
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Healing again (pt. 2)

(BaiLing's pov)

I couldn't help but smile, seeing the fifth prince in the state that he was. But the show must go on, so instead of laughs, terror and tears came out.

Me: "Your highness? What... what are you doing here?"

The fifth prince looked up at me. His face was a mix of shock and pain.

Fifth prince: "You... how come it's not you."

I could feel the ninth prince looking over at me. Waiting to see what my reaction was.

Me: "I... I know we parted ways, and it didn't end well, but... how could you?"

Ninth prince: "Brother, it seems as though father's first warning was not enough for you. Maybe the punishment was too light."

The ninth prince strolled up to the fifth prince and crouched beside him. He leaned in close to his brother and whispered.

"Brother, I don't like people touching things that are mine. I especially don't like it when other men try to claim what doesn't belong to them."

Although it was meant for just the two men to hear, my good hearing could listen to what the ninth prince told his brother. Though he was trying to stand up for me. I would prefer not to belong to anyone but myself.

Just as the ninth prince stood up, my father and brother came running into the courtyard. They both stopped to look at the fifth prince before coming up to me and asking if I was alright.

Me: "I... I'm alright. Just... a little shock."

Zhi Chen: "He..."

Before my brother could say anything, Uncle Su came running through the backyard.

Uncle Su: "Master... master! The emperor is here!"

We all stood there in shock. Why was the emperor here? I didn't notify him of what was happening today. I looked up at the ninth prince. He didn't seem surprised at all. Instead, he was very calm, as if he knew all along that his father would show up.

"So that's why he's here. He planned all of this." I thought

Jia Le: "Quickly, go welcome him in."

My father was about to go to the front yard to greet the emperor when he showed up in front of us.

While the fifth prince scrambled to hide, we greeted the emperor.

Emperor: "What's this? Everyone's here?"

The emperor then looked around and caught sight of the fifth prince. Suddenly his expression changes. Anger filled his face as he saw his son lying on the floor half naked.

Emperor: "WANG LEI!!!"

Everyone froze in their spot as the emperor walked over to where his son was. He bent over and pulled the fifth prince up, asking him what was happening. But when the fifth prince didn't say anything, he turned around and demanded an answer from the rest of us.

Nobody dared to say anything, so the ninth prince stepped up and said.

"Father, I heard that lady Ming was not feeling well, so I stopped by to see how she was doing. When I arrived, I saw she was bringing medicine to her patient. So, I accompanied her. However, when we got to the room, I heard her scream. I went into her room and saw someone on the bed. When I pulled the person off, I saw that it was fifth brother."

Hearing this did not make the emperor any less angry than he already was. He turned back to the fifth prince, who was starting to regain his senses. The fifth prince quickly crawled over to his father and said.

"Father... I... I don't know what happened. I... I didn't do anything. Father... please... please believe me."

The fifth prince looked around before his gaze landed on me. He suddenly pointed to me and said.

"It's her! It's all her fault! She must have brought me her for revenge. "

(Narrator's pov)

Upon hearing the accusation, BaiLing stepped back and placed her hand over her mouth. Shaking her head, she said.

"No... how... how could I do that. Your majesty, please believe me. I know that the fifth prince and I didn't end on good terms, but... but I wouldn't harm him."

BaiLing got down on her knees, waiting for the emperor. This came as a shock to everyone. The precious daughter of the Ming clan getting down on her knees. Zhi Chen quickly went over to the emperor and said.

"Your majesty, I know things didn't end well for the fifth prince and my sister, but she has been with us all this time. How can she kidnap the fifth prince? Besides, my sister has been sick these past few days. Your majesty, I beg you to believe us."

Zhi Chen bowed down in front of the emperor. Everyone was waiting for his response.

Emperor: "I believe you. Stand up now."

Zhi Chen went over to help BaiLing stand up, but at the same time, the ninth prince also came over to lend her a hand. Left to choose between the two, BaiLing choose to go with her brother. After standing up, she straightened out her dress. The emperor then turned back to his son and said.

"If she really brought you here, then why isn't it her in the room but someone else?"

Fifth prince: "I... I don't know. I really don't."

Emperor: "BaiLing. You said that you have a patient in your room, right? Bring them out here."

BaiLing: "Understood."

BaiLing went back into her room and brought out the young girl with her. Coming out of the room, the young girl got down on her knees and greeted the emperor.

Emperor: "Who are you?"

Young girl: "Your majesty, I... I am from the countryside. I lost all my family, so I came to the capital to find a job. On the way here, I became ill. Later I came across Lady Ming, who took me in and helped treat me."

Emperor: "Then why are you staying in her room?"

BaiLing spoke up instead and said.

"Your majesty, she was very ill at the time. I wanted to keep an eye on her, so I let her stay in my room."

Emperor: "Is that so? Then, who else knows that she is staying in your room?"

BaiLing: "Your majesty, everyone in the mansion knows she is staying in my room."

The emperor only nodded and turned back to his son. His eyes were expressionless.

Emperor: "Wang Lei, do you have anything else to say?"

Fifth prince: "Father... please... please believe me. I didn't do anything wrong. It... It was all her fault! Please, I'm your son!"

Before the emperor could say anything, the ninth prince spoke up.

"Father, before we make any judgment, let the evidence speak for themselves."

Emperor: "Oh? What evidence?"

The ninth prince pulled out a small straw and showed it to the emperor.

Ninth Prince: "Father, I found this next to my brother's clothes when I entered the room. From the looks of it, the powder covering it is some sort of asphoradic."

Hearing this enraged the emperor. He turned around to Jia Le and told him to go and bring Li Qiang here. After he left, the emperor returned to the young girl and asked her.

"How come you're okay and not affected?"

Young Girl: "I... I do not know, your majesty."

Just as the girl finished, BaiLing spoke up and said.

"Your majesty. Before I left the room, I gave her some medicine. The ingredients in the medicine also have properties that act as an antidote against asphoradic. That is the reason why she is okay."

Emperor: "Alright then. Then tell me, did what happened in the room?"

Young girl: "Uhhh... ummmm. When... when I was sleeping in the room, I heard something close to me, so I opened my eyes to see where the noise was coming from. When... when I looked up, I saw a shadow over me. The person was stroking my hair and whispering to me."

Emperor: "What did he say?"

Trembling, she continued.

"He... I heard him say, 'I... I finally got you. You can't run away from me. Now you'll have to marry me. But, this is also payback for all the humiliation you gave me.'"

Once the final word left her mouth, the emperor turned towards the fifth prince with a murderous aura following him. He was about to beat the prince when the ninth prince stepped out in front of his father and said.

"Father, please. This isn't good for your health."

After stopping the emperor, BaiLing's grandpa and father arrived. The emperor quickly had the residue on the straw examined. And true to the speculations, it was an asphorsadic. Even though the emperor flew into rage again, he did not beat the fifth prince. Instead, he took a deep breath in and calmly said.

"Fifth prince, I hereby declare that you are stripped of all your titles. Your salary will be deducted for a year, and you will be under house arrest until further notice."

(Being stripped of all his titles doesn't mean that he is no longer a prince. During the ancient time, princes could earn titles that boosted their standings within the royal family. Both the fifth and ninth princes have one. Losing a title can significantly affect the prince's status.)

Everyone was silent after hearing the emperor's decree. The fifth prince scrambled over to the emperor, begging him not to do so. However, the emperor did not listen and turned away to leave. But, just before he left the courtyard, he stopped and said.

"You disappoint me very much. I had hoped you would learn from your previous mistakes, and maybe one day you could rule over the people. But it looks like there is no more hope for you."

With that, the emperor left, leaving the fifth prince looking lost. Not long after, the imperial guard came and took the fifth prince away.

A few minutes later, mainly everyone had gone back to their rooms. Only leaving BaiLing, the ninth prince, and the young girl behind. BaiLing helped the young girl back into the room and asked the ninth prince to wait outside for a while. Inside the room, BaiLing had the young girl sit down before saying.

"You did well today. And as promised, you will be paid. I will also grant you a wish."

The young girl looked up at BaiLing and asked.

"A wish?"

BaiLing: "Yes. Whatever it is that you wish for. If you wish to return to your master, you may do so. If you want a fresh start, I can help you."

The young girl sat there, looking at BaiLing, and wondered who she actually was.

BaiLing: "Or, you can follow me."

Young girl: "Follow you?"

BaiLing: "Yes. If you follow me, I will give you a new identity and a new life. It would be a shame to put your skills to waste."

Young girl: "I... I do not wish to return to a brothel."

BaiLing looked at the girl and smiled dryly.

BaiLing: "You and I both know that this isn't your real job. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said you could return to your master."

The young girl paused for a bit before looking up at BaiLing.

BaiLing: "Not responding fast enough is a weakness to be worked on for you."

Young girl: "If... if I follow you, would I have to go back to the brothel?"

BaiLing shook her head and said.

"No... although life with me may not be easy. But I won't force you to do things you don't want to. Not until you feel like you're ready."

Comprehending all the new information, the young girl responded to BaiLing and said.

"I... I want to follow you."

BaiLing nodded her head and said.

"Alright then. Since this is what you have decided, I believe it is now time for you to tell your master that."

BaiLing turned around and left the room. Outside, the ninth prince was still waiting.

BaiLing: "Your highness, the young girl asked if she could speak to you. She said she would like to express her gratitude towards you."

Ninth prince: "I see. Thank you."

The ninth prince headed into the room, and BaiLing sat at the table and poured herself a cup of tea.

Inside the room, the young girl got up and greeted her master.

Ninth prince: "You did well. Has she suspected anything?"

Young girl: "No, your highness. The lady does not suspect a thing."

Ninth prince: "Good. Since your mission is now over. I will assign you to a new post."

The young girl hesitated for a second before speaking up.

"Your highness. I have something I wish to tell you."

Ninth prince: "What is it?"

Young girl: "Your highness, I... I wish to leave my position."

The ninth prince looked at the young girl and asked.


Young girl: "Your highness, over the past few days, I have realized that my skills are not as good as they should be. I realized that my mind was not stable enough for this job. So, please, your highness, release me from my position as your secret guard."

The ninth prince could not understand why the young girl had asked for such a thing. Indeed, being a secret guard was not easy, but she was still young. She has time to grow and become better.

Ninth prince: "If you are worried about not doing your job well, you can spend more time training. There is no need to leave."

The young girl bowed down and said.

"Your highness, I understand what you are saying. But this issue of mine cannot be fixed. I do not wish to bring harm to you because I did not do my job well. I owe my life to you, so please, allow me to do this."

Seeing her persistence, the ninth prince did not push her anymore.

Ninth prince: "Alright then. I understand. But where will you go after this?"

Young girl: "When the young lady brought me here, she had told me that if I completed the mission well, she would pay me a sum of money. I plan on taking the money, going somewhere far, and starting my life again."

Ninth prince: "Very well. If you ever choose to come back, you know where to find me."

The young girl bowed to the prince one last time before he left.

(BaiLing's pov)

With everything settled, the ninth prince left. I made sure the young girl was settled down, then I returned to my room to rest.