
The Silver Dragon

(BI-Weekly updates between Monday and Wednesday) Instead of dying, what if Summer was saved by another silver-eyed warrior who could transform into a dragon? If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: Unexpected Offer [2]

(Jacques POV) Location: Schnee Manor

Cain Adamson was an enigma I've been attempting to solve for years, but I've had no success in that endeavor. Before the beginning of his company, the boy was just the run-of-the-mill mercenary, but he's now one of the most recognizable on the faces of the planet and is considered the most dangerous boy in the world.

At the ludicrously young age of twelve, Cain founded the Light-Bringer Company and quickly made a name for himself. Within the first few months, he had only a few employees in his company, had no connections, and only had a couple of clients. Now, thousands are employed at his security company, he has connections with dozens of organizations, and he has thousands upon thousands of clients.

What sets his organization apart from most security companies is the quality of his employees' training, affordable pricing of his organization's services, the range of services his company has to offer, employment of all races, unmatched employee benefits, flexible work schedules, high wages, and excellent management.

Cain was, for all intents and purposes, the perfect businessman, and that both impressed and enraged me to heights I never thought possible. I had to work myself to the bone and do things I'm not proud of to get where I am today while he barely struggled to get to the top. I wanted to have the little shit assassinated, but I halted from doing so as I saw the bigger picture.

Why make a valuable individual like him an enemy when I could make him an ally and hire his services? With his backing, the Whitefang, Yonko's, Aogiri Tree, Spider, Torchwick Gang, Morgue Crime Syndicate, and other organized crime groups will think twice about making an enemy of the Schnee Dust Company.

With that in mind, I employed the Light-Bringer Company services. More specifically, I employed his services. I wanted to measure up the boy named Cain Adamson, and I wasn't disappointed. He was professional, deadly, intelligent, strong-willed, fearless, perceptive, and most importantly, he caught the eye of Uta Willows bastard...

I wanted to be angry at the dumb bitch for cheating on me, but I wasn't. After all, I did deceive her and stole her family's company, so it was only fair I'd let her have her payback.

I allowed Willow to keep her and have her live amongst us, but not out of pity or kindness. No, Uta was an asset I could use to further my goals, and so long as she could further my goals, I would tolerate her existence. All I had to do was wait until I could use her at the opportune time.

And that time came when I saw the look Uta gave Cain when I introduced him to the family. It was the same look Willow gave me when we met for the first time. It was the love at first sight kind of look. It was genuinely pathetic, but I could at least make use of it.

If I could arrange a marriage between the two, not only would I have Cain's support but his entire company as well, and the blood of a Schnee would take his seat when the boy passes. However, I had to start small and let it happen organically. Otherwise, it wouldn't work, as Uta was far too willful for her own good and would only do the opposite of what I wanted.

So, I assigned him as Uta's bodyguard as a start and let things go from there. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays were the days he'd watch over her between eight am and five am. On the days he wasn't watching over her, one of his top employees was, but that's irrelevant.

I was kept updated on their interactions by an employee of mine that I had spied on the two, and from her reports, the relationship became more personal. It wasn't at the level I wished for it to be, but it was getting close to something romantic. However, that soon changed when my spy reported that the two had gotten intimate a few months ago.

Once I received that information, I knew it was time to put things in motion. Unfortunately, before I could do anything, Cain came to my office and said he'd be unavailable for a few months due to personal matters and would be back on the fourth of May. While initially annoyed that I couldn't immediately enact my plans, I didn't mind too much.

I told Uta about wanting to arrange a marriage between her and Cain. Predictably and fortunately, she agreed with the arrangement without issue. I couldn't say the same about my "beloved" wife when she found out, but her opinion was irrelevant.

Now, all we had to do was wait three months.

"What?" Cain asked while still having the look of indifference on his face.

That wasn't exactly the reaction I was expecting. I expected Cain's look of apathy to break and for him to become a sputtering mess, but I guess that was too much to ask for.

"I said-"

"I know what you said," he cut me off, annoying me. "Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered with the offer, but why?"

"I want an alliance, but I also want to get rid of my wife's bastard," I replied truthfully, not bothering to hide my disdain for the girl. Uta didn't react to my statement, but I could see the hatred in her eyes. "I believed an arranged marriage would be the perfect solution for us to get what we both want. With you're complete backing, organized crime groups will think twice before attacking the Schnee Dust Company, and you'd get Uta. A win-win for both of us, but of course, Willows bastard isn't the only thing you'd get out of this arrangement," I pulled the contract out of my drawer and handed it to him.

Cain thoroughly read the contract to ensure I wasn't trying anything funny, which I wasn't. I knew attempting to screw over someone like him was a bad idea and incredibly idiotic. Not only would he and his company be at my throat, but so would his supporters and clients. So, unfortunately, this arrangement would primarily benefit him and his organization.

"I see," he placed the contract on my desk and looked at me. "I'm willing to agree with this arrangement, but..." I internally shivered as his eyes looked directly into my soul. "You'll have to make some changes within your company and cut all ties with your less-than-reputable business partners," he said, pulling out and tossing a file my way.

I read the file, and the longer I read it, the more I felt my insides twisting and the more terrified I became. This file had all, and I mean all, of the evidence of my dirty deeds. If this were to get out, everything I worked for would be ruined, and this time, there would be no getting away with it...

I looked at him. "H-How did you--"

"It doesn't matter how I got it. Now, if you want this to stay under wraps, you'll do what I say and shut up. Understood?" I nodded frantically. "Good. Now, not only will you be giving me everything within this contract, but you'll also be discontinuing your current business practices, you'll improve Mantle's economic and living conditions, and you'll give the minorities within your employ equal opportunities, benefits, wages, etc. You'll cut your ties with your questionable business partners, and lastly, you'll discontinue the slave trade within Solitas. Retaliation of any shape or form will immediately end in your execution, and all the dirt I have on you will be released to the public. Am I understood?" I slowly nodded, looking at the boy...no, not boy, the monster in front of me. "Good. Any questions before we proceed further?"

"If you'd known everything I've done, why haven't you done anything about it?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Because you're a valuable asset, and as long as you remain useful, I'll allow you to live and remain CEO of the Schnee Dust Company," he glared at me. "But remember, just because you're useful, don't think you're not replaceable... Anything else?"

I gritted my teeth in rage and clenched my fists so hard I felt blood coming out my palms...

"No..." Cain nodded and looked at Uta.

"So I'm assuming you're okay with the arranged marriage?" he asked her softly, completely changing his demeanor.

"Yeah, I am," Uta said with a bright blush and smiling brightly.

Cain nodded, looked at the contract, and signed it. "We'll be back to discuss wedding details tomorrow," I slowly nodded, and they left my office.

Once my door was closed, I slumped against my chair and let out a shaky sigh.

I need a drink.

(Draco POV)

"So what now?" Uta asked.

"We go to your room to pack up your stuff, as you'll be living with me from now," I responded, and she looked at me in surprise.

"Really?" she asked, her tone filled with excitement and with a giant smile on her face.

"Yeah, can't have my fiance not living with me, right?" she blushed at the statement, and her smile became even more prominent.

"Yeah...I guess your right," she played with her hair and glanced at me. "Can I ask you something?"

"You already did," that earned me a light smack to the shoulder and an adorable pout.

"Don't be such a smartass," Uta groaned.

I chuckled. "Ok, ask your question."

"...do you think you can train me to fight like you do?" she asked hesitantly, and I thought for a moment.

While I did train Uta and Weiss to an extent, I never went all out, as Jacques wouldn't allow it, but now that he's essentially my bitch so I can do however I please.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, but I won't go easy on you like your instructors will. The pain you'll go through will be unimaginable, and you'll curse my existence," I said with an amused tone.

Even though Ruby and Yang adore me, they also hate me because I'm a slave driver when it comes to training, and I'm utterly remorseless. I have no doubt Uta will be the same once in that regard.

She looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. "Your training can't be that bad. Right?... Right?" she asked in a scared and worried tone when I didn't immediately answer.

I smirked. "I'll leave it up to your imagination."

"Ass..." she mutters with a pout making me chuckle. I mean, she's not entirely wrong. "Also, how did you get all that dirt on Jacques?"

"I knew the right people," I replied cryptically.

She sighed. "Is that all I'm gonna get out of you?"

"Yeah. It's for the best that you don't know too much."

Once we got to her room, we packed up all of her stuff, which wasn't much, as Uta was a minimalist. All she had was a few clothes, a gaming system, a few notebooks filled with lyrics, and her weapon of choice, a classic short sword.

After that, we went to inform Weiss and Willow of the arrangement. Understandably, neither of them was happy with the news, but I was quickly able to appease them after the promise of coming to visit them regularly and other assurances. Now, we were in Bullhead, heading towards Patch.

Location: Patch

"Not what you were expecting, huh?" I asked after seeing the look of curiosity on Uta's face.

She shook her head. "I was expecting you to live in a mansion or something, not a typical house," she replied as she looked around.

Sometime during my first year living with Summer, I built another house forty meters from her cabin. As much as I liked living with Summer Ruby and Yang, I needed my own space, but I also didn't want to be too far away from them just in case, so building another place was my solution.

My home was a two-story house with eight bedrooms, four bathrooms, a large attic, and a basement that acted like a workshop. Besides the number of rooms, my place wasn't all that interesting.

"Mansions were never my thing. Besides, I don't need that much space," I replied with a shrug.

"Fair enough, so is it just you who lives here?" Uta asked.

"Yes. Although I frequently have guests over and visit the cabin forty meters to our left."

"Oh really?" Uta looked at me with curiosity.

"Yeah, Im pretty close with them," the understatement of the century.

"Thats cool. Do you think I can meet them?"

I could see her getting along with Ruby and Yang; Summer, on the other hand, is an unknown variable. If Summer and I had a normal relationship, I know she would've welcomed Uta with open arms.

However, since we don't, I have no clue how she'll react to my fiance, and it's not like I could lie about our relationship, considering how open Uta is about her feelings.

Oh well, I guess I'll just see how things go.

"Sure, we can go over when we get you settled in," I replied, and she nodded. "But before we do that, I need to tell you something..." she looked at me curiously.

As much as I'd prefer to keep Uta in the dark about things, it won't be possible. With how unpredictable and complicated my circumstances are, it's only a matter of time until she finds out about my past.

It's better to inform her myself than for her to find out through someone else or by other means, as that could lead to losing her, which I don't want for personal and political reasons.

Although I won't tell her everything just yet, only bits and pieces, I must ensure I have her complete loyalty and if she has the mentality I'm looking for before I tell her everything, including my late-night activities.

It shouldn't all be too hard to get Uta to see things my way, considering I've gotten Summer, whose principles are on the "heroic" spectrum of morality, to see things from my perspective.

Uta, while not as naive nor idiotic as most teenagers, due to her hardships, thanks to Jacques, can easily be manipulated via her emotions. I don't like having to resort to these methods, as I genuinely care for her. I can't risk losing her.

"My name isn't Cain Adamson," I said bluntly and without hesitation.
