
The Sidekick Shenanigans : Balancing Support in The World of Romance

A melancholic man finds himself unexpectedly reincarnated as a supportive character in a dating simulator game. As he navigates this new life, he realizes that his role is to die tragically for the character development of the main target in the female route. Will he be able to handle the pressure and rewrite his fate, or will he succumb to the inevitable tragedy that awaits him? Join him on this hilarious and heartwarming journey as he tries to find meaning in a world where his life is on the line for someone else's romantic storyline.

HydeUs · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 30. Chaos? (5-End)

「After the tension and awkwardness that filled the air following the unexpected proposals, Prince Lysander took a deep breath and stepped forward, determined to address the situation. His parents, the King and Queen of Clover Kingdom, watched with keen interest, curiosity evident in their expressions.」

「"My dear Yuna, Theresa, and Lysandra," Prince Lysander began, his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his chest. "I apologize for the spontaneous and thoughtless nature of my actions. It was never my intention to cause any discomfort or confusion."」

「Yuna's eyes softened at his words, understanding dawning in her gaze. Theresa peeked out from behind her, a small smile playing on her lips. Lysandra, although still visibly shaken, nodded in silent acknowledgment.」

「"It is true that I care for each of you, but in different ways," Prince Lysander continued, his gaze shifting between the three girls. "Yuna, you are my heart's desire, my intended betrothed. Theresa, you are a dear friend, and I value your companionship greatly. And Lysandra, you are like a sister to me, and your acceptance means the world."」

「The tension in the room began to dissipate, replaced by an air of understanding and acceptance. The King and Queen exchanged a knowing look, reassured by their son's sincerity and maturity in handling the delicate situation.」

「"As we move forward, let us cherish the bonds we share and respect each other's feelings," Prince Lysander concluded, a sense of peace washing over him. "For in the end, it is love and understanding that will guide us through any challenges that may come our way."」

「And with those words, a new chapter began for Prince Lysander and the three girls who held a special place in his heart.」


ㅡannnd as if it'll be like that!!!

The party came to an end after a series of tumultuous events, marked by Theresa's family speaking out and protests from Lysandra's father, casting a shadow over the once festive atmosphere in the kingdom. Now, as the nobles filter out of the Kingdom area, discussions about these incidents fill the air.

In the throne room, Prince Lysander stood steadfastly despite the piercing gazes of Theresa's family, Lysandra's father, and his own father, King Clover.

"Once again, I ask... Were you truly joking? If so, you must swiftly apologize to the Theresa Family and Lady Yuna. Fortunately, Heartwood has chosen not to revoke their decision, allowing Lysandra to remain your fiancée. However, your act of proposing to another girl on the day of your engagement with Lysandra is truly disgraceful!" his father's voice reverberated throughout the room.

In the tense silence that followed King Clover's admonition, Prince Lysander felt the weight of his father's words bearing down on him. His gaze shifted from one stern face to another, registering the disappointment and disapproval etched on each countenance.

Prince Lysander let out a sigh, holding firm to his words, yet sensing their futility.

Feeling defeated, he resorted to a cowardly act.

Bowing his head in apology to the spirits that had bestowed him with power, Prince Lysander's whispered plea echoed throughout the room, "Forgive me..."

A strange unease began to settle over the occupants of the throne room as Prince Lysander raised his hand, erasing their memories and replacing them with a false narrative. In this altered reality, the engagement party proceeded without any encounters between Prince Lysander, Lady Lysandra, John, Yuna, or Theresa. The conflict between John and the elderly noblemen was also wiped clean from their minds, all thanks to Prince Lysander's manipulation.

Before Prince Lysander's vision blurred and disappeared after witnessing a swirl of black smoke enveloping him with astonishing speed, akin to a fleeting bolt of lightning.

"Oh! So, it was you who harnessed such power in such a brief span?" someone inquired in a booming voice, as if they had been chortling uncontrollably the entire time.

Struggling to concentrate his sight, Prince Lysander found himself no longer in the throne room, but in a place that was undeniably... ominous. Struggling to concentrate his sight, Prince Lysander found himself no longer in the throne room, but in a place that was undeniably... ominous. The air was thick with an unsettling chill, and shadows danced with a mind of their own. He stood within the realm of demons, a kingdom shrouded in darkness and brimming with malevolent energy. Sinister whispers echoed through the corridors, and eerie crimson flames flickered from torches mounted on the walls, casting grotesque shadows that seemed to come alive. Prince Lysander's heart raced as he realized the perilous depths of the world he had unknowingly trespassed into.

As Prince Lysander gradually refocused his gaze, his attention was immediately seized by the captivating sight before him. Seated in unrivaled elegance upon a throne intricately adorned with sharp thorns and wreathed in a swirling veil of ebony smoke, was the mysterious figure—a woman of ethereal allure and enigmatic power. As the tendrils of darkness dissipated, her form emerged in its full glory, revealing a visage that embodied a perfect fusion of darkness and beauty.

The girl possessed a striking and mature appearance that belied her youthful demeanor, her every feature fashioned with a grace and majesty that spoke of ancient wisdom and regal lineage. Her eyes, twin orbs of bottomless obsidian, held a hypnotic depth that seemed to peer into the very core of Prince Lysander's being, while her silken strands of ebon hair cascaded like a waterfall of shadows around her alabaster countenance, framing it with a softness that defied the harshness of her surroundings.

Crowning her brow was a diadem of twisted thorns, an enigmatic symbol of her authority and dominion, which only served to accentuate the delicate beauty of her porcelain skin. Her regal poise and commanding presence exuded an aura of otherworldly power and grandeur, enveloping the room in a palpable miasma of reverence and awe.

As Prince Lysander beheld the mesmerizing sight before him, he found himself ensnared by the spell of the Demon Queen's exquisite beauty—a beauty so potent, so transcendental, that it seemed to transcend the boundaries of mortal comprehension, leaving him utterly spellbound in her shadowed embrace...


ㅡHold on...A Demon Queen?!


To Be Continue ?

Sorry for the late chapter.

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