
The Silver Dragon

(BI-Weekly updates between Monday and Wednesday) Instead of dying, what if Summer was saved by another silver-eyed warrior who could transform into a dragon? If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: The Job and Ice Cream Girl

(Draco POV) Year: 2160 Location: The Vale

Six Months Later

Currently, I'm doing a job for a criminal known as Roman Torchwick. He mainly operates within Vale and typically only robs Dust shops, weapon stores, and the occasional bank. Nothing too bad that warrants me killing him.

Due to my reputation, Roman sought me out for aid. He needed my help removing some of the competition in the Vale, and I happily obliged since he was willing to pay very generously.

For each enemy I eliminate, he'd pay me two thousand Lien, and if I managed to kill all of his rivals by the end of the week, he might double my pay. Due to his generous offer, I had plenty of motivation to kill all of his rivals by the end of the night.

After three hours of nonstop hunting, I finally reached my last target. The idiot was currently lying low in an abandoned factory. I sensed fifty men, all armed to the teeth, and the boss man was at the top of the structure.

Now, all that it came to was how I wanted to approach this. I could fly to the top of the building, break through one of the many windows, and quickly kill the target without altering the others, or I could go in guns blazing and leave no survivors.

After careful consideration, I decided to do this the old-fashioned way and have some fun. So I made my way toward the entrance of the factory, and with my weapons at the ready, I kicked the door open off its hinges, sending it flying toward an unlucky gunman.

It didn't take long for shots to be fired, bullet casings to drop to the ground, and body parts, organs, and blood to paint the place crimson. I easily evaded projectiles and continued to hack and slash. After only five minutes, I cleaned out the entire building of enemies. Now, all that was left was the boss man.

I made my way to his location and kicked the door open. He attempted to climb out the window, but I quickly approached him and pulled him back inside. He quickly stood up and tried to run away, but I shot him in the legs, causing scream in pain and fall to the ground. He looked at me with fear and desperation in his eyes.

"P-Please! Please! Please don't kill me! I'll pay you whatever you want---" Before the crimelord could finish his sentence, I grabbed his skull and squeezed, causing blood, chunks of brain, and bone to splatter everywhere.

"Not interested," I said with a disinterested tone. Blood began rapidly pouring out where the crimelord's head should be, and quickly, it was painting the floor crimson. "Well, that was fun," I chirped before promptly leaving the crime scene through the window.

(Timeskip) Location: A warehouse located in the Vale

"Damn, kid, you're done already?" Roman asked with a look of disbelief.

I sat in the chair on the opposite side of his desk, and once I was comfortable, I said. "Yeah, it was pretty easy."

"I...I...your fucking unbelievable..." was all that Roman could say.

"Thanks," I gave him a light smile. "So, do I get that bonus for completing the job quicker than normal?"



He sighed. "Yeah, I'll be sure to deposit your bonus into your account," he pulled out a bottle of rum and poured it into a small glass. "You know, when one of my contacts told me about you, I didn't expect you to be this good," he put the bottle away and took a sip of his glass. "I thought he was just bullshitting me."

"I'm glad I didn't disappoint. So, is there anything you need from me?" I asked, hoping for another job.

From just a single job from Roman Torchwick, I almost made a hundred thousand grand. That kind of money would typically take me about a month to make with all my clients combined. If I can get more work from him, I'll be set for a good while, but if I can't, I ain't gonna cry about it.

"Not at the moment, but I'll contact you if I do," he reassured, and I sensed no lies.

I nodded. "Have a good night, then," with that said, I made my way out of the warehouse. Once I was at the dock, I turned around and called out. "I know you're there. You might as well show yourself," A second later, a girl a few years older than me appeared before me.

She was incredibly short, standing at four feet ten inches, and had a petite frame. Her hair on the right side was pint with white streaks, and her left was brown. Her eyes were of a similar color and located in the same areas. She wore a white jacket with a pink interior, collar, and large pink cuffs. Under her jacket, she wore a brown corset that exposed her hips. She wore brown leather pants and long white boots. She also wore black gloves.

She looked at me for a moment with a cold gaze, but her lips soon twitched into a smirk. She then took out her scroll and started typing, and once she was done, she showed me what she texted. "How did you know I was behind you?"

"Years of training," I replied vaguely, causing her to pout. "So I'm guessing you're a mute," she nodded. "I see...what you do want?"

She quickly typed her reply and showed it to me. "I just wanted to meet the mysterious masked boy called Ghost everyone was talking about. I wasn't expecting you to be so young."

"Yeah, I get that a lot...if thats all, I'll be going," I turned around and was about to leave, but she appeared in front of me with her screen shoved in my face.

"Can I have your number?" I looked at her strangely.


"You interest me. Why else would a pretty girl like me ask for your number."

Underneath my mask, I rolled my eyes at her text. "I'm twelve."

"So I can wait," she looked at me with a smirk.

Unfucking believeable. You know what fuck it. I don't have much to lose anyway, so I took the mute's phone and added my work number.

"Happy now?" I asked rhetorically.

She nodded and took her phone back.

"Very. Also, my name is Neo," said the text message.

"I see. Well, it was nice to you, I guess," Neo smiled and then walked up to me to kiss the part of my mask that wasn't covered with blood. She then shatters into glass.

Why do I feel like she's gonna be a headache?
