
The Silent Phoenix Warriors

Born into a powerful family with talent and beauty. Yet every corner was filled with secrets. Secrets that must be kept in the dark at all cost. But what will happen when the trouble arises, and these secrets are being put on the line? Ming BaiLing, the eldest daughter of General Ming, had beauty and talent like no other in the entire kingdom on Ming. But to the nobles in the capital city, she was nothing more than a daughter who never left the house. However, her time hidden from the world was spent on the battlefield and out doing secret missions. But her fate starts to change after the talk of selecting a crown prince arises within the courts. Will, she still find peace, or must she step out onto a different battlefield?

MoonlightWolf2129 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

An Unexpected Guest (14)

(BaiLing's pov)

Once we got back to the manor, grandpa and I headed inside. After letting him settle down, I went to get changed before moving on with my everyday routine, which was going to the kitchen.

Not long after entering the kitchen, I could hear father and brother's horses arriving at the front gate. Seeing how everything was set and almost done, I left and went out to welcome them home.

Me: "Father, brother, welcome home."

Father and brother: "Thank you."

Zhi Chen: "By the way, is grandpa here? I saw his carriage outside."

Me: "He is. He's inside. Why don't you guys go clean up and come out for dinner? It's almost ready."

They both then went to greet grandpa and then left to clean up. By the time they came out, all the dishes had just been set down. So, with everyone present, we all started to dig into dinner.

During dinner, we chatted about our day, and my father and brother found out about my wound. At first, brother wanted to go settle the debt with the eighth prince, but after some convincing and merdian blocking, he was able to settle down and finish his dinner.

When dinner was almost over, I remembered that tomorrow was Saturday, which meant we all had a day off.

Me: "Grandpa, will you be going out to the shop tomorrow?"

Li Qiang: "Hmm, I will. Something wrong?"

Me: "No, I have tomorrow off, so I'll come and help you."

Li Qiang: "Hmm, sounds good."

Just as grandpa finished his sentence, brother then spoke up and said.

"Ahhh... that's right. I haven't been out to the shop in a while."

Me: "Then why don't you come with me tomorrow?"

My brother paused for a bit but then said.

"Alright. It will be good to go out for a change of scenery."

I then looked over at dad and asked.

"Dad, why don't you come with us as well?"

My dad smiled and responded.

"I wish I could. However, I have some files and documents to go through tomorrow."

Me: "Ohhh."

(After Dinner)

Once dinner was over, I walked grandpa out to the carriage and saw him off. When he was out of sight, I returned to my courtyard and called for Bai Yang.

(Narrator's pov)

Within a few minutes, Bai Yang arrived. He followed BaiLing inside, where she told him to take a seat. However, he refused and said to her that as her servant, it would be best for him to stand.

BaiLing shook her head. BaiLing and Bai Yang had grown up together, and she saw him as her older brother as her family. However, sometimes he was just too stubborn to listen to her.

BaiLing: "Bai Yang, how many times have I told you? I don't see you as a servant but as family. We grew up together. We're practically siblings. So, sit down."

Only after she said, those words did he sit down.

BaiLing: "Right, I need you to check on something for me."

Bai Yang: "I understand."

BaiLing: "I saw a man with the eighth prince today. He seems to be from the desert kingdom. Find out who he is. Focus on ruby hawk trainers."

Bai Yang nodded and then stared at her arm.

Bai Yang: "Did the hawk injury you?"

At first, she was surprised. She then asked him.

"How did you know?"

Bai Yang: "I smell blood. The wound must have ripped open."

BaiLing then looked down at her arm and noticed the blood seeped through her clothes. It seems as though all the moving and stopping her brother had caused the wound to open.

BaiLing: "It's alright. I'll clean it up later. You go and get some rest."

Bai Yang: "I understand."

Afterward, he left, and BaiLing went to get cleaned up. When she returned to her room, she grabbed the medicine and cloth and cleaned up her wound. Once she was done, off to bed she went.

(BaiLing's pov)

The following day, I was up bright and early as usual. After breakfast, there was still time before my brother, and I had to head out, so we went back to our rooms for the time being.

While waiting for time to go by, I read a couple of books and reviewed some things for work. Soon, it was 8 o'clock. I set my book down and went to get changed. Since I was going out today, I a simple purple and white dress with patterned embroideries. The outer coat had a looser sleeve than what I usually wear. Although I didn't have to be a noble young lady today, I still had to seem somewhat like a young lady.

I then moved onto my hair, and as usual, I did a simple half-up, half-down. I finished off with a couple of hairpins. Making sure that I had everything I needed, I then headed out. When I got outside, I saw my brother entering my courtyard. Seeing me, he came up and asked.


Me: "Hmm, let's go."

My brother held out his hand, and once I took it off, we went. We first headed out to the stables to get our horses. Since I wasn't going to work today, I saddled Ming Yue up. Seeing how he wouldn't get to go out today, Bai Yao started being his usual drama queen and causing a lot of noise.

Bai Yao: "Neighhhhhh!! Neighhhhhhh!!"

My brother looked over and shook his head. By now, everyone was used to his personality and could only laugh. I walked over to him and patted his head, and said.

"I'm not going to work today. I'm going to see grandpa. So, be good, okay? You know why you can't go out."

Bai Yao: "Neighhh..."

I patted him again to calm him down.

Me: "Be good. I'll give you some sugar cubes."

Hearing the words sugar cubes, he calmed down. And his mood changed 180 after he ate them. Seeing this, Ming Yue decided to add to all the fun and started to laugh at him. Though this didn't help with anything, all I could do was laugh and quickly leave. Like any other pair of siblings, Ming Yue and Bai Yao always fought in some way, shape, or form.

It took about 30 minutes to arrive at grandpa's workshop. After we got off our horses and put them in the stables, we went into the shop to see grandpa's assistant opening the shop and getting things ready for the day.

Me: "Uncle Su. Morning."

He turned around when he heard me call out.

Uncle Su: "Good morning, BaiLing. Here to help?"

Me: "Yes, I am. I brought an extra pair of hands today."

Uncle Su looked over to see brother following in right behind me.

Zhi Chen: "Good morning, uncle Su. How are you?"

Uncle Su: "Ahh, good morning, young master. Nice to see you. I'm doing well."

(Uncle Su or Wang Su is also a doctor. He runs the shops on days when BaiLing's grandpa isn't there. And on days when he is there, he will be the assistant.)

I looked over to see what uncle Su was doing and saw in placing a teacup into the tray.

Me: "Is that for grandpa?"

Uncle Su: "It is."

Me: "Let me bring it to him."

Uncle Su handed over the tray, and I went to grandpa's office, down one of the hallways. Knocking on the door, I waited for a response, and soon, one came.

Li Qiang: "Come in."

I opened the door and went inside, with my brother following along. I placed the cup down and said.

"Grandpa, we're here."

He looked up at us and smiled.

Li Qiang: "Good. Now that you're here, why don't you help uncle Su set things up and get ready to open the shop. I need to do something. I'll be out later."

We nodded and went out to help set up. We returned to the front of the shop, rolled our sleeves up, and got to work. While my brother was setting up the desk and tools, I looked over the herbs to see if anything needed to be refilled. By the time 9:30 rolled around, we were set and ready to open. I sat at one of the tables while my brother and uncle Su were behind the counter. Slowly people started to come in. It wasn't always a good thing to see so many patients, but it did feel good to be able to help them.

Grandpa has always had a rule, don't charge the poor and those who can't afford the fee. So, every time we get a patient, the cost varies, and we communicate through our fingers. One finger means no charge, and five fingers mean to charge the most you can. Though, I don't ever remember grandpa using five fingers before. Our noon, we closed the door to take a break. Grandpa went to the kitchen and brought us some snacks and tea. After a 20-minute break, we opened our doors again and returned to work.

About 10 minutes after our doors opened, an old man and his granddaughter came in. The little girl was no more than 4 years old. At this point, grandpa had gone back to his office to do some more work, so I took care of the patients out front.

Me: "Hello, what can I help you with today?"

The old man sat down and said.

"Hello, I'm here for my granddaughter today. She's been having stomach pain and running fevers."

I looked over at the little girl and saw that her complexion was quite pale. I then pulled out a small cushion and had her place her hand on it before taking her pulse.

As I was taking her pulse, I could see that it was weak and not stable. This could usually mean different things, but from her symptoms, I guessed it was poison.

Me: "Has she eaten anything usual lately?"

Old man: "No, not that I know of."

I then turned to the little girl and asked.

"Little one, have you eaten anything unusual lately?"

She thought about it for a bit before telling me.

"Jiejie, I found some mushrooms in the forest. Does this count?"

(Jiejie means older sister in Chinese)

Me: "Do you remember what they look like?"

Little girl: "Umm... they were round and white, but there were some black strips on the stem."

Ahh, I see what's going on. The little girl had picked up some ivy mushrooms thinking they were snow mushrooms. Snow mushrooms don't have black strips and aren't poisonous, whether eaten raw or cooked. However, ivy mushrooms are poisonous and eaten raw; if not cooked right, they could cause trouble as well.

I smiled and said to her.

"You'll be alright. I'll give you a small treatment, and you'll be good as new."

I took out my acupuncture needles and gave her a minor treatment to get rid of the poison in her body. Once done, I wrote up a prescription and said to her grandpa.

"She ate some toxic mushrooms that she found in the forest. But don't worry, I've treated her. Just brew this medicine according to the instruction, and she'll be healthy again."

Old man: "Thank you so much."

Just as the grandpa finished his sentence, the little girl spoke up and asked.

"Jiejie, will we also get medicine for my grandma?"

I looked over at the grandpa, and he said.

"My wife has back pain, and we come here for her medicine."

Me: "I see."

I then asked uncle Su to bring me her prescription. There was nothing wrong with it, but I decided to add one herb that could make it more effective.

Grandpa and I found out about this not long ago, so I guess he hasn't updated her medicine yet.

Once done, I gave the two papers to uncle Su, and he went back and started to pack the medicine along with my brother. And as usual for this family, the cost was none.

As the grandpa went to get the medicine, the little girl went outside and looked at something. Curious, I went to see what she was looking at. When I got to the door, I could see that she was staring at the old man who old steamed bun and candy figures.

I swatted next to her and asked.

"Do you want one?"

She looked back at me with bright eyes and asked.

"Can I?"

I nodded my head and told her to pick whichever one she wanted. As she was, I also noticed a couple of kids staring at the old man. These kids either didn't have a home or were out with their parents to help sell their products.

(Narrator's pov)

Seeing this, BaiLing called the children over and told them to pick one. Once done, she paid the old man. When he saw the money, he looked up at her and said.

"Young lady, this is much more than what those candies cost."

She smiled and said.

"Please keep the change."

And so the old man kept the money. The amount that BaiLing gave him was more than enough for him to feed his family for a month. BaiLing never held back when it came to helping people. She didn't mind spending extra money if it meant that she could be of some assistance to the people.

While waiting for the girl's grandpa, she noticed that the old man still had some steamed buns, so she asked him to pack them all up for her. Once done, she gave him money for the buns, only for him to say.

"The money you gave earlier was more than enough to cover the buns."

BaiLing: "That money was for the candy. This is for the buns. So, please keep it."

Without anything else to say, the old man kept the money and started the pack up for the day.

BaiLing turned back to the little girl, gave her the box of buns, and said.

"This is for you and your family. And remember, next time you go picking mushrooms, be careful. Ask your family if it is safe to eat or not, okay?"

The little one nodded and said.

"I got it. Thank you, jiejie."

When she finished her sentence, her grandpa came out and saw so many things in her hand. He came over to her and said.

"What is all this? Did you ask her to buy this for you?"

BaiLing: "No, she didn't. I bought this for her. I hope you don't mind."

Old man: "No, but how can we take so much stuff from you?"

BaiLing: "It's alright. She's so cute. I can't help but want to give her gifts."

Old man: "Thank you. Thank you very much."

BaiLing shook her head and smiled. After the little girl thanked her, the two walked home, hand in hand.

She then headed inside. However, not long after, two men came into the shop. One was dressed in fine clothing, the other in servant's clothing. After sitting the young man down, his servant turned to BaiLing and said.

"Please help my master. He says his stomach has been in pain for a while now, and we don't know what to do."

BaiLing nodded and pulled out the cushion to take the young man's pulse when he said.

"Who are you? Go and get the doctor out here. How can a girl like you treat me?! Don't you know who I am?"

At this moment, Zhi Chen wanted to storm over and give this guy a beating. How dare he speak to his sister that way? Before he could, BaiLing looked over and shook her head. She turned to the young man and said.

"I'm sorry. The physician is currently busy. If you don't mind, how about I treat you?"

Young man: "Did you hear me?! Go and bring the physician here! Who do you think you are?! Don't you know who my father is?!"

BaiLing: "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are."

BaiLing then stood up and went over to her grandpa's office. Truth be told, she nor her brother knew who he was. Judging from his clothes, she could guess that his father was a sixth-rank official. Typically, BaiLing and her family didn't deal with the ministers quite often, so she didn't know many. However, her family does know the officials and their families who are fourth rank and above. They are usually the ones who can give them headaches.

When she got to the office door, she knocked and said.

"Grandpa, a patient is waiting for you."

From inside her, grandpa thought.

"Huh? Can't she take care of it?"

Li Qiang: "Alright, I'll be right out."

When he walked to the front with BaiLing, he could hear the young man complain and scream. From there, he could figure out what had happened. Once he got to the desk, he sat down and asked.

"I heard you were looking for me?"

Young man: "That's right. I've been in pain for many hours."

Her grandpa said to BaiLing.

"BaiLing, go and bring me my tool kit."

BaiLing: "Yes, grandpa."

Hearing this put the two men in shock. Who would have thought the girl they had been so rude to be the divine doctor's granddaughter. Also, her father and brother were generals in the imperial army, and her fiancé was the ninth prince.

When BaiLing came back with the tools, the young man asked.

"You're lady Ming of the Ming clan?"

From behind the counter, Zhi Chen spoke up and said.

"That's right. I wonder what illness you contracted to have the nerve to speak to a first-rank official's daughter that way."

The guy turned to see her brother and his face went paler than before.

Young man: "I'm... I'm sorry... I... I was in so much pain and didn't notice. Please.. please forgive me."

BaiLing: "Grandpa, he must be in a lot of pain. I'm okay. Why don't you treat him first."

Li Qiang nodded and went to treat him. As he checked his pulse, he saw that the young man had food poisoning. So, he gave him an acupuncture treatment. However, it was the painful version. Afterward, he wrote up a prescription for the servant to go get. As his servant went to get the medicine, Li Qiang got up and returned to his office. However, on the way back, he held out five fingers for uncle Su to see. Seeing this, BaiLing couldn't help but laugh. Her grandpa has always been very protective of her, and he won't stand for anyone who bullies her.

When the servant heard of the price, he stopped in his tracks, and his master wanted to argue. But before any of them could say anything, Zhi Chen said.

"You don't have to buy the medicine if you don't want to. But I doubt you'll make it home before your stomach explodes."

Fearing for the worst, the young master told his servant to pay for the medicine and quickly left.

After the two had left, Zhi Chen closed the door and started to laugh uncontrollably. Who would have thought he would be able to see such a fantastic show today?

Zhi Chen: "Ling'er, I really should come more often. There are so many shows to watch."

BaiLing shook her head and went to clean stuff up.

BaiLing: "Gege, we're a medicine shop, not a theater."

As Zhi Chen was about to say something, their grandpa emerged from his office and asked.

"It's almost lunchtime. What do you guys want to eat."

Zhi Chen and BaiLing: "Whatever you cook is fine."

With that, Li Qiang headed out to the kitchen. However, not long after, they heard their grandpa call out to Zhi Chen to come and help him chop up some firewood. Zhi Chen quickly left to go help, and BaiLing continued to clean.

After a few minutes, Zhi Chen came back, and his face was full of grim.

(BaiLing's pov)

I laughed when I saw my brother's face. I couldn't help it. He looked like a little kid who had snuck into the kitchen for a snack and got dirty.

Zhi Chen: "What? Is there something on my face?"

I went up to him and pulled out a handkerchief.

Me: "Ge, bend down a little."

Although I wasn't short, my brother was quite tall. Most people in our family have always been on the taller side.

My brother then bent down, and I wiped his face clean.

Zhi Chen: "Thank you."

Me: "Hmm..."

I was just about to say something else when a knock on the door interrupted us. However, the knock wasn't a simple asking if anyone was inside. This knock was more of an emergency one.

Voice outside: "Is anyone there? Please open the door. Help, help me."

Hearing this, I quickly went to the door and opened it. Outside was a young boy who was no more than five. I quickly let him in and closed the door. As I swatted to talk to him, my brother came closer to us.

Me: "What's wrong little boy? Are you alright?"

Little boy: "Please... please help my brother."

The little boy was out of breath but tried to tell us as much as possible.

Me: "What happened? Is he hurt? Ge, can you go get him some water?"

Zhi Chen: "Got it."

Judging from his clothing, I could see that he was a high-ranking official's kid. So what was happening that made him so scared?

Little boy: "My... my brother, he's being attacked. We went out today and got attacked. He... he told me to come here and ask for help."

Just then, my brother came back with a cup of water. I gave it to the little boy and let him regain energy before asking.

"Little one, what's your name?"

Little boy: "Lian Tian."

Although I didn't recognize the name, it seemed my brother did.

Zhi Chen: "Are you Chu Lian Tian? Chu Xiu Ming's brother?"

The little boy nodded his head.

Me: "Ge, what's wrong?"

Zhi Chen: "Their father is general Chu. His brother is also a general."

As my brother said that, I remembered about the Chu clan. Another military family.

Me: "Lian Tian, do you know where your brother is right now?"

Lian Tian: "(nodding)... We were attacked in an alleyway between a jewelry shop and a huge building with many red lanterns and jiejie standing outside."

I looked over at uncle Su and asked him to take the boy to the back and inform my grandpa of what happened.

Me: "Lian Tian, follow this grandpa, okay? We'll go save your brother."

Once the boy was out of sight, I took off my outer coat and pulled out a face veil and my arm bindings. I had just finished putting on my arm bindings when we heard multiple footsteps running outside. My brother opened the door to see what was going on. Outside we could see a bunch of men in black running along the street, looking for someone. Just as we were about to close the door, some on the front steps caught my eye.

Me: "Ge, hang on."

I opened the door a little more and picked up the item. It was a waist tag. On one side, it had the family name Chu carved on it, and on the other was Lian Tian's name. As I was about to bring it inside, one of the men in black came back and asked us.

"Have you seen a small boy in fancy clothing come by?"

I quickly ducked behind my brother and let him to the answering while I put the waist tag away and put my face veil on.

Zhi Chen: "No, we haven't. Is something wrong?"

Man: "Then what was that thing you just picked up?"

Zhi Chen: "It was nothing. My sister dropped something, that's all."

Man: "Then show it to me."

Zhi Chen: "It really is nothing. You don't have to worry about it."

The man was still unsatisfied with the answer, so he called his buddies and walked up to the door. My brother looked back at me, and I nodded my head. Seeing as I was ready, my brother opened the door and got ready to fight. Although we didn't carry our weapons, we had a backup in our dimension.

Though to not draw any suspicion, we first fought them barehanded and took their weapons away. After a while, we switched them out with ours.

(BaiLing has a fan made from a special type of jade-like material. The fan is induced with magic and can be transformed into different kinds of weapons, such as a sword, dagger, whip, and bow. It also has needles embedded in the fan that can be shot out.)

After a while, my brother told me to find general Chu while he dealt with the rest of these men.

The place that Lian Tian had mentioned was between a jewelry shop and a brothel. Although there were many brothels around the city, only one had a lot of red lanterns hanging out during the day, and that was Dream Paradise. Dream Paradise is the most famous brothel in the city and the most expensive one. One night there can cost half a year's salary for a fifth-rank official.

I ran there as fast as I could, taking some shortcuts along the way.

(Five minutes later)

I finally got to the alleyway and saw a group of men cornering someone. I jumped from the roof and blocked the injured person from the rest of the men.

Men: "Who are you?!"

Me: "You don't need to know who I am."

I looked back at general Chu and saw that he was heavily injured. Wounds were all over his body. When I looked back, the men started to attack me. This time I turned my fan into a whip. This way, I could keep them at a distance and general Chu safe.

(Narrator's pov)

At this point, general Chu was barely holding onto his conciseness. He could only see a small figure in front of him fighting off the men and a girl's voice.

BaiLing finished off all the men when her brother came with reinforcement.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

BaiLing: "I'm alright, but he isn't."

BaiLing nodded her head towards general Chu. Zhi Chen looked past his sister and saw that his friend was passed out.

BaiLing: "Let's bring him back first."

Zhi Chen nodded and picked up his friend. Together they brought him back to the medicine shop. Upon arriving, BaiLing had uncle Su prepare a treatment room for her. Afterward, he went to notify her grandpa. Once he heard the news, he came to see how the general was doing.

Li Qiang: "How is he?"

BaiLing: "There's poison on the swords. He's poisoned."

Zhi Chen: "Is it bad?"

BaiLing: "Not too bad. But I can't guarantee he'll live for more than six hours if he had met someone else."

Li Qiang: "Then I'll leave it in your hands."

BaiLing nodded, and her grandpa returned to his office to continue his work and watch over Lian Tian.

Zhi Chen: "What can I do to help."

BaiLing: "Ge, help me go notify his family. Uncle Su, please help me prepare hot water, a sterilized dagger, and herbs to combat queen's poison. Also, please help me get some ice blocks and place them around the room."

Zhi Chen: "Alright. I'll be back."

Uncle Su: "Yes, my lady."

After the two of them left, BaiLing pulled out her acupuncture needles and started to block off his meridians, especially the ones leading to his heart.

Soon her brother came back as well as uncle Su. Slowly her brother helped uncle Su place the ice blocks around the room. Once everything she needed was there, uncle Su left the room.

Zhi Chen: "I already sent someone to notify their father. Anything you need help with?"

BaiLing looked up and said.

"Can you help me take off his clothes? I need to clean out his wounds."

Zhi Chen nodded and helped his sister take off his friend's clothes. Once done, he placed them to a side and left the room.

(BaiLing's pov)

Once everyone left, I began to treat general Chu. I first started by cleaning the blood around the wound, and then I took the dagger and scrapped out the rotten flesh. Afterward, I put on some medicine to heal the wounds and bandaged him up. By the time I was done, two hours had gone by, and uncle Su returned with a bowl of medicine. Once the medicine was fed, uncle Su took the bowl away, and I stayed behind to watch after him.

I sat there for another hour when the door creaked open, and Lian Tian's little head peeked in.

Lian Tian: "Jiejie, gege, how is he?"

BaiLing: "Lian Tian, come in. Your brother is fine. He's resting right now."

Lian Tian came over to me and peeked over at his brother. I picked him up and let him sit on my lap.

Me: "Lian Tian, are you cold? Do you want to go outside and stay with gege and grandpa?"

Lian Tian: "I'm not cold. I want to wait for my brother."

Me: "Alright. Let's wait together."

We sat there together for a while. About an hour later, I noticed that Lian Tian had fallen asleep, so I removed my outer coat and covered him up. Not long after, my brother came in and asked.

"Why don't you give him to me and get something to eat?"

Me: "It's alright. I'm not hungry."

Zhi Chen: "Alright. Call if you need me."

I nodded, and he left. After another hour of waiting, I could hear a horse carriage pulling up to the shop. It seems as though the older general Chu has arrived.

(Outside the room)

Zhi Chen: "General Chu, you're here."

General Chu: "Greetings. How are my kids?"

Zhi Chen: "Lian Tian is alright. However, Xiu Ming is injured. He's in the treatment room."

After a couple of steps, the door was open, and in came my grandpa, brother, and general Chu.

Me: "Greetings, general Chu."

General Chu: "Greetings, lady Ming."

After seeing his two sons, he turned to grandpa and said.

"Thank you so much for saving my son."

Li Qiang: "You don't have to thank me. The person you should thank is my granddaughter. She's the one who saved him."

He turned back to me with a surprised look on his face.

General Chu: "You saved my son?"

I nodded my head.

General Chu: "Thank you, thank you so much."

Me: "Please don't worry about it. However, he still needs another round of treatment when he wakes up. The poison in his body is not all out yet."

General Chu: "I understand. Then when will he wake up?"

Me: "The earliest is tomorrow, and the latest is the next day."

Once everything was made clear, a couple servants came in and helped to carry their young master out. General Chu then took Lian Tian and left as well.

After they all left, we closed the shop for the day. While cleaning up the room, my grandpa sat me down before pulling my left sleeve. He took off the bandage and started to clean and treat it. It looked as though I had ripped it open again after the fight. The blood had soaked through the cloth and onto my clothes.

Me: "Thank you, grandpa."

Li Qiang: "I know you want to help people. But please take care of yourself as well."

Me: "I understand."

When everything was done. We closed up the shop, and all went home for the day.