasting herself on me seemed to make her more animalistic and passionate. Our tongues swirled around each other wildly and, savoring each other's taste. After a few more seconds, I broke the kiss and looked into her beautiful purple orbs.

I gently placed my hand on her cheek. "You ready?"

Uta smiled at me lovingly and put her hand over mine. "Yeah, I'm ready."

I nodded and placed a quick kiss on her lips. I then aligned my length to her entrance and slowly impaled her. Uta moaned and dug her nails into my back.

"Shit," I gritted my teeth.

Uta walls were hot like a sauna and tightened around my length as a boa constrictor does to its prey. She was, by a long shot, far tighter than Summer was. It took all my willpower not to release inside her or ravage her like a wolf does to his bitch.

"Huh, it doesn't hurt like I thought it would," Uta commented, breathing heavily.

Well, isn't that a welcomed surprise?

With that said, I begin to thrust into her at a slow pace. Uta moaned, and her hands trailed to my backside, giving it a firm squeeze. Our lips met, moaning into each other mouths. I broke the kiss and sucked on her neck until it was bright right. I then return to her lips.

Soon, I increased the power and speed of my thrusts, practically slamming my pelvis against hers without remorse. Uta was constantly moaning and was leaving either bite or scratch marks all over my body.

We then moved into a different position, with me sitting up and Uta sitting between my legs, bouncing on my length rapidly.

My hands sank into her marshmallow backside, and I met her bounces with powerful jabs, making her tighten around my length. Uta sank her teeth into my neck, screaming her lungs out into my neck and her nails into my upper back due to experiencing another orgasm.

I could feel my blood dripping down my neck and back, but it didn't bother me. Instead, it only encouraged me to go even harder.

But I do wonder if Uta is part vampire or something, as I wasn't kidding when I said my body was littered with bite and scratch marks.

Either way, I'm not particularly complaining about it. If anything, it only enhances the sexual bliss further...Now that I think about it, I might be a masochist. That would actually explain a lot. ..

I inwardly shook my head. Those thoughts could be saved for later. I have a fiance to satisfy.

After twenty minutes of nonstop pounding, I felt my release coming, and this one felt like it was going to be a lot more intense than the ones I had with Summer.

"Uta, I'm about to...cum," he grunted out.

"Do it inside," Uta wraps her arms around my neck and presses her head against mine.

Having no issue doing as she asked, I painted her insides white after a few more seconds of constant and rapid jackhammering.

My previous statement from earlier was more than correct, as my current ejaculation was far more intense and pleasurable than it was with Summer. I could feel astronomically large quantities of my seed pouring in and out of Uta.

By the time I stopped flooding her insides, which was nearly twenty seconds, my lower area and the area below me were covered in my own seed.

(Lemon End)

I laid down with Uta on top of me with her head resting on my shoulder, and we were both heavily breathing. Neither of us said anything for a few moments as we were recovering from our intense orgasms.

After a minute, I broke the silence. "You know there's an incredibly high possibility of you being pregnant, right?" my voice was filled with amusement.

I felt her shrug. "I know, and I don't really mind," she kissed the right side of my chest. "Besides, it's not like we have to worry about money."

I ran my hand through her hair and thought about what she said for a moment.

"True, but it takes a lot more than money to be proper parents," I retorted with an amused tone.

To be honest, I wouldn't really mind being a father, as being a caregiver wasn't anything new to me. I practically raised my siblings since they were babes, as our father and mother were often too busy with their clan duties. At first, it was difficult, but over time, I got the hang of it and even began to enjoy it.

"I know that, and I know you'll be a great dad," Uta said confidently, hugging me tightly.

"Yeah, why do you say that?"

"Women's intuition," I inwardly snorted at that.

"If you say so...if you're indeed pregnant, which is highly likely, would you want a boy or girl?" I asked curiously.

She hummed. "I'd like to have both, but if I had to choose, It'd definitely be a boy."

"Huh, I was expecting you to want a girl."

"Eh, I don't know why, but having a boy sounds more appealing. What about you?"

"Yeah, I'd like a boy. I even had a name in mind."

"Oh yeah, what is it?"


"I like it. What if it's a girl?"

I thought for a moment. "Nyx or Eris."

"You're pretty good with names. I guess I'll just leave the baby naming to you then," Uta joked.

I gently chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."
