
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Another Birthday (15)

(BaiLing's pov)

Before I went to bed, I prepared some stuff for the next day. According to what I heard about general Chu, he was a healthy man. So, it shouldn't take more than a day for him to wake up.

While I was getting the stuff ready, Bai Yang came landing outside.

Me: "Bai Yang, come in."

Bai Yang greeted me before reporting the incident that had happened today.

Me: "Did you discover who was behind all of this?"

Bai Yang: "I did. The person behind today's events is general Chu's nephew. Chu Zhixin."

Me: "Chu Zhixin? Huh, how could he have guessed that his dear nephew would try to kill his sons."

Bai Yang: "Yes. Chu Zhixin is general Chu's older brother's son. He is currently 20 this year. He came to live with them about 6 months ago. The poison he got was from the south, where his hometown is located."

Me: "Hmm. Did you find out why?"

Bai Yang: "About 20 years ago, all three brothers from the Chu family joined the military. Not long after, a war broke out, and they were deployed. However, the youngest brother died in this war, and the oldest got injured badly, which ended his career. However, general Chu was fine and made great contribution. He was promoted and moved to the capital. His older brother is now a small official with the help of general Chu. Though he has great ambition and isn't satisfied with what he has. He sent his son here under the pretext of wanting him to learn from his uncle. But in reality, he wants to get rid of his nephew and let his son replace them. Once general Chu dies, his son can bring him up to the capital."

BaiLing: "Indeed, you can't judge a book by its cover. Even wolves don't harm their own cubs. A human heart really is unpredictable."

Bai Yang stood there in silence, waiting for her next orders.

BaiLing: "Alright, help me gather some evidence. Then go get some rest."

Bai Yang took his orders and left. At this point, BaiLing had finished preparing all her stuff. However, after hearing the report, she went to get a white handkerchief and some powder. She sprinkled the powder on the cloth and went to bed.

The following day after BaiLing woke up, she ate breakfast with her family. Although it was Sunday, she had work, while her father and brother didn't.

When she arrived at her office at the army base, she saw two tall towers of files waiting for her to go through. So, she quickly settled down and got to work.

A little while later, Zhi Xuan came in to drop off some more reports for her.

Zhi Xuan: "How is everything? Did things go well?"

BaiLing looked up from her work and said.

"Yeah, everything's fine. By the way, how is everyone's training?"

Zhi Xuan: "All is going well. Though there is still much more to work on."

BaiLing: "Hmm. Let's go. I want to see how everyone is doing."

BaiLing got up from her seat and went outside to see her soldiers. She walked around the base from section to section, taking in what her soldiers were doing and how well they were doing. Soon she wandered up to the hills that overlook the archery field.

At a glance, everything seemed just fine. Everyone was practicing and doing everything that they should. However, the more BaiLing looked, the more flaws she could see.

BaiLing: "Zhi Xuan, go and bring me my bow and some practice arrows."

(practice arrows don't have a sharp end. The tip is cloth wrapped up into a ball.)

Zhi Xuan: "Yes, general."

Zhi Xuan quickly left to get the weapon while BaiLing continued watching. It wasn't that their form or strength wasn't good. But it was their lack of noticing their surrounding areas. Their eyes were dull, no life, no awareness, and that would only mean death on a battlefield. A couple of minutes later, Zhi Xuan returned with her bow and arrows. BaiLing picked out ten people and shot the arrows. Once she saw her results, she knew she had her work cut out.

BaiLing: "Zhi Xuan, go and call the men together."

Zhi Xuan: "Understood."

(BaiLing's pov)

Once all the men were called, I scanned over each and one of them. Each of these men was carefully selected, so I have no doubt about them. It's just time was what they needed to showcase their full potential.

Me: "I'm sure you all know who you are when I say this. I shot out ten arrows today. Four of you didn't notice it and got hit. Two of you noticed but still go hit. Three of you noticed and dodged in time, and one of you noticed and caught the arrow."

All the men stood in silence, and the ones who were shot at either hung their heads low or stood tall and proud.

Me: "I'm telling you, so you guys can learn and improve, not to shame or embarrass you. On the battlefield, swords and arrows don't have eyes. They can hit whoever they want. I am your general, and I know death is inevitable. However, if possible, I want to bring all my men to the battlefield and home with as few casualties as possible. Do you all understand?"

Soldiers: "Yes, general!"

Me: "Good. However, I have a task for you all for the ones I shot at. For the six that got hit, I want you all to shoot 100 arrows. I do not care if you get a bull's eye or not. Just hit the target. However, add one more to your total left for every arrow you miss. The three that dodge shoot 50 arrows, and for every one you f miss, add 10 to your total. And lastly, for the one that caught the arrow. Shoot 25 arrows and add 50 to everyone you miss. Dismissed"

Soldiers: "Yes, general!"

Once everything was settled, I returned to my office to finish my paperwork. However, less than 30 minutes after sitting down, Bai Yang came running into my office, with Zhi Xuan following behind.

Bai Yang: "General..."

Me: "Has he woken up?"

Bai Yang: "Yes, he has. General Chu has asked for you to come and check on him."

Me: "Alright. Zhi Xuan help me take care of things. I need to go check on a patient."

Zhi Xuan: "Understood."

I stood up, grabbed my stuff and the files, and left for home. Once I got home, I went to get change, grabbed my medicine box, and headed out. It took about 25 minutes to get to the Chu family's manor. When I got off the carriage, I saw that general Chu was already waiting outside. He was pacing back and forth.

Me: "Greetings, general Chu."

General Chu: "Ahh, lady Ming, you're here. My son has woken up. Please check on him."

Me: "I understand. Please lead the way."

General Chu then leads the way to his son's room. However, along the way, we bumped into another person. Chu Zhixin.

Zhixin: "Uncle, who is this?"

General Chu: "Ahh, Zhixin. This is lady Ming. She's here to check on Xiu Ming."

Zhixin: "Ahh, I see. Greetings, lady Ming."

I smiled and greeted him. On the outside, he looked like a fine young master. Who would have thought he would try to kill his own cousins.

Zhixin: "Uncle, since Xiu Ming is awake, how about we all go see him?"

General Chu: "Alright, let's go."

General Chu started walking, and I followed behind. As for the young master, he followed behind me. Seeing this as a good opportunity, I dropped the handkerchief I had covered in powder yesterday. Just as I expected, he picked it up and gave it back to me.

Me: "Thank you."

Zhixin: "No problem."

Before I put the handkerchief away, I took a quick look at it, and accurate to the report the cloth had turned black. When we got to the room, the general stopped and said.

"This is my son's room."

Me: "I see. However, not everyone can come in. I need to have as much room and peace as possible."

General Chu: "I see. Zhixin, you go back first. You can visit Xiu Ming later."

Zhixin: "Yes, uncle."

Once he left, general Chu opened the door, and I followed him inside. Inside there was a faint smell of herbs, and the room was decorated in a very simple manner. Coming near the bed, I could see the young general sitting up and leaning against the frame of his bed. Although he looked better, his complexion was still pale, and his breathing wasn't as steady.

General Chu: "Ming'er, how do you feel?"

He looked over to his dad and said.

"Much better, dad."

When he saw me coming out from behind his dad, he asked.

"Dad, who's this?"

General Chu: "Ahhh, this is lady Ming. She was the one who saved you yesterday. She's here to check up on you."

He looked over at me, half surprised, half in gratitude.

Xiu Ming: "Thank you, lady Ming. I may not be sitting here right now if not for you."

Me: "No need to thank me. I just did what anyone would. However, you should thank my brother. He came and saved you in time."

Xiu Ming: "I see. I'll definitely find him later to thank him."

Me: "Hmm."

I sat down at the stool next to his bed to check his pulse. Indeed, he was from a military family, a healthy person. His pulse was almost normal, but poison still ran in his veins.

General Chu: "Lady Ming, how is he?"

Me: "His pulse is much better now. However, the poison isn't completely out of his system."

Jinhai (general Chu): "Then... what should we do?"

Me: "I have two ways to remove the poison. One is to use acupuncture. Although painful, it can force the poison out in one go. Recovery from there will be straightforward. The second way is to use medicine. This method is painless. However, the time to recovery is much longer, and he won't be able to use his internal force until he is all better."

Jinhai: "This..."

Xiu Ming: "Let's use the acupuncture method."

Jinhai: "Alright, whatever it is that you want. By the way, what poison was on the swords?"

Me: "Queen's poison."

Hearing this made general Chu freeze in place. Although it was not commonly known in the capital, those from the south surely know what it is. His son, unsure of what was happening, called out to his father.

Xiu Ming: "Dad, what's wrong?"

Me: "Queen's poison is from the south. Perculilary in your father's hometown."

I then pulled out the handkerchief from earlier and handed it to general Chu.

Me: "I'm sure you know this poison better than anyone. This poison is fatal, made from the most poisonous snakes and the 10 most poisonous herbs. If not careful when applying it, the person can die. And one more thing, the person who used it will have a residue left behind on their hand, lasting for three days. If their hands come into contact with a specific powder, it will turn black, proving that they have touched it.

I waited to see general Chu's reaction. However, he was still frozen in place.

Me: "I'm sure you know who touched this handkerchief earlier."

Jinhai: "I understand."

I then opened my medicine box and pulled out a couple of packs of medicine.

Me: "General, please brew this batch of medicine according to the instructions. Please, only those you trust touch it. The first pack is for after the treatment, and the rest is for afterward."

Jinhai: "I got it. Please take care of my son. I'll make sure no disturbs you."

I nodded my head, and he left. Once the door closed, I grabbed two more bottles and placed them in front of the young general.

Me: "General Chu..."

Before I could complete my sentence, he interrupted me and said.

"Please, no need to call me general. Xiu Ming is just fine."

Me: "Alright then, Chu gongzi."

(Gongzi means young master in Chinese.)

Me: "These two bottles contain the powder that can be used to identify the mastermind. Just mix the two in equal parts. Tomorrow is the last day the poison will show up. Whether you use it or not is up to you. Once done, please give the bottles to my brother. I'm sure you know who is behind this."

All he did was nodd.

Me: "Please take off your shirt, so I can start the treatment."

He did as he was told and moved away from the frame to give me room to sit behind him. I gave him a cloth to bite in case the pain was overwhelming, but he refused.

I then started to place each needle in.

(Narrator's pov)

Although it wasn't painful at first. After the fourth needle, the pain increased, and Xiu Ming couldn't help but let out a minor grumble. Once 30 minutes had gone by, drops of sweat were running down his face, and he felt as fit hundreds and thousands of insects were biting him.

Seeing how much pain he was in, BaiLing let him rest for a second and handed him a towel to wipe off the sweat. Although she didn't say anything, BaiLing was impressed that he hadn't screamed or passed out from all the pain.

Once he regained his breath, she went back to work. An hour later, all the needles were in, and she was ready for the next step. Part of this treatment was to use internal force to eliminate all the poison.

Thinking the worst was over, Xiu Ming started to relax, but suddenly, he felt a strong force of energy rush through him. This time he couldn't help but let out a scream. Soon after, he felt a cough come. As soon as he coughed, a large amount of black blood came out.

BaiLing then handed him the handkerchief again for him to wipe away the blood. As he did so, she started to pull out the needles.

BaiLing: "The poison is all out now. Rest for a few days, and you'll be good to go."

Xiu Ming: "Thank you. But..."

Knowing what he wanted to ask, she responded.

"To use this method, you need internal force. I know this much to use this method."

Seeing as how she didn't want to talk more about this, he nodded and agreed with her. As soon as she finished, there was a knock on the door. It was general Chu. He had come back with the medicine.

Jinhai: "Lady Ming, how is my son?"

BaiLing: "He's alright now. Let him take his medicine and rest. He'll be back to normal in a few days."

Jinhai: "I understand. Thank you."

He then gave his son the bowl of medicine. Once it was emptied, general Chu took the bowl and went out with BaiLing.

On the way back to the front yard, general Chu gave the bowl to a servant to take away. Once they made it to the front, BaiLing could see a woman pacing back and forth. It seems to be Xiu Ming's mom.

(BaiLIng's pov)

When general Chu's wife noticed us come, she rushed up and asked.

"How is he? Is he alright?"

From the looks of it, she didn't get much sleep after hearing what happened to her sons.

Jinhai: "He's alright. Lady Ming has gotten rid of all the poison in his body."

Madam Chu: "(sigh of relief)... Thank god. Thank you so much, Lady Ming."

Me: "Please, no need to thank me. I just did what anyone would do."

She smiled and asked me.

"Would you like to stay for lunch? You must be tired and hungry."

Me: "I would love to. However, I'm afraid I must go home now. Please forgive me for not being able to stay."

Madam Chu: "Ahhh... No, it's alright. I'm sure you must have other things to do."

Once she let me go, general Chu walked me to the gate. After I bid him farewell, I got onto the carriage and headed home.

When the carriage stopped at the front gate, I got off and headed to my courtyard. It had been a long day, but I still had work to do. I quickly changed and went to my study to review the files.

(Two days later)

As we were eating dinner, the butler can in and said.

"Master, two letters came from the Chu manor."

Jai Le: "Alright, give them to me."

Uncle Su: "Master, one of them is addressed to the lady."

I looked up from my meal and asked.

"Ohh? For me?"

Uncle Su nodded and handed one letter to me and the other to my father. We both opened it and read what was inside.

(Letter content)

"Hello, lady Ming. I hope I am not bothering you with this letter. However, my brother has not stopped talking about you since you met. He asked if you could join us for an outing to find my mother a birthday gift. Please do not feel pressured. And once again, thank you for saving me. Chu Xiu Ming."

Ahh, so this is what the letter was about. I looked back up and asked my father.

"Is that an invitation for madam Chu's birthday?"

My father nodded his head and asked.

"How did you know?"

Me: "Her eldest son sent me a letter asking me to join him and his youngest brother for an outing to find their mother a gift."

Zhi Chen: "Ehhh? He... sent you... a letter?"

My brother looked so surprised that it seemed like he would fall off his chair at any moment.

Me: "Hmm. What's wrong?"

Zhi Chen: "Hahaha. You don't know this, but... Xiu Ming has a reputation out there. He's known to never have contact with females outside his family. He was quite popular at the academy back then. Girls would flood to him all the time. But whenever he saw them, he would run away faster than a tiger seeing meat."

Me: "And this includes writing letters?"

Zhi Chen: "Exactly."

Ahh, I see. Looks like his brother begged him enough to get him to do something he would never do.

Jia Le: "Alright, alright. The banquet is next week. Make sure you all are prepared. And Ling'er, will you go?"

Me: "Yes, I will. After all, the little boy had asked for me."

Jia Le: "Hmm."

After dinner, my dad responded to one letter, and I responded to the other. Once both were done, we sent them back to the Chu manor.

The next day, my father sent someone out to get a gift for madam Chu, and another letter arrived early in the morning from Chu gongzi. It seems he took a day off today and wishes to go out today.

I quickly responded, and after my father and brother had left, I returned to my room to read while waiting for the time to come.

(Narrator's pov)

Xiu Ming had asked to meet at 10, and BaiLing told him to come to her grandpa's shop.

Around 8:30, BaiLing went and got changed. Although most girls have a wide range of clothes in various colors, BaiLing kept her very simple. Today, she chose a light cream color green dress that had long sleeves with embroideries of vines and leaves. She paired it with matching shoes. For her hair, she pulled the hair of it up into a loose braided bun and placed in her wolf hairpins. Once she was done, she went out to get Ming Yue and headed to the shop.

When she arrived at the shop uncle, Su was still preparing the shop. So, after putting Ming Yue into the stables, she went to help him set up and get things ready.

BaiLing had just gone through some patients when she heard a horse pull up in front of the shop. So she guessed that the two had arrived. She stood up and went to the door, only to see Lian Tian running up to her.

Lian Tian: "Jiejie, I'm here!"

Lian Tian ran up to her and gave BaiLing a big hug. BaiLing swatted down and patted his head.

BaiLing: "Hmm. Are you ready to go find a gift for your mom?"

Lian Tian: "Yes, I am!!"

BaiLing: "Okay, wait for me a bit, okay?"

Lian Tain nodded and went inside to wait. BaiLing looked back at his brother, who was standing next to his horse. She went up to him and asked.

"Are you going to bring your horse along?"

Xiu Ming: "No, I plan to drop him off at a stable."

BaiLing: "We have one here in the back. Give him to me."

Xiu Ming: "Ahh, thank you..."

Before he could say anything else, BaiLing took the reigns from him and led the horse to the back. This made Xiu Ming quite shocked. His horse was quite temperamental and didn't let anyone touch or ride him. Even when his younger brother tried to get near, he would make a lot of noise and even try to kick him. Yet here he was, letting a complete stranger walk him.

Xiu Ming followed them to the back where the stables were. There were a lot of stalls. However, only two horses were present, a brown one and a white one. The brown horse looked like any average horse, but the white horse was different. It carried a strong and intimidating aura but was also very gentle.

BaiLing led Xiu Ming's horse to one of the empty stalls and put him in. Once done, she ensured he had plenty of grass and water. Not looking back at the owner, she asked.

"What's his name?"

This snapped Xiu Ming out of his daze, and he answered.

"Ahh... His name is Zhi Ming."

BaiLing: "Zhi Ming... what a nice name. Zhi Ming, be a good boy, okay? Make some new friends. We'll be back."

Zhi Ming purred softly and affectionately.

BaiLing then turned and walked into the shop, with Xiu Ming following behind. When they got to the front, she called out for Lian Tian and then got ready to leave.

BaiLing: "Uncle Su, I'm leaving now."

Uncle Su: "Okay. Be safe."

BaiLing: "I will."

With that, the three of them left. Lian Tian walked hand in hand with BiaLing, and Xiu Ming followed behind. They started to walk around to different shops to see if Lian Tian liked anything. However, each time the results were unsuccessful.

After walking around for an hour, they took a quick break to figure out what to do next.

Lian Tian: "(sigh)... I can't find anything."

BaiLing smiled. The little boy wanted to buy something for his mom but couldn't find what he liked. Just as they were thinking of what to do next, BaiLing had an idea.

BaiLing: "I know of a place that might have something. Do you want to go there?"

Lian Tian: "Really? Then let's go."

They all agreed and were ready to go. However, Lian Tian had stopped in his tracks. BaiLing looked back to see him staring at an old man selling candy figures.

BaiLing: "Do you want one?"

Lian Tian nodded, and she walked him over to get one.

BaiLing: "Lian Tian, which one do you want?"

Lian Tian looked back and forth at the ones that were already made. Not satisfied with what he saw, he asked.

"Can I get one that looks like a wolf?"

BaiLing: "A wolf?"

Lian Tian: "Yes, like your hairpins. I like your hairpins, jiejie."

BaiLing smiled and nodded. She looked at the old man and asked him if he could make a wolf figure candy. He agreed and got to work. When done, he handed it to Lian Tian. Seeing this, Xiu Ming went over to pay. However, before he could pull out his money, BaiLing had already paid the old man.

Xiu Ming: "Ahh. I..."

BaiLing looked back and said.

"This is my gift to him. No need to pay me back."

Xiu Ming: "Ahh..."

Left speechless, the three of them went on their way. Soon they arrived at the shop. Xiu Ming looked up and read the name Fire Thread. Although he didn't know a lot of things related to clothes and jewelry, he had heard of Fire Thread and how popular it was.

Walking into the shop, the person behind the counter greeted them. He looked at BaiLing, not knowing how he should be treating her. BaiLing rarely comes to the shop, and whenever she comes, she comes by herself.

BaiLing gave the young boy a little hand signal. This allowed him to know what to do.

BaiLing: "Hello, I'm here to look at some stuff today."

Young boy: "Ahh, yes. I'll notify our owner immediately."

The boy left, and a few minutes later, Mei Li came out. Already informed of the situation, she knew what to do.

Mei Li: "Greetings, Lady Ming, young masters. Please follow me upstairs."

Mei Li lead the three upstairs into a private room. Following them was another servant who placed down a teapot and three cups.

Mei Li: "What would you like to see today?"

BaiLing: "Please bring some hairpins for us to look at."

Mei Li nodded and left.

After she left, BaiLing poured out the tea and placed one in front of them. While doing so, she felt Xiu Ming's eye bore a hole in her head.

BaiLing: "If you have something to ask, just ask."

A little flustered, he stuttered and asked.

"Ummm... I... I heard that his place was tough to get in. You would need an appointment, and you would still need to wait a long time."

BaiLing: "(sigh)... I made an appointment here a while back. That's why we could get in today?"

Xiu Ming: "Then... then don't you have something that you need from here? Wouldn't looking at the hairpins be wasting your appointment?"

BaiLing: "No, I don't need this anymore."

(BaiLing's pov)

After I finished my sentence, Mei Li came back with a couple trays filled with different styles of hairpins. She placed them down and excused herself from the room.

At this point, Lian Tian had finished his candy and was ready to take a look at things. Most of the time, it was just Lian Tian and me looking at the hairpins. Chu gongzi just sat there and waited. However, there was a time when I noticed that he was staring at a particular hairpin. It was a set of two. The hairpins were made of a translucent white gem. It was shaped like multiple flowers bounded together. Some were big, and some were small. But together, it created a very elegant and simple hairpin.

After looking at all the hairpins, Lian Tian still didn't find one he liked. Seeing this, BaiLing asked him.

"Lian Tian, what color does your mom like?"

Lian Tian: "Hmm... she likes the color blue. Dark blue."

Me: "Okay."

I then called out, and Mei Li came in.

Mei Li: "My lady, is everything alright?"

Me: "Can you please bring out hairpins with blue stones or gems. Dark blue ones are even better."

Mei Li: "I understand."

She then took the trays and returned the ones I had asked for. She placed them down and left the room.

Me: "Lian Tian, take a look at these and see if there is something you like."

Lian Tian: "Hmm."

Together we started to look at the hairpins. Among them, there was one that caught my eye. It had a dark blue center flower with little diamonds embedded. The leaves were made from silver, and two tassels were hanging from them. On the tassels were three butterflies, one big, one medium, and one small. I picked it up and showed it to Lian Tian.

Me: "Lian Tian, what do you think of this one?"

Lian Tian: "Ahhh. It's so pretty. I like this one. The butterflies look like mom, gege, and me."

Me: "Hmm. It does."

Lian Tian: "But... it doesn't have jiejie and gege on there."

(Lian Tian has three older siblings. Xiu Ming is the oldest. There are two more in between and girl and a boy.)

Me: "'Ahh, I see. But Lian Tian, this is a gift to your mom from you and your brother. I think it's okay to only have two small butterflies. Maybe later on, when you all get her a gift, you can find one with more butterflies. How does that sound?"

Lian Tian: "Hmm. Okay, I'll go with this!"

I smiled and patted his head. I called Mei Li, and she took the hairpin downstairs to get it wrapped up.

Xiu Ming: "I'll go down first to pay."

Me: "Alright."

Chu gongzi then left. I stayed behind with Lian Tian to let him drink some tea.

While drinking the tea, Lian Tian asked me.

"Jiejie, where did you get your wolf hairpins? They're so pretty."

I smiled. The little boy seems to really like these hairpins of mine.

Me: "These were a gift from my brother. Do you like them that much?"

Lian Tian: "I do! I've never seen anything like them before."

Me: "Then, do you want them?"

Lian Tian looked at me with bright eyes and asked.

"Can I really?"

I nodded and pulled out the two hairpins. I then pulled out a handkerchief and wrapped it up before placing them in his hand.

Me: "Lian Tian, I'll give these to you. But promise me one thing. Promise me that later on, when you find someone you truly love, then you'll give these to them. Okay?"

Lian Tian: "I promise you!"

Me: "Good."

Lian Tian then tucked it away in the clothes. After finishing his tea, we went downstairs together.

(Narrator's pov)

When Xiu Ming went downstairs, Mei Li had already had the hairpin wrapped up. He went up to the counter to pay. However, midway he stopped and looked up at her and asked.

"The white hairpin with many flowers put together, can I see that?"

Mei Li looked up at him and knew which one he was talking about. According to the one he had picked, it wasn't suitable for her master. The hairpin was more appropriate for some older. The one Xiu Ming was talking about was designed with her master in mind.

Mei Li: "Yes, let me go get that."

Mei Li went into the back room and brought out the hairpin. She placed it on the counter for him to see. Xiu Ming took and looked at the hairpin. After a couple of minutes, he said to Mei Li.

"Please wrap this up for me too."

She nodded and went to wrap it up. When she returned, he paid for the two and then put them away. A moment later, BaiLing came down with Lian Tian,

As BaiLing walked by the counter, Mei Li gave her a little look. She smiled and looked very happy. Confused, BaiLing put the thought aside.

Looking back, Xiu Ming asked her.

"Where did your hairpins go?"

Before BaiLing could say anything, Lian Tian spoke up and said

"Jiejie gave them to me."

Xiu Ming looked shocked and responded.

"Lian Tian, how could you take it. Give it back to her."

BaiLing: "It's alright. I gave them to him."

Xiu Ming: "But..."

BaiLing: "I said it was alright. No need to worry. Let's go back now."

Xiu Ming: "Al... alright."

Mei Li bid them farewell, and they left. Lian Tian got hungry on their way back, so they stopped by a restaurant to get lunch. Once they finished, they made their way back to the medicine shop.

When they returned to the shop, BaiLing brought Zhi Ming out for Xiu Ming. It seems the horse had a good time with the other two horses, with no complaints, no drama.

After biding BaiLing, Xiu Ming put Lian Tian onto the horse. However, he did not get on. Instead, he got something out of the bag connected to the saddle. He went back over to BaiLing and handed the item to her along with the box containing the hairpins.

Looking at the items, BaiLing saw that one of them was the outer coat she covered Lian Tian with the other day. As for the box, it was from the Fire Thread workshop.

She looked up at Xiu Ming and asked.

"This is...."

Xiu Ming: "A little thank you gift. Thank you for helping us today. It means a lot to Lian Tian. Anyway, we'll get going now."

Without waiting for BaiLing's response, he hopped onto his horse and rode away. As for BaiLing, she put the items away and went to help out uncle Su a little more before heading home.