
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Healing again (pt. 1)

(Narrator's pov)

As soon as the morning court meeting ended, Zhi Chen left immediately. Although Bai Yang was at home with BaiLing, he still wanted to go home and check up on her. As he was heading for the gates, he heard someone call out to him. Turning around, he saw that it was Xiu Ming. He stopped and let him catch up.

Xiu Ming: "Hey, where are you going?

Zhi Chen: "I'm going home."

Xiu Ming looked at Zhi Chen in confusion and asked.

"Is everything okay?

Zhi Chen: "My sister is sick. I need to go home and take care of her."

Hearing so stunned Xiu Ming. Although BaiLing was a delicate girl, she did not seem to be weak or unhealthy in any way.

Xiu Ming: "Is she alright?"

Zhi Chen: "Yeah, she'll be fine. I just need to get back home."

Xiu Ming nodded his head, and Zhi Chen quickly left. He didn't want to spend more time away from BaiLing than he already had

(BaiLing's pov)

Lost in the darkness for who knows how long. I finally came to my senses. All around me was the smell of herbs. I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was my brother, who was sitting beside my bed. He looked exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days.

Me: "Ge..."

My brother quickly looked over. Relief washed over his face.

Zhi Chen: "Ling'er... You're awake. How do you feel?"

Me: "I'm alright. Just tired. How long have I been out?"

Zhi Chen: "For about two days now."

Two days. More than what I wanted, but during these days, I didn't have much control over what I wanted or didn't want

Zhi Chen: "Grandpa will come back soon with medicine. He says your condition seems better than usual with the new medicine."

Me: "You mean the one that knocked me out?"

My brother shook his head and said.

"God... no. That one doesn't sit well with you. I meant the medicine with the new herbs that grandpa had just gotten."

I laughed, seeing how stressed my brother was. But seeing him in front of me like this was a relief. Everything was real. I was still alive.

It took me two more days to recover. However, when I was clear to return to work, I felt better than usual. There was no lingering pain or aches anywhere on my body.

When I got back to work, there were piles upon piles of reports waiting for me. Although I enjoyed my job, this was the one aspect I could never learn to love. By the end of the day, I manage to catch up with all of the work. Once I got home, I went about my usual routine until it was time to retire for the night.

As I got ready for bed, Bai Yang stopped.

Bai Yang: "My lady, I have found someone who can impersonate you."

Me: "Good. Buy her contract, and bring her here."

Bai Yang: "I understand."

After Bai Yang left, I turned in for the night. As good as I feel, rest was still important.

(Back in the day, courtesans were considered to be slaves. They had to sign a contract with the brothel. If they wanted their freedom, someone either had to buy them or they had to pay the fee themselves. Depending on how popular they were, the prices would vary.)

(The following evening)

I was back in my room waiting for Bai Yang to come. I received a message earlier saying he had bought the girl's contract. All that I needed now was to wait for her to come. When they finally arrived, I could see why Bai Yang had chosen her. In terms of size and shape, she was very much like me. As for her face, although her features differed from far away or in the dark, no one could tell us apart.

Me: "What's your name?"

The girl looked up at me and said.

"I don't have a name, my lady. But everyone calls me Peony."

No name. It was common for those who grew up in the brothel. They weren't given a name. Instead, what they were called was more of a title to represent who they were and their status.

Me: "I see. Do you know why I bought you?"

The girl shook her head. Although she seemed delicate, her actions did not say so. Her movements were stiff, and her hands were full of callouses. But what gave her away the most were her eyes. They weren't ones. They were meant to attract and allure others. Instead, they were trained to observe and trained to kill. She wasn't a girl from the brothel. She was a secret guard. It seems as though someone wants to keep an eye on me.

Me: "I have a task for you. If you can complete it, I will let you go afterward. I'll also pay you."

She looked up at me, not sure of what I was planning.

Girl: "I will do as you say."

I nodded and continued.

"All I need for you to do is pretend to be a girl from the countryside that has come to the capital to find your family. You will stay in the courtyard on the west side of the mansion. In a few days, a man should sneak into your room. Pretend to be asleep or knocked out by the drugs. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. But if anyone asks anything, make a big deal of the incident. Got it?"

The girl nodded her head.

Me: "Good. You'll be staying there starting today. Everything that you need will be brought to you. If you need anything else, let the servants know."

Once again, the girl only nodded. I looked over to Bai Yang, and he bowed. He knew what to do now, and I didn't have to tell him.

(Narrator's pov)

After the instructions were given, Bai Yang took the secret guard to the west courtyard. As for BaiLing, she quietly sat at the table outside in her courtyard. Although she didn't want to use such methods, she needed to catch the fifth prince in the act. If not, things could get tricky for her in the future. When she was finally able to organize all her thoughts and plans, she headed back in and went to bed.

Days passed, and BaiLing kept a close eye on the fifth prince to see when he would make a move. It was about a week later that she was reported of his movements.

Bai Yang: "My lady, it seems like the fifth prince will take action tonight."

BaiLing: "How many people will be with him?"

Bai Yang: "He will be by himself. He did not prepare any of his own men. But our men found out that he turned the pills into powder. He'll try to drug you through smell."

BaiLing looked up from her reports. She knew how ambitious the fifth prince was and that he was willing to play dirty tricks to get what he wanted. But the path he was going down now would only lead to his destruction.

BaiLing: "Alright. Stand by for now. I'll take care of everything else.

Bai Yang nodded and left to carry out his job. As for BaiLing, she went back to her work. Years had gone by since she started her jobs. She was supposed to be used to it by now. Yet, instead of ease, all she felt was exhaustion.

At dinner that night, BaiLing filled her family in on what would go down that night. Everyone was on board with the plan and was ready to play their roles. After dinner, BaiLing spent some time in the kitchen brewing a concoction. Although there was no antidote for moon storm, there was something you could take beforehand to help slow down the time it takes to be fully affected.

When the medicine was ready, BaiLing went to the room where the guard was. While there, she didn't ask for anything or sneak out. All she did was as she was told.

"Knock, knock."

Guard: "Come in."

BaiLing stepped into the room and saw the girl sitting at the table. She seemed lost in thought.

BaiLing: "The plan will take action tonight. Drink this first. It will help slow down the effects of the drug. After everything is over, I will detoxify you."

The girl nodded and took the medicine in one go. She showed no reaction to how bitter the medicine was, which further solidified BaiLing's suspicion of who she truly was.

Placing the bowl down on the table, the girl looked up at BaiLing and asked.

"Will I really get out of here alive?"

BaiLing was a little taken aback by the question. Yet it was also a reasonable one to ask. Getting involved in noble families and their drama never ends well for them.

She looked back at the girl and gave her a slight smile before saying.

"You will definitely get out of here alive. After tonight, you can follow the path that you choose for yourself. No one will interfere with what you want."

Relief flooded over the girl's face. Although she was a secret guard, her emotions came out relatively easy. Maybe it was because she was still new, or perhaps she was just trying to play her part.

BaiLing: "However, there is one more thing that you need to do before he comes."

The girl looked up at BaiLing as she pulled out a thin flat box. BaiLing placed it before her and gestured for her to open it. Inside the box was fake human skin. Although at first glance, it would give anyone a fright.

Guard: "What... what is this?"

BaiLing: "Fake human skin. Wearing this will give you a new look. It will offer you some protection. No one will recognize you.

The girl nodded and put it onto her face. Once she was done, she went to the mirror to see what she looked like. Her features were very different from her own and more like BaiLing's.

After settling down with her new face, BaiLing left and went to the main hall where her father and brother sat. The two men were drinking tea and chatting about what would happen when the fifth prince arrived while waiting for BaiLing to come and join them.

BaiLing: "Everything is ready."

The two of them looked up to see her walking into the hall and taking a seat next to them.

Zhi Chen: "Good. Do you know when he will come?"

BaiLing shook her head and responded.

"No... but it should be soon."

Jia Le: "Alright then, why don't we all go get some rest. Sitting around won't do us any good."

BaiLing and Zhi Chen nodded, and they all returned to their rooms. However, instead of returning to her own courtyard, BaiLing went to the one on the west side of the mansion. She wanted to be there when the fifth prince took action. Rather be prepared than surprised. When she got to the door, she didn't go inside. Instead, she became a small bird and flew in through a crack before landing on the beams and becoming human again.

It didn't take long for the fifth prince to arrive. BaiLing could sense him jumping over the walls and heading to the room. Reaching into her dimension, she took out a small bottle and took a pill from it. If she were to be in the room while he made his move, it would be best for her not to be affected.

When the fifth reached the door, he created a little hole in the window and blew in the drug. Seeing that, BaiLing quickly turned into a small bug and flew out of the room. She turned back when she was close to the kitchen. Earlier, she had prepared two batched of medicine. One to combat the drug and one that improves one's health. Since the first one had done its part, she quickly prepared the second one. However, as she was doing so, she heard the sound of a carriage pulling up to the front of the manor.

"Odd. Who would come here at this hour?" she thought.

BaiLing quickly poured the medicine into and bowl and headed out to see what was happening. When she got to the front of the house, she saw that her father and brother were also there. Looking to see who it was, she saw the ninth prince.

BaiLing went over and greeted the ninth prince. After greeting him, her father asked him.

"Your highness, it's late. What are you doing here?"

Ninth prince: "I understand it is late, but I heard that my fiance was sick. So, I wanted to stop by and see how she was."

The ninth prince looked over at BaiLing and saw her holding a bowl of medicine. Confused, he could not help but ask.

"Are you still not feeling well?"

BaiLing shook her head and said.

"No, your highness. This bowl of medicine is for someone else, and I need to give it to them now. Thank you for checking on me, but I must excuse myself."

With that, BaiLing turned around and started to walk away. She had been gone for too long now. Who knows what the fifth prince is doing now. As she made her way to the room, the ninth prince followed right behind her.

BaiLing: "Your highness, what are you doing?"

Ninth prince: "You still don't seem too well. So, I thought I would tag along."

BaiLing: "Your highness, the patient needs privacy."

Ninth prince: "I won't disturb you while you are with her. So do not worry."

Hearing what the ninth prince had just said nearly made her stop in her tracks. However, BaiLing recovered quickly and continued as if she did not hear anything. Although she did not say whether the patient was male or female, the ninth prince seemed to know who the person was. This confirmed her suspicions even more. The girl from the brothel was the ninth prince's spy. Exactly how he knew about her inquiry at the brothel was a question to be answered at another time.

When they were almost at the room, a scream came from it. BaiLing quickly ran towards the room, leaving the ninth prince to follow. BaiLing burst into the room, asking.

"What's wrong?! Is everything okay?"

The ninth prince, following behind, came in time to see BaiLing drop the medicine bowl and scream for help.

"Someone, help! There's an intruder in my room!"

The ninth prince moved around BaiLing to get into the room to see men's clothing on the floor and a guy hovering over someone on the bed. He moved over to the bed and pulled the man off before throwing him out of the room. BaiLing then quickly went over to the person on the bed, checking to see if they were okay.

BaiLing: "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?"

The young girl on the bed shook her head and said.

"N... no. He didn't do anything to me yet. He just stroked my hair and whispered some things."

BaiLing then leaned in close and whispered.

"You did well. Thank you. Leave the rest to me. But if anyone asks you anything about what happened, just tell them the truth."

The young girl nodded, and BaiLing went over to see the intruder. Coming into view, BaiLing could see the fifth prince lying on the cold floor, hugging himself from the pain of being thrown.