
The Sidekick Shenanigans : Balancing Support in The World of Romance

A melancholic man finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as a supportive character in a dating simulator game. As he navigates this new life, he realizes that his role is to die tragically for the character development of the main target in the female route. Will he be able to handle the pressure and rewrite his fate, or will he succumb to the inevitable tragedy that awaits him? Join him on this hilarious and heartwarming journey as he tries to find meaning in a world where his life is on the line for someone else's romantic storyline.

HydeUs · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 31. He?

The age-old war between the demon realm and the world of humans had "grown wearisome," conveyed the ancient patriarch of the demon king as he unilaterally brought an end to the conflict and purged all recollections associated with it from the minds of humanity.

Why the monotony?

Humanity's feebleness was all too apparent, and their futile attempts to dispatch legions of heroes who easily succumbed to the great-grandfather of the demon king left him increasingly exasperated and disinterested.

Thus, it was decided to wipe clean any evidence that these pitiful humans had ever dared to challenge the might of the demons.

Why the deletion?

It was deemed too pitiful and utterly demeaning for the demon realm to engage in battle against a species fundamentally inferior to them.

They were even the subject of ridicule by the elven forest and angelic kingdoms beyond. Therefore, they halted the war and implanted in the minds of humans the idea to never consider taking over the demon kingdom's territory or challenging it, except to defeat monsters who opposed the demon kingdom's actions and attempted to conquer or attack the human realm.

After hearing this story from her father, the current demon queen found herself spending her days in a state of boredom, seated on her throne.

While managing her demon army, which had been trained for centuries, and overseeing the food supplies for her people, the Demon Queen found all of it to be incredibly dull and monotonous.

Occasionally, she would watch as a few monsters tried to attack human cities, but these small creatures were completely ineffective.

This led her to repeatedly destroy and rebuild her kingdom out of sheer boredom.

After the 2000th reconstruction, the Demon Queen suddenly felt something peculiar, like... something remarkably familiar.

It was as if she saw her father in the midst of vanquishing someone, utilizing his magic.

However, that seemed highly improbable since her father had long passed away.

The sole remaining member of the demon royal family was herself, and she had no interest in entertaining marriage proposals from the goblin chief or the dark elf chief, who persistently sought unions with them. As for the giants and golems... Let's not even consider them.

The demon royal family was a blend of the werewolf lineage, vampire descendants of true demons, and succubi. Yet, with all succubi being female, and the last remaining werewolves and vampires also being female, the demon royal family and their lineage faced certain challenges.

Setting the current matters aside, the Demon Queen's curiosity was piqued as the feeling of deja vu abruptly dissipated from her mind. It was as if the mysterious wielder of dark magic had vanished without a trace, leaving her with a sense of unease tinged with fascination. The uncanny resemblance of this new sorcerer's power to that of her late father's raised questions that demanded answers.

Intrigued by the enigma before her, the Demon Queen gracefully rose from her ornate throne, the flickering torches casting an ethereal glow around her as she made her way through the grand halls of the demon kingdom's imposing castle. Each step echoed with a sense of purpose as she navigated the labyrinthine corridors, her thoughts consumed by the mysteries that lay ahead.


As she reached the special chamber nestled deep within the castle's ancient walls, a hush fell over the surroundings, as if even the shadows held their breath in anticipation of her arrival. This sacred space, steeped in centuries of mystic tradition, was a haven for divination, meditation, and communion with the spirits of dark magic.

The tapestries lining the chamber depicted scenes of battles long past, their threads woven with the stories of heroes and villains, triumphs and tragedies. The air thrummed with a palpable energy, a potent reminder of the powerful magic that coursed through the veins of the demon queen and her ancestors.

With a sense of reverence, the Demon Queen approached the altar at the chamber's center, a flickering brazier casting dancing shadows across her regal features. As she traced her fingers along the intricate carvings adorning the stone surface, a surge of ancient knowledge filled her being, guiding her towards the answers she sought.

In the flickering candlelight, she closed her eyes and focused her mind, calling upon the spirits of dark magic to reveal the identity of the one who dared to wield power akin to that of her father. Through the mists of time and space, a whispered promise echoed in her ears, carrying with it the weight of destiny and the knowledge that the path ahead would be fraught with both danger and revelation.

As she awaited the revelation from the spirit of dark magic, a sense of anticipation and hope swirled within the depths of the Demon Queen's heart. She yearned for the figure to be a male, disregarding his status as the lowest-ranking vampire descendant. The potential to wield such potent dark magic hinted at the possibility of a union sanctioned by the elders, ensuring the continuation of the demon royal lineage. And perhaps, with his presence, the castle would no longer be a desolate place, unrelatable to anyone except her dim-witted attendants.

A veil of mystery enveloped the chamber, broken only by the emerging figure from the luminous pool. The aura of power and darkness exuded from the form, signifying advanced mastery over mystical arts.

At the sight of the masculine figure, the Demon Queen's initial response was one of elation. However, her joy swiftly dissolved into profound disappointment as she realized the individual was a mere young boy.

Furthermore...to her dismay, he turned out to be a mere human. The Demon Queen's heart sank at the realization, for she had hoped for a powerful being of royal lineage to share her throne with. Despite the initial disappointment, curiosity and a hint of intrigue sparkled in her eyes as she pondered the significance of a human possessing such potent dark magic skills.

Little did she know, this encounter would unravel a series of events that would challenge not only her own beliefs but also the fate of the entire demon kingdom.

ㅡAnd his fate.


To Be Continue ?

Maybe just one chap per week. I apologize.

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